- **Purpose:** `readonly` variables are initialized once and can't be changed, making them suitable for constants that may depend on runtime information. - **Usage:** Use `readonly` for values that ...
Understanding static methods and data 175 Creating a shared field 176 Creating a static field by using the const keyword 177 Understanding static classes 177 Anonymous classes ...180 Summary ............
Java中的`static`关键字在编程中扮演着至关重要的角色,它是Java类定义的一部分,用于修饰类的成员变量、成员方法以及代码块。下面我们将详细探讨`static`变量、`static`方法以及`static`代码块的作用和用法。 1. *...
// Demonstrate static variables, methods, and blocks. class UseStatic { static int a = 3; static int b; static void meth(int x) { System.out.println("x = " + x); System.out.println("a = " + a);...
一、静态变量(Static Variables) 静态变量是属于类的变量,而不是类的实例变量。它们是非线程安全的,因此通常与 final 关键字结合使用,以标识公共资源和常量。静态变量可以通过 ClassName.variableName 的方式...
##### 10.2 引用类变量和类方法(Referring to Class Variables and Methods) - 使用类名来引用静态变量和方法。 ```java MyClass.myStaticMethod(); ``` ##### 10.3 常量(Constants) - 常量应该使用全大写字母...
**10.2 引用类变量和类方法 (Referring to Class Variables and Methods)** - 使用全限定名称引用其他类的方法和变量。 - 示例:`com.example.MyClass.myMethod()`。 **10.3 常量 (Constants)** - 常量应使用大写...
- **Purpose:** `readonly` variables are initialized once and can't be changed, making them suitable for constants that may depend on runtime information. - **Usage:** Use `readonly` for values that ...
类与接口(Class and Interface) ##### 3.1 类和接口命名(Naming Conventions for Classes and Interfaces) - **类名**:使用大驼峰式命名法,首字母大写。例如 `ClassName`。 - **接口名**:同样遵循大驼峰式命名...
Understanding static methods and data 175 Creating a shared field 176 Creating a static field by using the const keyword 177 Understanding static classes 177 Anonymous classes ...180 Summary ............
4.2 The Timer Class....................................................43 4.2.1 Script Breakdown..........................................45 4.3 Spawn Scripts.............................................
3.12 Class...............................................................................................................................................26 3.13 Singular and aggregate types .............