One or more refs/for/ names blocks change upload
With this error message Gerrit rejects to push a commit for code review if the remote git repository has a branch under the 'refs/for/' namespace.
Gerrit uses the 'refs/for/' namespace for magical refs that represent the review queues for branches in the git repository hosted by Gerrit. If, for a project, a real branch is created under the 'refs/for' namespace this conflicts with the namespace reserved for the Gerrit review queues and Gerrit can’t accept further pushes for code review.
To solve this problem all real branches that exist under the 'refs/for/' namespace have to be deleted or renamed in the remote git repository.
To see which branches exist under the 'refs/for/' namespace a Gerrit administrator can run the following command:
$ git for-each-ref refs/for
If all these branches should be deleted it can be done with the following command:
$ for n in $(git for-each-ref --format='%(refname)' refs/for); do git update-ref -d $n; done
Branches under the 'refs/for/' namespace can be created by users that bypass Gerrit and push directly to the git repository itself (not using the Gerrit server’s SSH port).
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具体来说,该命令的作用是将本地的 `master` 分支推送到远程主机 `origin` 上名为 `refs/for/master` 的分支。 #### 具体用法详解 1. **推送当前分支到对应远程分支** ``` git push origin master ``` 这种...
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1.python-3.8.2-amd64.exe 2.numpy-1.18.3-cp35-cp35m-manylinux1_x86_64.whl 3.UltraVNC_1_2_40_X64_Setup.exe 4.noVNC-master 5.websockify-master
对代码进行修改后,不是直接推送到master分支,而是推送到一个待审分支(refs/for/master)。命令如下: ```bash git push ssh:// HEAD:refs/for/master ``` 这样,提交的...
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下载noVNC 下载websockify ...
Github—failed to push some refs to ‘***/git_project.git’解决办法报错详情 报错详情 git version 因为没有提交内容到master,需要先提交 先设置、 ...
V8 JavaScript 引擎 V8 是 Google 的开源 JavaScript 引擎。 V8 实现了 ECMA-262 中指定的 ECMAScript。 V8 是用 C++ 编写的,并在 Google Chrome(Google 的开源浏览器)中使用... fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/
V8 JavaScript引擎 V8是Google的开源JavaScript引擎。 V8实现了ECMA-262中指定的ECMAScript。... fetch = +refs/branch-heads/*:refs/remotes/branch-heads/* fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* 贡献 请
V8 JavaScript引擎 V8是Google的开源JavaScript引擎。 V8实现了ECMA-262中指定的... fetch = +refs/branch-heads/*:refs/remotes/branch-heads/* fetch = +refs/tags/*:refs/tags/* 贡献 请按照提到的说明进行。
2.3. 设置推送目标:使用`git config remote.origin.push refs/heads/*:refs/for/*`命令,配置推送时将本地分支推送到`refs/for/master`分支,这是Gerrit的审查流程要求。 2.4. 安装`commit-msg`钩子:通过`scp -p ...
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