The Big Data Partitioning and Mining (BDPM) workshop is a half-day event and co-located with IEEE ICBK 2017. It aims to provide a unique opportunity for researchers and practitioners working on big data processing, data-intensive computing, and big data mining, to exchange innovative ideas and thoughts on knowledge discovery and pattern mining from big data, especially focusing on big data mining, data partitioning, fragmented knowledge management, and big knowledge synthesizing. The workshop invites original research papers belonging to, but not limited to, the following topics
Topics of Interest
Topics covering academic research and industrial applications into Big Knowledge will include, but not limited to:
Data preprocessing for web data, graph data, and big social data
Probabilistic partitioning techniques for structured/unstructuredsemi-structured big data
Graph partitioning theories and methods for big social network data
Pattern synthesizing for partitioned big data
Local pattern analysis for multi-source data
Online learning for big streaming data
Big knowledge management for advertising and business analysis
Knowledge discovery from segmented big data
Global knowledge approximation by analyzing local data
Applications and services of big knowledge in all domains including web, medicine, education, healthcare, and business
Important Dates
Paper submission deadline: 10 May, 2017
Notification of acceptance: 30 May, 2017
Camera-ready of accepted paper: 15 June, 2017
Workshop date: 9-10 August, 2017
Guide Lines for Submission
The submissions should follow IEEE Conference template, with double-column and not exceeded 6 pages. Accepted papers are included in the proceedings of the IEEE ICBK main conference, and will be indexed by EI. Selected best papers are recommended to SCI journal Multimedia Tools and Applications for publication. Please submit your manuscript to the workshop at
### Algorithms in C++, Parts...These chapters lay a solid foundation in the fundamentals of algorithms and data structures, preparing readers for more advanced topics in the subsequent parts of the book.
Graph mining has been studied by the theoretical community extensively in the context of numerous problems such as graph partitioning, node clustering, matching, and connectivity analysis.
He has written several books, the latest being Managing Gigabytes (1999) and Data Mining (2000), both from Morgan Kaufmann. 本书是斯坦福大学信息检索和挖掘课程的首选教材之一,并已成为全球主要大学信息...
• Understand Spark’s evolving role in the Big Data and Hadoop ecosystems • Create Spark clusters using various deployment modes • Control and optimize the operation of Spark clusters and ...
"Optimizing Data Partitioning for Data-Parallel Computing"的主题旨在探讨如何通过有效的数据分区策略提升数据并行计算的性能。以下是该主题涉及的主要知识点: 1. **数据分区**:数据分区是将大数据集分成更小...
essential issue in data mining field and can be used in many data mining tasks. Most of these mining tasks require multiple passes over the database and if the database size is large, which is usually...
Techniques proposed by the database community to find optimal data partitions are not directly applicable when complex user-defined functions and data models are involved. We outline our solution, ...
副标题: The Big Ideas Behind Reliable, Scalable, and Maintainable Systems 出版年: 2017-4-2 页数: 614 内容简介: 深入分析你已经在使用的系统,并学习如何更高效地使用和运维这些系统 通过识别不同工具的...
- **Interpreting Data**: Understanding the format and structure of data in `/proc`. #### Conclusion The "Fedora Linux Toolbox" provides a comprehensive guide to using Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat for ...
该软件包包含: 1.最近引入的自治数据分区算法; 2.离线数据分区演示; 3.在线数据分区演示; 4.一个演示,用于在离线...参考: X.... 460-461,第 65-82 页,2018 年。... 如对代码有任何疑问,请联系Plamen P.... 顾晓伟编程
1.6.4 Data partitioning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 1.6.5 Granular computing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1.6.6 Efficient search algorithms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ....
在《Database Partitioning, Table Partitioning, and MDC for DB2 9》一书中,作者们深入探讨了数据库分区技术的各个方面,包括数据库分区、表分区以及多维聚类(MDC)等技术。 ##### 1.1.1 数据库概念 在讨论...
这包括回归模型的定义(Definition)和几个案例,如“消费者报告信用卡数据”(Example: Consumer Report car data)和“C期数据”(Example: Stage C data (ANOVA method))。回归分析是另一种广泛应用于数据建模的...
### 聚类数据挖掘技术概述 #### 一、引言 聚类作为一种重要的数据分析方法,在统计学、模式识别及机器学习等多个领域受到广泛关注。它通过将数据集划分为若干个相似对象组成的组来简化复杂的数据结构。...
Next, you will learn about data partitioning and consistent hashing in Cassandra through examples and also see high availability features and replication in Cassandra. Finally, you'll learn about ...