- 最初的生成器变形yield/send
- 引入@asyncio.coroutine和yield from
- 在最近的Python3.5版本中引入async/await关键字
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def old_fib(n): res = [0] * n index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: res[index] = b a, b = b, a + b index += 1 return res print('-'*10 + 'test old fib' + '-'*10) for fib_res in old_fib(20): print(fib_res) |
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def fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: yield b a, b = b, a + b index += 1 print('-'*10 + 'test yield fib' + '-'*10) for fib_res in fib(20): print(fib_res) |
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def stupid_fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: sleep_cnt = yield b print('let me think {0} secs'.format(sleep_cnt)) time.sleep(sleep_cnt) a, b = b, a + b index += 1 print('-'*10 + 'test yield send' + '-'*10) N = 20 sfib = stupid_fib(N) fib_res = next(sfib) while True: print(fib_res) try: fib_res = sfib.send(random.uniform(0, 0.5)) except StopIteration: break |
其中next(sfib)相当于sfib.send(None),可以使得sfib运行至第一个yield处返回。后续的sfib.send(random.uniform(0, 0.5))则将一个随机的秒数发送给sfib,作为当前中断的yield表达式的返回值。这样,我们可以从“主”程序中控制协程计算斐波那契数列时的思考时间,协程可以返回给“主”程序计算结果,Perfect!
yield from是个什么鬼?
yield from用于重构生成器,简单的,可以这么使用:
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def copy_fib(n): print('I am copy from fib') yield from fib(n) print('Copy end') print('-'*10 + 'test yield from' + '-'*10) for fib_res in copy_fib(20): print(fib_res) |
这种使用方式很简单,但远远不是yield from的全部。yield from的作用还体现可以像一个管道一样将send信息传递给内层协程,并且处理好了各种异常情况,因此,对于stupid_fib也可以这样包装和使用:
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def copy_stupid_fib(n): print('I am copy from stupid fib') yield from stupid_fib(n) print('Copy end') print('-'*10 + 'test yield from and send' + '-'*10) N = 20 csfib = copy_stupid_fib(N) fib_res = next(csfib) while True: print(fib_res) try: fib_res = csfib.send(random.uniform(0, 0.5)) except StopIteration: break |
如果没有yield from,这里的copy_yield_from将会特别复杂(因为要自己处理各种异常)。
asyncio.coroutine和yield from
yield from在asyncio模块中得以发扬光大。先看示例代码:
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@asyncio.coroutine def smart_fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: sleep_secs = random.uniform(0, 0.2) yield from asyncio.sleep(sleep_secs) print('Smart one think {} secs to get {}'.format(sleep_secs, b)) a, b = b, a + b index += 1 @asyncio.coroutine def stupid_fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: sleep_secs = random.uniform(0, 0.4) yield from asyncio.sleep(sleep_secs) print('Stupid one think {} secs to get {}'.format(sleep_secs, b)) a, b = b, a + b index += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [ asyncio.async(smart_fib(10)), asyncio.async(stupid_fib(10)), ] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) print('All fib finished.') loop.close() |
asyncio是一个基于事件循环的实现异步I/O的模块。通过yield from,我们可以将协程asyncio.sleep的控制权交给事件循环,然后挂起当前协程;之后,由事件循环决定何时唤醒asyncio.sleep,接着向后执行代码。
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@coroutine def sleep(delay, result=None, *, loop=None): """Coroutine that completes after a given time (in seconds).""" future = futures.Future(loop=loop) h = future._loop.call_later(delay, future._set_result_unless_cancelled, result) try: return (yield from future) finally: h.cancel() |
首先,sleep创建了一个Future对象,作为更内层的协程对象,通过yield from交给了事件循环;其次,它通过调用事件循环的call_later函数,注册了一个回调函数。
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class Future: #blabla... def __iter__(self): if not self.done(): self._blocking = True yield self # This tells Task to wait for completion. assert self.done(), "yield from wasn't used with future" return self.result() # May raise too. |
那么当我们的协程yield from asyncio.sleep时,事件循环其实是与Future对象建立了练习。每次事件循环调用send(None)时,其实都会传递到Future对象的__iter__函数调用;而当Future尚未执行完毕的时候,就会yield self,也就意味着暂时挂起,等待下一次send(None)的唤醒。
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class Task(futures.Future): #blabla... def _step(self, value=None, exc=None): #blabla... try: if exc is not None: result = coro.throw(exc) elif value is not None: result = coro.send(value) else: result = next(coro) #exception handle else: if isinstance(result, futures.Future): # Yielded Future must come from Future.__iter__(). if result._blocking: result._blocking = False result.add_done_callback(self._wakeup) #blabla... def _wakeup(self, future): try: value = future.result() except Exception as exc: # This may also be a cancellation. self._step(None, exc) else: self._step(value, None) self = None # Needed to break cycles when an exception occurs. |
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class Future: #blabla... def _set_result_unless_cancelled(self, result): """Helper setting the result only if the future was not cancelled.""" if self.cancelled(): return self.set_result(result) def set_result(self, result): """Mark the future done and set its result. If the future is already done when this method is called, raises InvalidStateError. """ if self._state != _PENDING: raise InvalidStateError('{}: {!r}'.format(self._state, self)) self._result = result self._state = _FINISHED self._schedule_callbacks() |
这将改变Future的状态,同时回调之前设定好的Tasks._wakeup;在_wakeup中,将会再次调用Tasks._step,这时,Future的状态已经标记为完成,因此,将不再yield self,而return语句将会触发一个StopIteration异常,此异常将会被Task._step捕获用于设置Task的结果。同时,整个yield from链条也将被唤醒,协程将继续往下执行。
弄清楚了asyncio.coroutine和yield from之后,在Python3.5中引入的async和await就不难理解了:可以将他们理解成asyncio.coroutine/yield from的完美替身。当然,从Python设计的角度来说,async/await让协程表面上独立于生成器而存在,将细节都隐藏于asyncio模块之下,语法更清晰明了。
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async def smart_fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: sleep_secs = random.uniform(0, 0.2) await asyncio.sleep(sleep_secs) print('Smart one think {} secs to get {}'.format(sleep_secs, b)) a, b = b, a + b index += 1 async def stupid_fib(n): index = 0 a = 0 b = 1 while index < n: sleep_secs = random.uniform(0, 0.4) await asyncio.sleep(sleep_secs) print('Stupid one think {} secs to get {}'.format(sleep_secs, b)) a, b = b, a + b index += 1 if __name__ == '__main__': loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() tasks = [ asyncio.ensure_future(smart_fib(10)), asyncio.ensure_future(stupid_fib(10)), ] loop.run_until_complete(asyncio.wait(tasks)) print('All fib finished.') loop.close() |
想要继续弄清楚async/await和asyncio.coroutine/yield from的区别,可以看看这篇文章。
在Python中,协程的演化过程经历了从生成器(Generator)到增强型生成器(Enhanced Generators),最终发展到了async/await。 在Python 2.2版本中,PEP 255提出了简单生成器的概念,生成器提供了一种方便的迭代器...
my_coro.send(42) # 发送数据到协程 ``` ##### 2.2 基于 `async/await` 的异步编程 Python 3.5 引入了 `async/await` 语法,这使得编写异步代码变得更加自然和直观。`async def` 定义了一个协程函数,而 `await` ...
- 发送数据到协程:`matcher.send('hello python')`,`send()`方法可以把数据传入协程,并使协程从上次暂停的地方继续执行,就像`yield`的返回值一样。 3. **协程的交互**: - `send()`方法不仅可以传递数据,还...
在Python 3.5及更高版本中,引入了`async`和`await`这两个关键字,使协程的定义和使用变得更加简洁和直观。`async def`用于定义协程函数,而`await`关键字用于在协程内部等待另一个协程的完成。例如: ```python ...
Python 3.5引入了异步IO的核心支持,通过`async`和`await`关键字,使得编写协程(coroutines)更加直观。在3.5.3中,这个功能得到了进一步的完善和优化,使得并发编程更加高效,适用于网络I/O密集型应用。 2. **...
- **`async`和`await`原生协程**:Python 3.5引入的新特性,支持异步编程。 #### 第十三章:AsyncIO并发编程 - **事件循环**:异步编程的核心机制。 - **协程嵌套**:在协程中调用其他协程。 - **`...
生成器的另一个重要应用场景是创建并发或异步代码,尤其是配合`asyncio`库中的`async`和`await`关键字。在这里,`yield from`(Python 3.3+)或`yield`可以用来暂停协程的执行,等待其他任务完成,从而实现非阻塞的I...
`async def`定义了一个协程函数,而`await`用于挂起协程并在等待异步操作完成时恢复执行。 2. **新的字典方法**:Python 3.5对字典类进行了增强,添加了`get_or_default`、`popitem(last=False)`和`keysviews()`等...
其次,Python 3.5引入了异步IO支持,这是通过引入`async`和`await`关键字实现的。这些关键字允许开发者编写非阻塞的并发代码,显著提升了处理I/O密集型任务的效率。`asyncio`库成为了Python标准库的一部分,为编写...