JScheme: 简介 https://www.iteye.com/blog/lobin-2374928
JScheme: dj https://www.iteye.com/blog/lobin-2397919
> (do ((i 1 (+ i 1)) (j 1 (+ j 1)) (k 1 (+ k 1))) ((and (> j 4) (> i 10) (> i 20))) ((lambda (x) (display x) (newline)) j))
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 $81 = unspecified在上面例子中,do循环内部也是一种调用方式:这里定义了一个匿名函数
(lambda (x) (display x) (newline))接受1个参数,直接输出&换行。
((lambda (x) (display x) (newline)) j)
> (define fx (lambda (x) (display x) (newline))) $86 = (lambda ?? (x)...) > (fx 100) 100 $87 = #t
> (do ((lst (list 1 2 3 4 5 6) )) ((<= (length lst) 0)) (display (car lst)) (newline) (set! lst (cdr lst))) 1 2 3 4 5 6 $5 = unspecified
> (do ((lst (list 1 2 3 4 5 6) (set! lst (cdr lst)) )) ((<= (length lst) 0)) (display (car lst)) (newline)) 1 2 3 4 5 6 $6 = unspecified
> (define lst (list 1 2 3 4 5 6)) $7 = (1 2 3 4 5 6) > (do () ((<= (length lst) 0)) (display (car lst)) (newline) (set! lst (cdr lst))) 1 2 3 4 5 6 $8 = unspecified
(define tree (list 0 (list (list #'a' 1 2 3) ; 0 (list #'b' 4 5) ; 1 (list #'c') ; 2 (list #'d' 6) ; 3 (list #'e') ; 4 (list #'f') ; 5 (list #'g' 7 8 9) ; 6 (list #'h') ; 7 (list #'i') ; 8 (list #'j' 10 11 12 13 14 15 16) ; 9 (list #'k') ; 10 (list #'l') ; 11 (list #'m') ; 12 (list #'n') ; 13 (list #'o') ; 14 (list #'p' 17) ; 15 (list #'q') ; 16 (list #'r' 18) ; 17 (list #'s' 19) ; 18 (list #'t' 20 21 22 23 24 25) ; 19 (list #'u') ; 20 (list #'v') ; 21 (list #'w') ; 22 (list #'x') ; 23 (list #'y') ; 24 (list #'z')))) ; 25 (define iterate (lambda (t) (let* ((t0 (car (cdr t))) (i (car t)) (node (list-ref t0 i))) ;(display (car node)) ;; search the children of node, which the parent is node, with parent index is i (let ((vn (list (list node i))) (nvn (list))) (do () ((<= (length vn) 0)) (map (lambda (x) ;(display "searched node:") ;(newline) (display (list-ref x 0)) (newline) (let ((children (cdr (list-ref x 0)))) ;(display children) (if (> (length x) 1) (for-each (lambda (z) ;(display z) (set! nvn (cons (list (list-ref t0 z) z) nvn))) children))) ) vn) (set! vn (reverse nvn)) (set! nvn (list)) ;(display vn) (newline) ) ) ) ) )
> (iterate tree) (a 1 2 3) (b 4 5) (c) (d 6) (e) (f) (g 7 8 9) (h) (i) (j 10 11 12 13 14 15 16) (k) (l) (m) (n) (o) (p 17) (q) (r 18) (s 19) (t 20 21 22 23 24 25) (u) (v) (w) (x) (y) (z) $7 = unspecified
(define tree (list 0 (list (list #'a' -1) (list #'z' 0) (list #'c' 0) (list #'x' 0) (list #'e' 0) (list #'f' 0) (list #'g' 0) (list #'h' 1) (list #'i' 1) (list #'j' 1) (list #'k' 1) (list #'l' 2) (list #'m' 2) (list #'n' 3) (list #'o' 3) (list #'p' 3) (list #'q' 5) (list #'r' 6) (list #'s' 6) (list #'t' 6) (list #'u' 6) (list #'v' 6) (list #'w' 6) (list #'d' 6) (list #'y' 6) (list #'b' 6)))) (define iterate (lambda (t) (let* ((t0 (car (cdr t))) (i (car t)) (node (list-ref t0 i))) ;(display (car node)) ;; search the children of node, which the parent is node, with parent index is i (let ((vn (list (list node i))) (ii 0) (nvn (list))) (do () ((<= (length vn) 0)) (map (lambda (x) ;(display "searched node:") ;(newline) (display (list-ref x 0)) (newline) (map (lambda (z) (if (= (list-ref z 1) (list-ref x 1)) (set! nvn (cons (list z ii) nvn))) (set! ii (+ ii 1))) t0) (set! ii 0) ) vn) (set! vn (reverse nvn)) (set! nvn (list)) ;(display vn) (newline) )) )))
> (iterate tree) (a -1) (z 0) (c 0) (x 0) (e 0) (f 0) (g 0) (h 1) (i 1) (j 1) (k 1) (l 2) (m 2) (n 3) (o 3) (p 3) (q 5) (r 6) (s 6) (t 6) (u 6) (v 6) (w 6) (d 6) (y 6) (b 6) $3 = unspecified
;; ;; (#'a', #'b', #'c', #'d', #'e', #'f', #'g') ;; ;; (#'a', #'c', 10 ) ;; (#'a', #'e', 30 ) ;; (#'a', #'f', 100) ;; (#'b', #'c', 5 ) ;; (#'c', #'d', 50 ) ;; (#'d', #'f', 10 ) ;; (#'e', #'d', 20 ) ;; (#'e', #'f', 60 ) ;; (define g (list (list #'a' #'b' #'c' #'d' #'e' #'f' #'g') (list (list #'a' #'c' 10 ) (list #'a' #'e' 30 ) (list #'a' #'f' 100) (list #'b' #'c' 5 ) (list #'c' #'d' 50 ) (list #'d' #'f' 10 ) (list #'e' #'d' 20 ) (list #'e' #'f' 60 )))) (define r (lambda ;; param map ;; param start represents the start address/node (map start) ;; handle invalid start address/node. (if (not (member start (car map))) (begin (display (string-append "start address/node: " start " is invalid.")) (newline) (throw (IllegalArgumentException. (string-append "start address/node: " start " is invalid."))))) (let* ((s (list start)) ; (a (car map)) ; addresses/nodes (p (list-ref map 1)) ; (dis (let ((t (list))) ; each of t is a tuple: (dis, s), dis represents the dis between the start address/node and the specific address/node. (for-each (lambda (x) (display (string-append "x is == " x)) (newline) (if (.equals start x) ;; (begin (set! t (append t (list (list 0 0))))) ;; (set! t (append t (let ((t0 (list #null))) (for-each (lambda (e) (if (and (.equals (list-ref e 0) start) (.equals (list-ref e 1) x)) (set! t0 (list (list (list-ref e 2) 0))))) p) t0))))) a) t))) (display dis) (newline)) ))
> (r g #'a') x is == a x is == b x is == c x is == d x is == e x is == f x is == g ((0 0) #null (10 0) #null (30 0) (100 0) #null) $18 = #t
Jscheme(方案(在Java中,由Peter Norvig编写)) 这是在找到的代码。 在第一次提交期间,它已准备好在IntelliJ中执行,并略微格式化为更现代的编码标准。 提交为“首次提交”的所有代码均由Peter Norvig编写,并...
基本用法这是一个最简单的示例,用于验证具有一个必须为字符串的属性的对象: // Add a schema.jScheme . add ( 'person' , { name : 'string'} ) ;// Validate a valid object against our first schema.jScheme . ...
JSchemeMin 是一个JVM平台上的Scheme语言实现。 作为R7RS的实现,JSchemeMin支持Scheme的所有标准特性,包括头等公民地位的过程、尾递归优化、继续、用户定义记录、库(包括R7RS附录A中全部语法和过程,不只base)、...
在这个项目中,我们旨在开发用于开发各种Web应用程序(尤其是Servlet和基于xml的Web服务)的方案库。 我们的方法是使用jscheme(Java方案的开源实现)作为核心语言,
Java 平台的影响,包括 Hecl、Jacl、Clojure、Ync/Javascript、Joy、Jv-language、CAL、Aardappel、Funnel、MiniPLAN、SixxBDC Scheme、ABCL、Lisp、PS3i、HotScheme、webLISP、Jaja、JScheme、Skij、Kawauts、...
zClipse是一个用于构建Eclipse(http://www.eclipse.org)插件的项目。 当前正在开发的插件包括:TabNavigator-编辑器增强; JScheme-方案整合; Insectivore-共享的TeamTasks,与Tasks视图集成。