/* ========================================================================== [COMPONENT] React-Resource -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Component for creating http restful requests by using Promises. Written to symbiose with RefluxJs async actions. ========================================================================== */ 'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); // _createClass(Constructor,protoProps,staticProps) 创建构造函数,定义静态方法、原型属性和方法 // protoProps用以定义Constructor.prototype 各属性、方法的访问器属性 // staticProps用以定义Constructor 各属性、方法的访问器属性,[{key,enumerable,configurable,value}]形式 var _createClass = (function () {// 利用自执行匿名函数优化defineProperties书写 function defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ('value' in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; Object.defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } return function (Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; }; })(); exports['default'] = ReactResource; function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { 'default': obj }; } // 构造函数只能通过new关键字调用 function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError('Cannot call a class as a function'); } } var _promise = require('promise'); var _promise2 = _interopRequireDefault(_promise); var _superagent = require('superagent'); var _superagent2 = _interopRequireDefault(_superagent); // lodash工具函数集,类似underscore var _lodash = require('lodash'); var _lodash2 = _interopRequireDefault(_lodash); // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Resource class creator // url用于给actionsConfig中未设置url的action赋值 // mapping为{key:string};后续url中用"{"、"}"括起的string,将被替换成actionname方法解析参数获得的source.key // actionsConfig为{actionname:{url,params,method,isArray}}形式,actionname为添加给Resource的静态方法名 // 使用: // ReactResource(url, mappings, actionsConfig)[actionname]([source],[queryParams],[bodyData],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) // 或者 new ReactResource(url, mappings, actionsConfig)()["$"+actionname]([source],[queryParams],[bodyData],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) function ReactResource(url, mappings, actionsConfig) { // 实例含url、mapping、actionsConfig属性,this.actionsConfig是默认actions和用户配置actions复合后的结果 var resourceConfig = new ResourceConfig(url, mappings, actionsConfig); function Resource(initObject) { // HelpersAndParsers.copyPureAttributes拷贝对象输出,"$"起始的键不拷贝 HelpersAndParsers.copyPureAttributes(initObject, this); ActionsBuilder.createInstanceActions(resourceConfig, this); } ActionsBuilder.createClassActions(resourceConfig, Resource); return Resource; } // 拦截器{response:function(res){},rejection:function(err,res)},引用对象形式处理响应 ReactResource.interceptors = []; ReactResource.add_interceptor = function (interceptorObj) { if (typeof interceptorObj == 'object' && (typeof interceptorObj.response == 'function' || typeof interceptorObj.rejection == 'function')) { ReactResource.interceptors.push(interceptorObj); } }; var ActionsBuilder = (function () { function ActionsBuilder() { _classCallCheck(this, ActionsBuilder); } // 添加静态方法 // ActionsBuilder.createClassActions创建resourceClass.query|get|update|delete|create|[customMethodName]方法,用于发送请求,返回promise // 其中,customMethodName来自用户传入ReactResource的actionsConfig参数{customMethodName:{url,query,method,isArray}} // resourceClass是ReactResource构造函数中的Resource构造函数,即用户调用ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig)返回值 _createClass(ActionsBuilder, null, [{ key: 'createClassActions', value: function createClassActions(resourceConfig, resourceClass) { _lodash2['default'].forEach(Object.keys(resourceConfig.actionsConfig), function (actionName) { resourceClass[actionName] = ActionsBuilder.buildActionFromConfig(actionName, resourceConfig, {}); }); } }, { key: 'createInstanceActions', // resourceClass实例添加方法$query|$get|$update|$delete|$create|["$"+customMethodName][actionName],用于发送请求,返回promise value: function createInstanceActions(resourceConfig, resourceInstance) { _lodash2['default'].forEach(Object.keys(resourceConfig.actionsConfig), function (actionName) { resourceInstance["$" + actionName] = ActionsBuilder.buildActionFromConfig(actionName, resourceConfig, resourceInstance); }); } }, { key: 'buildActionFromConfig', // 构建resourceClass[actionName]函数内容体 value: function buildActionFromConfig(actionName, resourceConfig) { var ModelInstance = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; // 构建resourceClass[actionName]函数内容体 return function () { // 接收resourceClass[actionName]方法传参 for (var _len = arguments.length, args = Array(_len), _key = 0; _key < _len; _key++) { args[_key] = arguments[_key]; } // HelpersAndParsers.parseArgs获取本次请求的promiseConfig,形为{url,source,queryParams,bodyData,resolveFn,rejectFn} // 请求由resourceClass[actionName]发起 // resourceClass[actionName]即ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig)[actionName] // 或new ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig)["$"+actionName] var promiseConfig = HelpersAndParsers.parseArgs.apply(HelpersAndParsers, [actionName, resourceConfig, ModelInstance].concat(args)); return ActionsBuilder.buildPromiseFromAction(actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig); }; } }, { key: 'buildPromiseFromAction', // 发送请求,返回promise value: function buildPromiseFromAction(actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig) { var actionConfig = resourceConfig.actionsConfig[actionName]; return new _promise2['default'](function (resolvePromiseFn, rejectPromiseFn) { var newRequest = _superagent2['default'], actionMethod = actionConfig.method.toUpperCase(); switch (actionMethod) { case 'GET': newRequest = newRequest.get(promiseConfig.url); break; case 'POST': newRequest =; break; case 'PUT': case 'PATCH': newRequest = newRequest.put(promiseConfig.url); break; case 'DELETE': newRequest = newRequest.del(promiseConfig.url); break; } // JSON newRequest.set('Accept', 'application/json'); // 添加url携带参数,get、post请求都有 newRequest.query(_lodash2['default'].merge(_lodash2['default'].cloneDeep(actionConfig.params), promiseConfig.queryParams)); // 添加json格式数据,post请求独有 if (!_lodash2['default'].isEmpty(promiseConfig.bodyData) && ACTIONS_WITH_BODY.indexOf(actionMethod) > -1) { newRequest.send(promiseConfig.bodyData); } newRequest.end(function (err, res) { if (err === null) { _lodash2['default'].forEach(ReactResource.interceptors, function (interceptor) { if (typeof interceptor.response == 'function') interceptor.response(res); }); resolvePromiseFn(res && res.body); if (promiseConfig.resolveFn && typeof promiseConfig.resolveFn == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn(res && res.body); } } else { _lodash2['default'].forEach(ReactResource.interceptors, function (interceptor) { if (typeof interceptor.rejection == 'function') interceptor.rejection(err, res); }); rejectPromiseFn(res && res.body || err); if (promiseConfig.rejectFn && typeof promiseConfig.rejectFn == 'function') { promiseConfig.rejectFn(res && res.body || err); } } }); }); } }]); return ActionsBuilder; })(); // 实例含url、mapping、actionsConfig属性,this.actionsConfig是默认actions和用户配置actions复合后的结果 var ResourceConfig = (function () {// 利用自调用匿名函数,构造函数的静态方法和原型方法赋值 function ResourceConfig(url) { var mappings = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1]; var extraActionsConfig = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; _classCallCheck(this, ResourceConfig); if (!url) throw Error("Cant create resource config without url"); this.url = url; this.mappings = mappings; this.extraActionsConfig = extraActionsConfig;// 默认actions this.defaultActionsConfig = _lodash2['default'].cloneDeep(DEFAULT_ACTIONS_CONFIG);// 用户配置actions this.actionsConfig = {};// 存储复合actions this.buildActionsConfig();// 获取复合actions并存储 } // 添加ResourceConfig.prototype.buildActionsConfig原型方法,this.actionsConfig添加默认及用户配置的actions // 添加ResourceConfig.checkActionConfig静态方法,校验action的{url,params,method,isArray}配置 // 如无url|method,赋值为_this.extraActionsConfig.url|method // 如无params,从_this.extraActionsConfig.url中解析得到 // 如isArray为undfined或null,赋值为false _createClass(ResourceConfig, [{ key: 'buildActionsConfig', value: function buildActionsConfig() { var _this = this; // HelpersAndParsers.uniqueArray数组项去重 var mergedConfigKeys = HelpersAndParsers.uniqueArray( Object.keys(this.defaultActionsConfig).concat(Object.keys(this.extraActionsConfig)) ); _lodash2['default'].forEach(mergedConfigKeys, function (actionName) { // 默认及用户定义的action,{url,params,method,isArray}形式 var defaultActionConfig = _this.defaultActionsConfig[actionName], extraActionConfig = _this.extraActionsConfig[actionName]; if (defaultActionConfig) _this.actionsConfig[actionName] = defaultActionConfig; if (extraActionConfig) { _lodash2['default'].forEach(Object.keys(extraActionConfig), function (extraActionConfigKey) { if (!_this.actionsConfig[actionName]) _this.actionsConfig[actionName] = {}; _this.actionsConfig[actionName][extraActionConfigKey] = extraActionConfig[extraActionConfigKey]; }); } _this.checkActionConfig(actionName); }); } }, { key: 'checkActionConfig', value: function checkActionConfig(actionName) { var actionConfig = this.actionsConfig[actionName]; if (_lodash2['default'].isEmpty(actionConfig.url)) { this.actionsConfig[actionName].url = this.url; } if (_lodash2['default'].isEmpty(actionConfig.params)) { // HelpersAndParsers.extractQueryParams解析url中的查询字符串,对象形式输出 this.actionsConfig[actionName].params = HelpersAndParsers.extractQueryParams(this.actionsConfig[actionName].url); } if (_lodash2['default'].isEmpty(actionConfig.method)) { this.actionsConfig[actionName].method = 'GET'; } if (_lodash2['default'].isNull(actionConfig.isArray) || _lodash2['default'].isUndefined(actionConfig.isArray)) { this.actionsConfig[actionName].isArray = false; } } }]); return ResourceConfig; })(); // 工具函数 var HelpersAndParsers = (function () { function HelpersAndParsers() { _classCallCheck(this, HelpersAndParsers); } // 添加静态方法 // HelpersAndParsers.parseArgs获取本次请求的promiseConfig,形为{url,source,queryParams,bodyData,resolveFn,rejectFn} // 请求由resourceClass[actionName]发起 // HelpersAndParsers.WithBodyData处理resourceClass[actionName]传参([source],[queryParams],[bodyData],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) // ajax请求为类put形式,通过bodyData传输数据 // HelpersAndParsers.NoBodyData处理resourceClass[actionName]传参([source],[queryParams],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) // ajax请求为get形式,不通过bodyData传输数据 // resourceClass[actionName]即ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig)[actionName] // 或new ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig)["$"+actionName] // HelpersAndParsers.parseUrlWithMapping将首参actionConfig.url中变量{:id}替换为实际值或空 // HelpersAndParsers.copyPureAttributes拷贝对象输出,"$"起始的键不拷贝 // HelpersAndParsers.extractQueryParams解析url中的查询字符串,对象形式输出 // HelpersAndParsers.uniqueArray数组项去重 _createClass(HelpersAndParsers, null, [{ key: 'parseArgs', // 获取本次请求的promiseConfig,形为{url,source,queryParams,bodyData,resolveFn,rejectFn} // 参数actionName是resourceConfig.actionsConfig中的键,参数resourceConfig即ResourceConfig实例 // resourceConfig含url、mapping、actionsConfig属性,actionsConfig是默认及用户配置actions复合后的结果 value: function parseArgs(actionName, resourceConfig) { var ModelInstance = arguments.length <= 2 || arguments[2] === undefined ? {} : arguments[2]; var promiseConfig = _lodash2['default'].cloneDeep(HelpersAndParsers.getDefaultPromiseConfig()), actionConfig = resourceConfig.actionsConfig && resourceConfig.actionsConfig[actionName], actionMethod = actionConfig && actionConfig.method.toUpperCase(); // args接收从arguments第三项后的所有内容,不含第三项,即resourceClass[actionName]方法传参 for (var _len2 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len2 > 3 ? _len2 - 3 : 0), _key2 = 3; _key2 < _len2; _key2++) { args[_key2 - 3] = arguments[_key2]; } // actionname为'POST','PUT','PATCH','DELETE'及其小写形式 if (ACTIONS_WITH_BODY.indexOf(actionMethod) > -1) { // HelpersAndParsers.WithBodyData处理resourceClass[actionName]传参args // 赋值给promiseConfig HelpersAndParsers.WithBodyData.apply(HelpersAndParsers, [actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig, ModelInstance].concat(args)); // promiseConfig.source为空,promiseConfig.bodyData非空,promiseConfig.source和promiseConfig.bodyData等值 if (!_lodash2['default'].isEmpty(promiseConfig.source) && _lodash2['default'].isEmpty(promiseConfig.bodyData)) { HelpersAndParsers.copyPureAttributes(promiseConfig.source, promiseConfig.bodyData); } // actionname为'GET'及其小写形式 } else if (ACTIONS_WITHOUT_BODY.indexOf(actionMethod) > -1) { // HelpersAndParsers.NoBodyData处理resourceClass[actionName]传参args // 赋值给promiseConfig HelpersAndParsers.NoBodyData.apply(HelpersAndParsers, [actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig, ModelInstance].concat(args)); } else { throw Error("Dont know how to build HTTP request.", actionName, actionMethod); } // HelpersAndParsers.parseUrlWithMapping将首参actionConfig.url中变量{:id}替换为实际值或空 promiseConfig.url = HelpersAndParsers.parseUrlWithMapping(actionConfig, resourceConfig, promiseConfig); return promiseConfig; } }, { key: 'WithBodyData', // resourceClass[actionName]传参处理([source],[queryParams],[bodyData],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) // 针对put形式的ajax,数据通过bodyData传递 // 参数actionName是resourceConfig.actionsConfig中的键,参数resourceConfig即ResourceConfig实例 // resourceConfig含url、mapping、actionsConfig属性,actionsConfig是默认及用户配置actions复合后的结果 // 参数promiseConfigh是HelpersAndParsers.getDefaultPromiseConfig获取的默认promiseConfig value: function WithBodyData(actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig, ModelInstance) { // 用户调用形式为ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig).get(...)为否,构造函数的静态方法 // 用户调用形式为new ReactResource(url,mapping,actionsConfig).$get(...)为真,实例的原型链方法 var isClassMethod = _lodash2['default'].isEmpty(ModelInstance); if (!isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = ModelInstance; } // args接收从arguments第四项后的所有内容,不含第四项,即resourceClass[actionName]方法传参 for (var _len3 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len3 > 4 ? _len3 - 4 : 0), _key3 = 4; _key3 < _len3; _key3++) { args[_key3 - 4] = arguments[_key3]; } switch (args.length) { case 5: if (!isClassMethod) throw Error("Instance method can't have 5 arguments"); if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'object' && typeof args[3] == 'function' && typeof args[4] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.bodyData = args[2]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[3]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[4]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } break; case 4: if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'function' && typeof args[3] == 'function') { if (isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; } else { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; promiseConfig.bodyData = args[1]; } promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[2]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[3]; } else if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'object' && typeof args[3] == 'function') { if (isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.bodyData = args[3]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[4]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } break; case 3: if (isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; if (typeof args[1] == 'function' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[2]; } else if (typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[2]; } else if (typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'object') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.bodyData = args[2]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } else { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; if (typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.bodyData = args[1]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[2]; } else if (typeof args[1] == 'function' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[2]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } break; case 2: if (typeof args[0] == 'function' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[0]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[1]; } else { if (isClassMethod) { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; } else if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } else { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; } else if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; promiseConfig.bodyData = args[1]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } } break; // resourceClass[actionName]传入单参数 // 类层面调用时作为promiseConfig.source???,或promiseConfig.resolveFn成功时回调 // 实例层面调用时作为promiseConfig.queryParams携带的查询数据,或promiseConfig.resolveFn成功时回调 case 1: if (typeof args[0] == 'object') { if (isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; }else { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; } } else { if (typeof args[0] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[0]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } break; } } }, { key: 'NoBodyData', // resourceClass[actionName]传参处理([source],[queryParams],[resolveFn],[rejectFn]) // 针对get形式的ajax,数据不通过bodyData传递 // 参数actionName是resourceConfig.actionsConfig中的键,参数resourceConfig即ResourceConfig实例 // resourceConfig含url、mapping、actionsConfig属性,actionsConfig是默认及用户配置actions复合后的结果 // 参数promiseConfigh是HelpersAndParsers.getDefaultPromiseConfig获取的默认promiseConfig value: function NoBodyData(actionName, resourceConfig, promiseConfig, ModelInstance) { var isClassMethod = _lodash2['default'].isEmpty(ModelInstance), actionConfig = resourceConfig.actionsConfig[actionName]; if (!isClassMethod) { promiseConfig.source = ModelInstance; } // args接收从arguments第四项后的所有内容,不含第四项,即resourceClass[actionName]方法传参 for (var _len4 = arguments.length, args = Array(_len4 > 4 ? _len4 - 4 : 0), _key4 = 4; _key4 < _len4; _key4++) { args[_key4 - 4] = arguments[_key4]; } switch (args.length) { case 4: if (!isClassMethod) throw Error("Instance method can't have 4 arguments"); if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'function' && typeof args[3] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[2]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[3]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } break; case 3: if (isClassMethod) { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[2]; } else if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[2]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } else { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function' && typeof args[2] == 'function') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[2]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } break; case 2: if (typeof args[0] == 'function' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[0]; promiseConfig.rejectFn = args[1]; } else { if (isClassMethod) { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'object') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.queryParams = args[1]; } else if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } else { if (typeof args[0] == 'object' && typeof args[1] == 'function') { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[1]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } } } break; case 1: if (typeof args[0] == 'object') { if (isClassMethod) { if (actionConfig.isArray == false) { promiseConfig.source = args[0]; } else { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; } } else { promiseConfig.queryParams = args[0]; } } else if (typeof args[0] == 'function') { promiseConfig.resolveFn = args[0]; } else { throw Error("Arguments types mismatch!"); } break; } } // actionConfig.url中变量{:id}替换为实际值或空 }, { key: 'parseUrlWithMapping', value: function parseUrlWithMapping(actionConfig, resourceConfig, promiseConfig) { var outputUrl = _lodash2['default'].clone(actionConfig.url); for (var object_key in resourceConfig.mappings) { var sourceValue = promiseConfig.source[object_key]; if (sourceValue) { outputUrl = outputUrl.replace(new RegExp('{' + resourceConfig.mappings[object_key] + '}', 'g'), sourceValue); } else { outputUrl = outputUrl.replace(new RegExp('/?{' + resourceConfig.mappings[object_key] + '}', 'g'), ""); } } outputUrl = outputUrl.replace(/\/?\{\:.+\}/i, ""); return outputUrl; } // 默认的promiseConfig,设置成功和失败时的回调函数 // resourceClass[actionName]传参处理后将赋值给该promiseConfig拷贝,作为resourceClass[actionName]的promiseConfig }, { key: 'getDefaultPromiseConfig', value: function getDefaultPromiseConfig() { return { url: undefined, source: {}, queryParams: {}, bodyData: {}, resolveFn: function resolveFn() {}, rejectFn: function rejectFn() {} }; } // 拷贝对象输出,"$"起始的键不拷贝 }, { key: 'copyPureAttributes', value: function copyPureAttributes(sourceObject) { var targetObject = arguments.length <= 1 || arguments[1] === undefined ? {} : arguments[1]; if (typeof sourceObject == 'object') { _lodash2['default'].forEach(Object.keys(sourceObject), function (sourceAttribute) { // lodash.startsWith(str1,str2)校验str1是否以str2起始 if (_lodash2['default'].startsWith(sourceAttribute, '$') == false) { targetObject[sourceAttribute] = sourceObject[sourceAttribute]; } }); } return targetObject; } // 解析url中的查询字符串,对象形式输出 }, { key: 'extractQueryParams', value: function extractQueryParams() { var inputUrl = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? "" : arguments[0]; var regex = /[?&]([^=#]+)=([^&#]*)/g, params = {}, match = undefined; while (match = regex.exec(inputUrl)) { params[match[1]] = match[2]; } return params; } // 数组项去重 }, { key: 'uniqueArray', value: function uniqueArray() { var array = arguments.length <= 0 || arguments[0] === undefined ? [] : arguments[0]; var a = array.concat(); for (var i = 0; i < a.length; ++i) { for (var j = i + 1; j < a.length; ++j) { if (a[i] === a[j]) a.splice(j--, 1); } } return a; } }]); return HelpersAndParsers; })(); // 默认actions var DEFAULT_ACTIONS_CONFIG = { 'query': { url: null, params: {}, method: 'GET', isArray: true }, 'get': { url: null, params: {}, method: 'GET', isArray: false }, 'create': { url: null, params: {}, method: 'POST', isArray: false }, 'update': { url: null, params: {}, method: 'PUT', isArray: false }, 'delete': { url: null, params: {}, method: 'DELETE', isArray: false } }; var ACTIONS_WITH_BODY = ['POST', 'PUT', 'PATCH', 'DELETE']; var ACTIONS_WITHOUT_BODY = ['GET']; module.exports = exports['default'];
8. **源码结构**:"react-resource-master"文件可能包含了项目的源代码、测试、文档和配置文件,用户可以直接克隆下来进行学习和定制。 为了充分利用这个库,开发者需要熟悉React的基本概念,包括组件、状态、props...
在这个"react-resource:react源码分析"中,我们将深入探讨React组件类以及`render()`方法的源码。 首先,让我们来理解React组件。在React中,组件是JavaScript类,它们扩展了`React.Component`基类。组件可以接受...
4. **前端框架和库**: 源码中可能使用了诸如React、Vue.js或Angular等流行前端框架,这些框架提供了高效的组件化开发方式,简化了状态管理、路由和生命周期管理。了解特定框架的API、生命周期方法和最佳实践对于阅读...
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import { Admin, Resource } from 'react-admin'; import jsonServerProvider from 'ra-data-json-server'; const App = () => ( ('')}> <Resource name="users" list={User...
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2. **人力资源管理**:HRD即Human Resource Development,FitHRD主要处理企业的人力资源流程,如招聘、培训、绩效评估、薪酬福利、员工关系等。它可能包含模块化的功能,以支持各个HR领域的高效运作。 3. **模块...
JavaScript Applications with Node.js, React, React Native and MongoDB: Design, code, test, deploy and manage in Amazon AWS By 作者: Eric Bush ISBN-10 书号: 0997196661 ISBN-13 书号: 9780997196665 出版...
java版商城源码下载 :grinning_cat:These share data are from my usual work and learning,hoping to help you,If you like you can star It comes from chance encounters,if you like,you can follow ...
UCRM,全称为User Connection Resource Management,是一种客户关系管理(Customer Relationship Management)系统,主要用于帮助企业更有效地管理和优化与客户的互动。源码通常是软件开发过程中的基础,它包含了...
Stardog 是一个强大的语义图数据库系统,它支持 RDF(Resource Description Framework)和其他语义数据模型,广泛应用于知识图谱、数据分析和智能应用程序等领域。Stardog_JS 的源码分析将帮助我们深入理解如何在 ...
不过,我们可以根据源码的上下文推测,可能涉及的标签有Java、Python、C++等编程语言,或者是Spring、Angular、React等开发框架。 【压缩包子文件的文件名称列表】:虽然未提供实际的文件列表,但在常见的项目结构...
2. **语义网技术**:语义网技术使ODSSA具有理解数据含义的能力,通过RDF(Resource Description Framework)、OWL(Web Ontology Language)等标准,实现了对数据的结构化表示和推理。这有助于实现更智能的信息检索...
大型协同办公系统是一种集成化的管理软件,通常包括OA(Office Automation)办公自动化、HR(Human Resource)人力资源管理和CRM(Customer Relationship Management)客户关系管理等多个模块。这个源码压缩包提供了...
分享的文章相关源码 前端:html,css,javascript,canvas,小程序,react / vue等系列; 测试:自动化,性能,接口系列; 公众号: honeyBadger8 ; 资源:912594095,文章原始码的疑惑,小白入门前端/测试疑惑等; ...
- 可能涵盖各种编程语言,如Java、Python、C++、JavaScript等,以及特定框架和库的源码,如Spring Boot、Django、React或Angular。 - 分析源码有助于提升编程技能,深入理解设计模式,以及如何实现高效、可维护的...
Resource Collection 01 Deep Learning 中文翻译 | | | 02 Awesome lists about all kinds of interesting topics Awesome React Native is an awesome style list that curates the best React Native libraries, ...