
Using and hacking Subclipse - the Subversion plugin for Ecli


Subversion (SVN) is a version control system that is a compelling replacement for CVS. It supports several important features missing in CVS, such as versioned renames, directories, and metadata; and atomic commits and remote access over HTTP/HTTPS. Many open-source projects, including projects hosted on BEA's dev2dev CodeShare site, use Subversion as a version control system. There is a short guide on how to set up a command-line SVN client and Tortiose SVN for Windows for CodeShare. However, it would make sense to work with Subversion repositories right from your IDE.

This article describes how to use Subversion with the Eclipse IDE. In particular, it examines the installation and use of the Subclipse plug-in. Along the way, I also show you how to use the resulting configuration to modify or extend the Subclipse plug-in itself.


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