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insert into z_nm_site_ent(site_ent_id,ent_name) select site_ent_id,shop_name from z_nm_test
--这部分数据直接插入到主体和店铺中,但是需要关联上 且不在主体表中存在的
select *
from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL a
where exists (select 1
from (select count(1), shop_name
group by shop_name
having(count(1) = 1)) b where a.shop_name=b.shop_name) and zc_name is null
-- 这部分数据是名称有重复的,所以主体只能插入一条 (查询name重复的数据条数)
select count(1),shop_name from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL where zc_name is null group by shop_name having(count(1)>1)
-- 需要把这些名称对应的店铺关联上
--- zc_name 不为空的
select count(1),zc_name from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL where zc_name is not null group by zc_name
-- 同样把主体ID关联过来
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=replace(EV_TIME,' ','')
where length(EV_TIME)>10 and EV_TIME like '% %' and length(EV_TIME)<12
select case
to_date(EV_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=EV_TIME || '/1' where length(EV_TIME)=6
--查询指定字符串 在该字段中出现的次数
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=EV_TIME || '/1' where LENGTHB(TRANSLATE(EV_TIME,'/'|| EV_TIME,'/'))!=2;
insert into z_nm_evaluation(EV_ID,SHOP_ID,EV_TIME,EV_USER,EV_CONTENT,IS_BAD,GOOD_ID)
select EV_ID,SHOP_ID,
case when
to_date(EV_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
,EV_USER,EV_CONTENT,IS_BAD,GOOD_ID from z_nm_evment_all
---两表关联 批量修改sql
update z_nm_site_ent a set a.ssgss=(select b.ssgss from z_nm_site_ent_info b where b.ent_name=a.ent_name and rownum =1)
where a.ent_name in (select b.ent_name from z_nm_site_ent_info b)
修改同一张表中的重复数据, 把字段不为空的那一条数据字段 更新到字段为空的另一条数据字段中, z_nm_shop_id为重复数据的标识中间表(select shop_id from nm_shop group by shop_id having(count(1)>1) 例如重复数据的shop_id相同)
update nm_shop w
set w.ev_num =
(select ev_num
from nm_shop b
where exists
(select 1 from z_nm_shop_id h where h.shop_id = b.shop_id)
and ev_num is not null
and rownum = 1)
where w.ev_num is null
and exists (select 1 from z_nm_shop_id n where n.shop_id=w.shop_id)
update a_a_nm_shop_45 a set a.type_code=
(select b.shop_sub_type from nm_shop_type b where a.shop_id=b.shop_id and rownum=1)
delete from z_reg_bus_ent a
where rowid!=(select max(rowid) from z_reg_bus_ent b where a.ent_name=b.ent_name)
select * from nm_evaluation where to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%'
insert into nm_evaluation
select ev_id, shop_id,to_date(ev_time,'yyyy-mm-dd'),ev_user,to_number(ev_num),ev_content,is_bad,add_time,ev_title,good_id from a_a_nm_evment_45
select a.shop_id as 店铺编号,a.shop_name as 店铺名称,
a.platform_code as 平台编号,a.shop_address as 店铺地址 ,a.shop_url as url,
a.ev_num as 总评数量,a.bad_ev_num as 总差评数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-01%') as 啊1月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-01%') as 啊1月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-02%') as 啊2月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-02%') as 啊2月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-03%') as 啊3月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-03%') as 啊3月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and (to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%' or to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-05%' )) as 啊45月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and (to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%' or to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-05%' )) as 啊45月差评论数
from aa_nm_shop_1_5 a
insert into z_nm_site_ent(site_ent_id,ent_name) select site_ent_id,shop_name from z_nm_test
--这部分数据直接插入到主体和店铺中,但是需要关联上 且不在主体表中存在的
select *
from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL a
where exists (select 1
from (select count(1), shop_name
group by shop_name
having(count(1) = 1)) b where a.shop_name=b.shop_name) and zc_name is null
-- 这部分数据是名称有重复的,所以主体只能插入一条 (查询name重复的数据条数)
select count(1),shop_name from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL where zc_name is null group by shop_name having(count(1)>1)
-- 需要把这些名称对应的店铺关联上
--- zc_name 不为空的
select count(1),zc_name from Z_NM_SHOP_ALL where zc_name is not null group by zc_name
-- 同样把主体ID关联过来
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=replace(EV_TIME,' ','')
where length(EV_TIME)>10 and EV_TIME like '% %' and length(EV_TIME)<12
select case
to_date(EV_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=EV_TIME || '/1' where length(EV_TIME)=6
--查询指定字符串 在该字段中出现的次数
update z_nm_evment_all set EV_TIME=EV_TIME || '/1' where LENGTHB(TRANSLATE(EV_TIME,'/'|| EV_TIME,'/'))!=2;
insert into z_nm_evaluation(EV_ID,SHOP_ID,EV_TIME,EV_USER,EV_CONTENT,IS_BAD,GOOD_ID)
select EV_ID,SHOP_ID,
case when
to_date(EV_TIME,'yyyy-MM-dd hh24:mi:ss')
,EV_USER,EV_CONTENT,IS_BAD,GOOD_ID from z_nm_evment_all
---两表关联 批量修改sql
update z_nm_site_ent a set a.ssgss=(select b.ssgss from z_nm_site_ent_info b where b.ent_name=a.ent_name and rownum =1)
where a.ent_name in (select b.ent_name from z_nm_site_ent_info b)
修改同一张表中的重复数据, 把字段不为空的那一条数据字段 更新到字段为空的另一条数据字段中, z_nm_shop_id为重复数据的标识中间表(select shop_id from nm_shop group by shop_id having(count(1)>1) 例如重复数据的shop_id相同)
update nm_shop w
set w.ev_num =
(select ev_num
from nm_shop b
where exists
(select 1 from z_nm_shop_id h where h.shop_id = b.shop_id)
and ev_num is not null
and rownum = 1)
where w.ev_num is null
and exists (select 1 from z_nm_shop_id n where n.shop_id=w.shop_id)
update a_a_nm_shop_45 a set a.type_code=
(select b.shop_sub_type from nm_shop_type b where a.shop_id=b.shop_id and rownum=1)
delete from z_reg_bus_ent a
where rowid!=(select max(rowid) from z_reg_bus_ent b where a.ent_name=b.ent_name)
select * from nm_evaluation where to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%'
insert into nm_evaluation
select ev_id, shop_id,to_date(ev_time,'yyyy-mm-dd'),ev_user,to_number(ev_num),ev_content,is_bad,add_time,ev_title,good_id from a_a_nm_evment_45
select a.shop_id as 店铺编号,a.shop_name as 店铺名称,
a.platform_code as 平台编号,a.shop_address as 店铺地址 ,a.shop_url as url,
a.ev_num as 总评数量,a.bad_ev_num as 总差评数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-01%') as 啊1月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-01%') as 啊1月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-02%') as 啊2月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-02%') as 啊2月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-03%') as 啊3月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-03%') as 啊3月差评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and (to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%' or to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-05%' )) as 啊45月总评论数,
(select count(1) from nm_evaluation b where b.shop_id=a.shop_id and b.is_bad='1' and (to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-04%' or to_char(to_date(ev_time),'yyyy-mm-dd') like '%2017-05%' )) as 啊45月差评论数
from aa_nm_shop_1_5 a
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在Oracle PL/SQL中,我们可以通过使用SQL语句来与数据库进行交互,例如SELECT用于查询数据,INSERT、UPDATE和DELETE用于修改数据。PL/SQL还提供了游标(CURSOR)机制,允许我们逐行处理查询结果。此外,PL/SQL还支持...
本书是专门为oracle应用开发人员提供的sql和pl/sql编程指南。通过学习本书,读者不仅可以掌握oracle常用工具oracle universal installer、net comfiguration assistant、sql developer、sql*plus的作用及使用方法...
ORACLE PL/SQL是从入门到精通的专业知识,涵盖了数据库开发与管理的多个方面,包括触发器、过程、函数、软件包、异常处理、游标、循环、分支、变量使用、数据库安装等关键知识点。 触发器是数据库中用来保证数据...
6. **游标**:在处理大量数据时,游标允许逐行处理结果集,常用于循环操作和动态SQL。 7. **存储过程和函数**:这些是预编译的SQL和PL/SQL代码块,可以封装复杂的业务逻辑,提高代码复用性和执行效率。 8. **事务...
在企业级应用中,有时需要在不同的数据库系统间进行数据迁移或兼容性处理,这就涉及到了SQL Server到Oracle的数据转换。本篇文章将详细探讨如何利用工具实现SQL Server自动生成SQL语句并转换到Oracle。 首先,标题...
3. **Oracle SQL参考**:这是Oracle SQL语法的权威指南,涵盖DML(数据操纵语言)如INSERT、UPDATE、DELETE,DDL(数据定义语言)如CREATE、ALTER、DROP,以及查询语言SELECT。它详细解释了各种连接(JOIN)类型、子...
### Oracle SQL Developer 使用教程 #### 一、Oracle Database Home Page 的使用 在开始介绍 Oracle SQL Developer 的使用之前,我们先来看看如何使用 Oracle Database Home Page。这部分内容非常重要,因为它是...
1. **数据类型**:Oracle支持的数据类型如NUMBER、LONG、RAW等在MySQL中可能需要转换为DECIMAL、TEXT或BLOB。例如,Oracle的NUMBER可以转换为MySQL的DECIMAL或FLOAT,LONG可以转换为TEXT。 2. **分页查询**:Oracle...
### Oracle PL/SQL 语言袖珍参考手册第五版 (2015) 知识点概览 #### 核心内容概述 《Oracle PL/SQL 语言袖珍参考手册》(第五版)由三位专家Steven Feuerstein、Bill Pribyl和Chip Dawes共同编著,是一本专为Oracle...
在Oracle 10g中,SQL支持各种操作,如DDL(Data Definition Language)用于定义数据库结构,DML(Data Manipulation Language)用于处理数据,以及DCL(Data Control Language)用于控制数据库访问权限。通过学习...
- `bit`在SQL Server中没有直接对应的Oracle数据类型,但可以近似用单字节的`NUMBER(1)`表示。 - `datetime`和`smalldatetime`在SQL Server中对应Oracle的`DATE`,表示日期和时间。 - `decimal`和`numeric`在SQL ...
标题“sqlserver转oracle”指的是将SQL Server数据库中的数据迁移或同步到Oracle数据库的过程。这个过程通常发生在组织更换数据库系统,或者需要在不同数据库平台之间共享数据时。下面将详细介绍这个过程中涉及的...
通过学习和掌握这些知识点,开发者可以有效地在Oracle 10g环境中管理和操作数据库,进行高效的数据处理和应用程序开发。这些文档(如SQL语句的各章节)将详细解释上述概念,为深入理解Oracle SQL和PL/SQL提供了全面...
### 从 SQL Server 迁移大批量数据到 Oracle 在 IT 领域,数据库迁移是一项常见的任务,尤其是在企业级应用中。随着业务的发展和技术的进步,企业可能需要将现有的 SQL Server 数据库迁移到 Oracle 数据库。本文将...