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工作中关于Hedge fund




Hedge Funds:Use wide range of complex and sophisticated Investment Strategies

  • Investment Vehicles
  • Big Bets
  • Wide range of assets
  • Specialise in sophisticated investment techniques

Prime Brokerage是为对冲基金提供各类服务的desk:



What is Custody(资金托管),主要是保护客户的资产:(cash,securities,bonds,commodities...)

Clearng...who owes money to whom? who now owns theses securities?(谁欠谁钱,谁拥有这些股票等 )

settlement...Transfer of ownership ,transfer of cash ,exchange for securities 所有权的转移

Asset Servcing including... Dividend payments(利率结算)Managing corporate actions.


Trade Execution(交易执行):


PB’s can execute trades on behalf of clients or other brokers, and earn a fee for doing so…


Execution means Broker or dealer who finalises and processes a trade on behalf of a customer by different types of execution – Trading floor, electroninc (market makers), orders being filled.

Order to the floor --NYSE still uses this method today

internalisation--Broker fills order from it's own inventory

Electronic communications network(ECN)-- Automatically Match Buy and Sell orders electronically to fill an order

Order to Market Makers--Used on exchanges such as the NASDAQ


What is Margin?

Margin= Protection from Risk


Risk = Exposure to things which could harm you

Risk Management = Finding and  measuring those risks so appropriate action can be taken

Margin = Is a way of identifying and protecting yourself from counterparty and market risk


Cash Management and Financing

Cash management and financing, traditionally performed by the Operations side of a Prime Brokerage.

Hedge Funds have LOTS of Cash,Manage client’s cash and provide them with returns on their cash holdings.

In it’s simplest form, financing is a floating line of credit, usually associated to an underlying benchmark like LIBOR.


Client Reporting


As a Prime Broker, we have an obligation to provide our Hedge Fund clients with daily reporting that is accurate and reflect the latest market data and client positions…




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    hedge fund data

    hedge fund data from 1990 to 2013

    Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis using MATLAB-Wiley (2014)

    1. **Hedge Fund Modelling and Analysis using MATLAB**:这本书的标题直接告诉我们,它主要关注的是对冲基金的建模和分析,并且使用了MATLAB这一强大的数值计算和可视化软件作为工具。 2. **Wiley (2014)**:提到...

    Hedge_Fund_Databases:合并 HF 数据库

    Hedge_Fund_Databses 这是为了清理 Eurekahedge 和 BarclayHedge 数据库 A. 合并 Eurekahedge: Execution Order: 01. Hedge_Fund_Databases_Eurekahedge_Clean.R 02. Hedge_Fund_Databases_Eurekahedge_NAV_...




    这些新统计数据的好处在于,它们不断从新数据中“学习”,因此不太可能在适应性市场中受到我们的青睐。 PHF研究人员使用最先进的技术来开发和记录新的统计数据,以挑战那些已逐渐失去其预测能力的旧统计数据,例如...


    对冲基金洞察追踪该项目网站会抓取热门对冲基金的网站,并在表格中显示其文章。 它使用PyQt作为GUI,使用scrapy进行网络抓取,并使用sqlite3作为数据库。 只需双击文章标题即可在线阅读全文。


    但是,在此文件中,我介绍了分析的所有主要发现。 概述 确定了哪些对冲基金策略能够从股票和债券市场取消关联,尤其是在熊市阶段,以及该功能是否可以为多元化的投资组合带来收益(提高风险调整后的业绩和/或最大...


    关于我们 我们是两个西北大学的学生,主修CS,非常兴奋地向大家展示这款游戏。 我们在编码这个过程中玩得很开心,希望每个人都喜欢玩它! 指示 你负责一家对冲基金。 你的目标是在不被警察抓到的情况下尽可能多地...

    Vault Guide to PE & HF Interviews

    《Vault Guide to PE & HF Interviews》是一本专为求职者准备的指南,主要涵盖了私募股权(Private Equity, PE)和对冲基金(Hedge Fund, HF)行业的面试准备。这本书由Vault.com出版,并且根据Colin H. (hjiang4@u....


    在海外,私募基金常被称为private fund或privately offered fund,虽然英文词汇中没有严格的对应词,但与美国市场的对冲基金(hedge fund)有诸多相似之处。早期对冲基金主要在股权市场采用对冲和套利策略,投资人群体...


    私募基金根据投资对象和策略可以分为多种类型,如私募股权基金(Private Equity Fund,PE)、创业投资基金(Venture Capital Fund,VC)、对冲基金(Hedge Fund)等。私募股权基金主要投资于非上市公司的股权,旨在...

    How we decide

     Jonah Lehrer arms us with the tools we need, drawing on cutting-edge research as well as the real-world experiences of a wide range of deciders from airplane pilots and hedge fund investors to ...


    Moon Hedge Fund的QuantResearchDev Projet已迁移到gitlab,现在不再公开更新!!!! 想和我们谈谈吗? : : Quant Research开发人员和交易者开源项目 谁是月亮? 贸易商和编码员社区,希望散布一些良好的逻辑...




    1. 工作表:Excel模板可能包含多个工作表,每个工作表可能对应不同的金融领域,如银行、保险、证券、投资等。 2. 表格布局:通常,中英文对照表格会将中文词汇放在一列,对应的英文词汇放在相邻的列,便于快速查找和...


    私募证券投资基金(Hedge Fund)则主要投资于证券市场产品,通常是非公开募集的资金用于投资公共二级市场。由于法律定义模糊,国内对私募证券投资基金的规模难以准确统计。这类基金通常在特定领域有深入的专业知识,...

    Finance Terms.docx

    2. 对冲基金(Hedge Fund):对冲基金采用多种策略,如做多/做空、事件驱动、相对价值等,以求在各种市场环境中实现收益。它们通常有较高的投资门槛,允许使用杠杆,并可能采取更为灵活的投资策略。 在投资另类投资...

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