hashcat, advanced password recovery
Usage: hashcat [options] hashfile [mask|wordfiles|directories]
* General:
-m, --hash-type=NUM Hash-type, see references below
-a, --attack-mode=NUM Attack-mode, see references below
-V, --version Print version
-h, --help Print help
--quiet Suppress output
* Attack modes:
0 = Straight(字典破解)
1 = Combination
2 = Toggle-Case
3 = Brute-force
4 = Permutation
5 = Table-Lookup
8 = Prince
* Hash types:
0 = MD5
10 = md5($pass.$salt)
20 = md5($salt.$pass)
30 = md5(unicode($pass).$salt)
40 = md5($salt.unicode($pass))
50 = HMAC-MD5 (key = $pass)
60 = HMAC-MD5 (key = $salt)
root@kali2:~/Desktop# hashcat -a 0 -m 0 test.txt superdict.txt
- -a 0 代表使用字典破解模式;
- -m 0代表Hash Type为md5;
- test.txt里保存要破解的Hash值;
root@kali2:~/Desktop# cat test.txt
- superdict.txt代表字典文件
root@kali2:~/Desktop# head superdict.txt feitong!@# abc123!@# sh%4#2! nl123456 sy8106237 %null% admin administrator administrators 12345
root@kali2:~/Desktop# hashcat -a 0 -m 0 test.txt superdict.txt Initializing hashcat v2.00 with 4 threads and 32mb segment-size... Added hashes from file test.txt: 2 (1 salts) cf7be73c856c99c0fe02a78a562375c5:wolegequ [s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [b]ypass [q]uit => Input.Mode: Dict (superdict.txt) Index.....: 1/1 (segment), 635686 (words), 5994851 (bytes) Recovered.: 1/2 hashes, 0/1 salts Speed/sec.: 4.54M plains, 4.54M words Progress..: 635686/635686 (100.00%) Running...: --:--:--:-- Estimated.: --:--:--:-- Started: Fri Jun 24 04:55:31 2016 Stopped: Fri Jun 24 04:55:33 2016
- 指定保存hash文件还有字典文件的时候,linux环境下不要忘记文件路径
- 破解成功的概率取决于你的字典是否给力,因此选个给力的字典很有必要。
hashcat-utils Hashcat-utils are a set of small utilities that are useful in advanced password cracking Brief description They all are packed into multiple stand-alone binaries. All of these utils ...
内容描述:用于crypto中hash爆破的强大工具。 优势:相较于其他hash工具,具有更快的算力,使用方便简洁。 适用:适用于md5,sha256等典型hash加密方式,反推出所需的源码。
hashcat + john-1.9.0-jumbo-1-win64, 哈希运算,破解工具
hashcat-6.1.1 hashcat-6.1.1 hashcat-6.1.1hashcat-6.1.1hashcat-6.1.1hashcat-6.1.1
hashcat-utils, 在高级密码破解中,有用的小工具 hashcat工具hashcat是一组小工具,在高级密码破解中非常有用简要说明它们都被打包成多个独立的二进制文件。所有这些工具都被设计为只执行一个特定的函数。因为它们都...
当前最强大的开源密码恢复工具,你可以访问Hashcat.net网站来了解这款工具的详细情况。本质上,Hashcat 3.0是一款高级密码恢复工具,可以利用CPU或GPU资源来攻击160多种哈希类型的密码
This version combines the previous CPU-based hashcat (now called hashcat-legacy) and GPU-based oclHashcat. Hashcat is released as open source software under the MIT license. Current Version ...
使用aircrack-ng工具配合python自动跑包,自动将字典分割,生成小字典跑包,可以中断!100M字典跑完自动保存已经跑过的字典,以便下次继续任务。 请阅读文章链接 ...
在Hashcat诞生之前已经有一些近乎完美的密码破解工具,例如“PasswordsPro”、“John The Ripper”,2009年出世的Hashcat则实现了对于现代CPU多内核的利用。 Hashcat在操作系统上支持Windows 7/8/10、Apple OS X ...
密码破解工具 hashcat
hashcat- hashcat- hashcat- hashcat-
hashcat使用CPU/GPU破译(系统密码、wifi,rar、MD5), Cracking WPA/WPA2 with oclHashcat:...在线cap转为hccap格式:https://hashcat.net/cap2hccap/ Git:https://github.com/hashcat/hashcat
hashcat is the world’s fastest and most advanced password recovery tool. This version combines the previous CPU-based hashcat (now called hashcat-legacy) and GPU-based oclHashcat. Hashcat is ...
目前GPU的速度越来越快,使用GPU超强的运算速度进行暴力密码破解也大大提高了成功率,曾经看到老外用26块显卡组成的分布式破解神器让我羡慕 不已。要说目前最好的GPU破解HASH的软件,非HashCat莫属了。下面我就为...
Hashcat is the self-proclaimed world's fastest password recovery tool. It had a proprietary code base until 2015, but is now released as free software. Versions are available for Linux, OS X, and ...
hashcat-legacy, 基于高级CPU的密码恢复实用程序 Hashcatibm Hashcat OS X 为 Windows 7/8/10, Apple提供了基于cpu的密码恢复实用程序,支持 100种独特的攻击模式,支持种优化的...许可证在MIT许可证下许可的Hashcat 是