

   Docker企业版(Docker EE)专为企业开发和IT团队而设计,这些团队在规模生产中构建,运送和运行关键业务应用程序。 Docker EE集成,认证和支持,为企业提供业界最安全的集装箱平台,使所有应用程序现代化。 有关Docker EE的更多信息,包括购买选项,请参阅
(Docker Enterprise Edition (Docker EE) is designed for enterprise development and IT teams who build, ship, and run business critical applications in production at scale. Docker EE is integrated, certified, and supported to provide enterprises with the most secure container platform in the industry to modernize all applications. For more information about Docker EE, including purchasing options, see Docker Enterprise Edition.)
Docker社区版(Docker CE)是开发人员和小团队的理想选择,希望开始使用Docker并尝试使用基于容器的应用程序。 Docker CE在许多平台上可用,从桌面到云端到服务器。 Docker CE可用于macOS和Windows,并提供本地体验,以帮助您专注于学习Docker。 您可以在单一环境中构建和共享容器并自动化开发管道。(Docker Community Edition (Docker CE) is ideal for developers and small teams looking to get started with Docker and experimenting with container-based apps. Docker CE is available on many platforms, from desktop to cloud to server. Docker CE is available for macOS and Windows and provides a native experience to help you focus on learning Docker. You can build and share containers and automate the development pipeline all from a single environment.)
Docker CE具有稳定和边缘通道。

边缘版本每月发布一次,仅在该月份支持。 如果您在Linux发行版上订阅Edge通道,那么您还应该订阅Stable通道。(Docker CE has both stable and edge channels.

Stable builds are released once per quarter and are supported for 4 months.
Edge builds are released once per month, and are supported for that month only. If you subscribe to the Edge channel on Linux distributions, you should also subscribe to the Stable channel.)
3、docker cloud:
Docker Cloud是由Docker运行的平台,它允许您使用多个云提供商(如Digital Ocean,Packet,SoftLink)部署应用程序,或者携带自己的设备。 有关使用Docker Cloud的更多信息,请参阅Docker Cloud。
(Docker Cloud is a platform run by Docker which allows you to deploy your application using multiple cloud providers such as Digital Ocean, Packet, SoftLink, or to bring your own device. For more information about using Docker Cloud, see Docker Cloud.)

二、 平台支持矩阵
Docker CE和Docker EE在Linux,Cloud,Windows和MacOS平台上运行。 使用以下矩阵为您选择最佳的安装路径。 平台下的链接可直接浏览该平台的安装说明。(Docker CE and Docker EE run on Linux, Cloud, Windows, and macOS platforms. Use the following matrix to choose the best installation path for you. The links under Platform take you straight to the installation instructions for that platform.)



在Linux发行版中,这些版本只会出现在稳定的通道中,而不是边缘通道。 因此,在Linux发行版中,您需要启用这两个通道。


1、Docker for Windows是Docker社区版(CE)应用程序。 Docker for Windows安装包包括在Windows系统上运行Docker所需的一切。 本主题介绍了预安装注意事项,以及如何下载和安装Docker for Windows。

已经有Windows的Docker? 如果您已经安装了Docker for Windows并准备开始使用,请跳到Docker for Windows入门,快速浏览命令行,设置和工具。

寻找发行说明? 获取所有版本的发行说明。
如果您还没有这样做,请安装Docker for Windows。 您可以从稳定或边缘通道下载安装程序。

稳定和边缘安装程序都配有Docker Engine的实验功能,默认情况下启用,并可在Docker Daemon首选项中配置实验模式。 我们建议您禁用生产中的应用程序的实验功能。


有关稳定和边缘渠道的更多信息,请参阅常见问题解答。(If you have not already done so, please install Docker for Windows. You can download installers from the Stable or Edge channel.

Both Stable and Edge installers come with experimental features in Docker Engine enabled by default and configurable on Docker Daemon preferences for experimental mode. We recommend that you disable experimental features for apps in production.

On both channels, we welcome your feedback to help us as the apps evolve.

For more about Stable and Edge channels, see the FAQs.
(1)Stable channel:
这个安装程序是完全烘烤和测试。 如果您想要一个可靠的平台来使用,这是最好的渠道。 这些版本遵循Docker Engine稳定版本。


稳定的建筑每季度发布一次。(This installer is fully baked and tested. This is the best channel to use if you want a reliable platform to work with. These releases follow the Docker Engine stable releases.

On this channel, you can select whether to send usage statistics and other data.

Stable builds are released once per quarter.)
(2)边缘通道(Edge channel):
这个新的安装程序包括对Windows Server 2016的实验性支持,作为Docker for Windows和Engine的最新Edge版本的一部分。

如果您想要更快地获得实验功能,并且可以忍受一些不稳定性和错误,请使用此频道。 我们全面收集Edge版本上的所有使用数据。

边缘版本每月发布一次。(This new installer includes experimental support for Windows Server 2016 as a part of the latest Edge release of Docker for Windows and Engine.

Use this channel if you want to get experimental features faster, and can weather some instability and bugs. We collect all usage data on Edge releases across the board.

Edge builds are released once per month.)
(3)Legacy Edge installer:历史的边缘通道

但是,如果您有新的安装程序体验问题,您可以使用旧版边缘安装程序,并仍然获得所有其他边缘功能。(We recommend that all Edge users try the new installer.

However, if you have problems with the new installer experience, you can use the legacy Edge installer and still get all other Edge features.)

(1)Docker for Windows需要64位Windows 10 Pro和Microsoft Hyper-V。 在安装完整的先决条件列表之前,请查看要知道的内容。(Docker for Windows requires 64bit Windows 10 Pro and Microsoft Hyper-V. Please see What to know before you install for a full list of prerequisites.)
(2)您可以在Edge和Stable版本之间切换,但您一次只能安装一个应用程序。 此外,在安装其他版本之前,您需要保存图像并导出要保留的容器,然后再卸载当前版本。 有关更多信息,请参阅有关稳定和边缘通道的常见问题。(You can switch between Edge and Stable versions, but you must have only one app installed at a time. Also, you will need to save images and export containers you want to keep before uninstalling the current version before installing another. For more about this, see the FAQs about Stable and Edge channels.)
1、Docker Toolbox和Docker Machine用户的README FIRST:Docker for Windows需要运行Microsoft Hyper-V。 启用Hyper-V后,VirtualBox将不再工作,但任何VirtualBox VM映像将保留。 使用docker-machine(包括通常在Toolbox安装期间创建的默认虚拟机)创建的VirtualBox VM将不再启动。 这些虚拟机不能与Docker for Windows并行使用。 但是,您仍然可以使用docker-machine来管理远程VM。(README FIRST for Docker Toolbox and Docker Machine users: Docker for Windows requires Microsoft Hyper-V to run. After Hyper-V is enabled, VirtualBox will no longer work, but any VirtualBox VM images will remain. VirtualBox VMs created with docker-machine (including the default one typically created during Toolbox install) will no longer start. These VMs cannot be used side-by-side with Docker for Windows. However, you can still use docker-machine to manage remote VMs.)
2、目前版本的Docker for Windows在64位Windows 10 Pro,Enterprise和Education(11月15日更新,Build 10586或更高版本)上运行。 将来我们将支持更多版本的Windows 10。(The current version of Docker for Windows runs on 64bit Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise and Education (1511 November update, Build 10586 or later). In the future we will support more versions of Windows 10.)
3、使用Docker for Windows创建的容器和图像在其安装的计算机上的所有用户帐户之间共享。 这是因为所有Windows帐户都将使用相同的虚拟机来构建和运行容器。 将来,Docker for Windows将更好地隔离用户内容。(Containers and images created with Docker for Windows are shared between all user accounts on machines where it is installed. This is because all Windows accounts will use the same VM to build and run containers. In the future, Docker for Windows will better isolate user content.)
4、必须启用Hyper-V软件包才能使Docker for Windows工作。 如果需要,Docker for Windows安装程序将为您启用。 (这需要重启)。 如果您的系统不满足这些要求,您可以安装Docker Toolbox,它使用Oracle Virtual Box而不是Hyper-V。(The Hyper-V package must be enabled for Docker for Windows to work. The Docker for Windows installer will enable it for you, if needed. (This requires a reboot). If your system does not satisfy these requirements, you can install Docker Toolbox, which uses Oracle Virtual Box instead of Hyper-V.)
5、必须启用虚拟化。 通常,默认情况下启用虚拟化。 (请注意,这与启用Hyper-V不同。)有关详细信息,请参阅故障排除中的虚拟化。(Virtualization must be enabled. Typically, virtualization is enabled by default. (Note that this is different from having Hyper-V enabled.) For more detail see Virtualization must be enabled in Troubleshooting.)
6、嵌套的虚拟化方案,例如在VMWare或Parallels实例上运行Docker for Windows,可能会起作用,但不能保证(即不正式支持)。 有关更多信息,请参阅在嵌套虚拟化场景中运行Docker for Windows(Nested virtualization scenarios, such as running Docker for Windows on a VMWare or Parallels instance, might work, but come with no guarantees (i.e., not officially supported). For more information, see Running Docker for Windows in nested virtualization scenarios)
7、Docker for Windows安装包括:安装提供Docker Engine,Docker CLI客户端,Docker Compose和Docker Machine。(What the Docker for Windows install includes: The installation provides Docker Engine, Docker CLI client, Docker Compose, and Docker Machine.)

六、Docker Toolbox Overview
传统桌面解决方案。 Docker Toolbox适用于不符合Docker for Mac和Docker for Windows要求的旧版Mac和Windows系统。 如果可能,我们建议更新到较新的应用程序。(Legacy desktop solution. Docker Toolbox is for older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows. We recommend updating to the newer applications, if possible.)
Docker Toolbox是一个用于在较旧的Mac和Windows系统上快速设置和启动Docker环境的安装程序,这些环境不符合新的Docker for Mac和Docker for Windows应用程序的要求。(Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on older Mac and Windows systems that do not meet the requirements of the new Docker for Mac and Docker for Windows apps.)
2、What’s in the box
Toolbox includes these Docker tools:

Docker Machine for running docker-machine commands

Docker Engine for running the docker commands

Docker Compose for running the docker-compose commands

Kitematic, the Docker GUI

a shell preconfigured for a Docker command-line environment

Oracle VirtualBox




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    安装命令通常是`sudo dpkg -i docker-ce_*.deb`,其中`*`代表具体的版本号。 接下来,安装NVIDIA-docker需要几个步骤。首先,确保你的系统已经安装了NVIDIA驱动。在Ubuntu上,可以使用`apt-get install nvidia-...

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    get-docker.sh docker安装脚本,可直接执行 sh get-docker.sh --mirror Aliyun 安装


    sudo yum install -y docker-ce docker-ce-cli containerd.io ``` 5. 启动Docker服务并设置开机启动: ```bash sudo systemctl start docker sudo systemctl enable docker ``` 接下来,我们处理NVIDIA-...


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    sudo systemctl daemon-reload 依次执行此命令,如果 事先安装了containerd.io 则需要先进行 rpm -qa | grep containerd.io查询,然后再rpm -e XX进行卸载,如果 运行nvidia-docker之后 还出现 /usr/bin/nvidia-...


    3. 启动并启用NVIDIA Docker插件:`sudo systemctl start nvidia-docker-plugin && sudo systemctl enable nvidia-docker-plugin` 4. 验证安装:`docker run --rm --gpus all nvidia/cuda:10.0-base nvidia-smi` ...


    1.包含docker安装的包及依赖包 2.包含docker-compose安装的包及依赖包 3.基于RedHat系统的nvidia驱动包 4.nvidia-docker2驱动安装包及依赖包 5.安装命令简介 下载之后,可以在无网的环境下离线安装。


    这个压缩包文件“nvidia-docker2.zip”包含了安装nvidia-docker2所需的RPM包,这些包是专为Docker 18.03.0版本设计的。 在压缩包内,我们发现了以下五个关键文件: 1. **nvidia-container-runtime-2.0.0-1.docker...


    tar -zxvf docker-19.03.9.tgz 进入解压后的文件夹,并使用rpm命令进行安装。例如: bash cd docker-19.03.9 rpm -Uvh *.rpm --nodeps --force 注意:这将会自动安装所有依赖项并强制覆盖已有的文件。


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