Shell中通过cat配合重定向能够生成文件 cat << EOF >/path/filename EOF
$ cat << EOF >/path/filename # 也可以使用>>对文件进行追加
your content
cat /path/filename
your content
<TR><TD Align=Right ColSpan=7><font face="宋体"><Font Color=Red>总价格=<%=Sum%></Font></font></TD></TR> </TABLE> <Input Type=Submit Value=" 更改数量 "> </Form> <hr> <a href=tj.htm> <font size="5">提交...
<p align="center">本期考试 <font color=red><%=pd%></font> 道判断题,<font color=red><%=xz%></font> 道选择题,<font color=red><%=tk%></font> 道填空题,总分 <font color=red><%=zfen%></font> 分</td> ...
<% '-------------------------------------------------------------------- ' Microsoft ADO ' ' Copyright (c) 1996-1998 Microsoft Corporation. ' ' ' ' ADO constants include file for VBScript ' '---------...
<% do while not (rs.eof or err)%> <tr> <td width="100%" style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: cornsilk"><input type="radio" name="bookchange" value="<%=rs(0)%>"><%=rs(1)%></td> </tr> <%rs.MoveNext loop%...
Response.Write "<tr><th>ID</th><th>Name</th><th>Sex</th><th>Birthday</th><th>Tel</th><th>Email</th></tr>" While Not rs.EOF Response.Write "<tr>" Response.Write "<td>" & rs("id") & "</td>" ...
<td width="202" height="84"><a href="<%=rswebsite("web_firstpage")%>"><img src="<%=rswebsite("web_logo")%>" alt="logo" name="logo" width="200" height="60" border="0" id="logo" /></a></td> <td width=...
IF Request.QueryString("delid")<>"" Then %> <script language="VBScript"> Dim MyVar MyVar=MsgBox("确定要清空该考生考试资料吗?",4) if MyVar=vbYes then <% set rs=server.createobject("ADODB.recordset") ...
if request.QueryString("iPage")<>"" then iPage=CInt(request.QueryString("iPage")) 'if iPage<1 then iPage=1 'if iPage>rs.pageCount then iPage=rs.pageCount else ...
<!--#include file="const.asp" --> <!--#include file="../conn.asp" --> <% if request.cookies("username")="" then ... <div align="center"> [<a href="default.asp">返回主页</a>] </form> </body> </html>
<% While (NOT rs.EOF) %> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width=700 style=" border-bottom:inset #888 thin;"> <tbody><tr> <td height="30" nowrap="nowrap" align=left><img src="img/arrow....
If Intcatid <> 0 Then "select category from category where categoryid="&Intcatid&" ",conn,1,1 strcategory = trim(rs("category")) rs.close strcat = strcat &"-><a href=chknews.asp?catid="&...
<br/>12 MySQL 实用程序<br/>12.1 各种 MySQL 程序概述 <br/>12.2 管理一个 MySQL 服务器 <br/>12.3 从 MySQL 数据库和表中倒出(dump)结构和数据 <br/>12.4 从文本文件导入数据 <br/>12.5 MySQL 压缩只读表生成器 ...
<strong><font color="#0000FF">报名点:</font></strong><font color="#FF0000"><strong><%=bjid%></strong></font> <a href="modi_pass1.asp">修改密码</a> </div> <table border="1" align="center...
"><br> <%<br> sFileName = "alter_manage.asp"<br> tableName = "C_alter"<br> tableName2 = "product"<br> action = Trim(Request.QueryString("action"))<br> %><br> <br> <%<br> Select Case action<br> case ...
<% do until rs.EOF %> <tr> <form method="post" action="delete_record_submit_jerrel.asp"> <% 'show the values of the MID column and create a button for the MID column for each x in rs.Fields if
<title><%=strbiaoti%></title> <meta name="keywords" content="<%=strbiaoti%>" /> <meta name="description" content="<%=strbiaoti%>" /> </head> <body> <h1><%=strbiaoti%></h1> <h5><%=time%></h5> <h2><%=...
根节点下有一个 `<channel>` 元素,它定义了RSS feed的相关信息,包括网站或栏目的标题(`<title>`)、链接(`<link>`)和描述(`<description>`)。频道下可包含多个内容项(`<item>`),每个内容项表示一条具体的...
检查网络cat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/modules-load.d/k8s.confbr_netfilterEOFcat << EOF | sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.confnet.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1...