Module ngx_stream_core_module
The ngx_stream_core_module
module is available since version 1.9.0. This module is not built by default, it should be enabled with the --with-stream
configuration parameter.
Example Configuration
worker_processes auto; error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log info; events { worker_connections 1024; } stream { upstream backend { hash $remote_addr consistent; server weight=5; server max_fails=3 fail_timeout=30s; server unix:/tmp/backend3; } upstream dns { server; server; } server { listen 12345; proxy_connect_timeout 1s; proxy_timeout 3s; proxy_pass backend; } server { listen udp; proxy_responses 1; proxy_timeout 20s; proxy_pass dns; } server { listen [::1]:12345; proxy_pass unix:/tmp/stream.socket; } }
listen |
— |
server |
Sets the address
and port
for the socket on which the server will accept connections. It is possible to specify just the port. The address can also be a hostname, for example:
listen; listen *:12345; listen 12345; # same as *:12345 listen localhost:12345;
IPv6 addresses are specified in square brackets:
listen [::1]:12345; listen [::]:12345;
UNIX-domain sockets are specified with the “unix:
” prefix:
listen unix:/var/run/nginx.sock;
The ssl
parameter allows specifying that all connections accepted on this port should work in SSL mode.
The udp
parameter configures a listening socket for working with datagrams (1.9.13).
The proxy_protocol
parameter (1.11.4) allows specifying that all connections accepted on this port should use the PROXY protocol.
The listen
directive can have several additional parameters specific to socket-related system calls.
parameter in the listen()
call that limits the maximum length for the queue of pending connections (1.9.2). By default, backlog
is set to -1 on FreeBSD, DragonFly BSD, and Mac OS X, and to 511 on other platforms.bind
call for a given address:port pair. The fact is that if there are several listen
directives with the same port but different addresses, and one of the listen
directives listens on all addresses for the given port (*:
), nginx will bind()
only to *:
. It should be noted that the getsockname()
system call will be made in this case to determine the address that accepted the connection. If the ipv6only
or so_keepalive
parameters are used then for a given address
pair a separate bind()
call will always be made.ipv6only
socket option) whether an IPv6 socket listening on a wildcard address [::]
will accept only IPv6 connections or both IPv6 and IPv4 connections. This parameter is turned on by default. It can only be set once on start.reuseport
socket option), allowing a kernel to distribute incoming connections between worker processes. This currently works only on Linux 3.9+ and DragonFly BSD.
Inappropriate use of this option may have its security implications.
option is turned on for the socket. If it is set to the value “off
option is turned off for the socket. Some operating systems support setting of TCP keepalive parameters on a per-socket basis using the TCP_KEEPIDLE
socket options. On such systems (currently, Linux 2.4+, NetBSD 5+, and FreeBSD 9.0-STABLE), they can be configured using the keepidle
, keepintvl
, and keepcnt
parameters. One or two parameters may be omitted, in which case the system default setting for the corresponding socket option will be in effect. For example,
will set the idle timeout (so_keepalive=30m::10
) to 30 minutes, leave the probe interval (TCP_KEEPINTVL
) at its system default, and set the probes count (TCP_KEEPCNT
) to 10 probes.
Different servers must listen on different address
preread_buffer_size |
preread_buffer_size 16k; |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.11.5.
Specifies a size
of the preread buffer.
preread_timeout |
preread_timeout 30s; |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.11.5.
Specifies a timeout
of the preread phase.
proxy_protocol_timeout |
proxy_protocol_timeout 30s; |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.11.4.
Specifies a timeout
for reading the PROXY protocol header to complete. If no entire header is transmitted within this time, the connection is closed.
resolver |
— |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.11.3.
Configures name servers used to resolve names of upstream servers into addresses, for example:
resolver [::1]:5353;
An address can be specified as a domain name or IP address, and an optional port. If port is not specified, the port 53 is used. Name servers are queried in a round-robin fashion.
By default, nginx will look up both IPv4 and IPv6 addresses while resolving. If looking up of IPv6 addresses is not desired, the ipv6=off
parameter can be specified.
By default, nginx caches answers using the TTL value of a response. The optional valid
parameter allows overriding it:
resolver [::1]:5353 valid=30s;
Before version 1.11.3, this directive was available as part of our commercial subscription.
resolver_timeout |
resolver_timeout 30s; |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.11.3.
Sets a timeout for name resolution, for example:
resolver_timeout 5s;
Before version 1.11.3, this directive was available as part of our commercial subscription.
server { ... } |
— |
stream |
Sets the configuration for a server.
stream { ... } |
— |
main |
Provides the configuration file context in which the stream server directives are specified.
tcp_nodelay |
tcp_nodelay on; |
stream , server
This directive appeared in version 1.9.4.
Enables or disables the use of the TCP_NODELAY
option. The option is enabled for both client and proxied server connections.
variables_hash_bucket_size |
variables_hash_bucket_size 64; |
stream |
This directive appeared in version 1.11.2.
Sets the bucket size for the variables hash table. The details of setting up hash tables are provided in a separate document.
variables_hash_max_size |
variables_hash_max_size 1024; |
stream |
This directive appeared in version 1.11.2.
Sets the maximum size
of the variables hash table. The details of setting up hash tables are provided in a separate document.
Embedded Variables
The ngx_stream_core_module
module supports variables since 1.11.2.
or UDP
The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol
parameter in the listen directive.
The PROXY protocol must be previously enabled by setting the proxy_protocol
parameter in the listen directive.
Computing a value of this variable usually requires one system call. To avoid a system call, the listen directives must specify addresses and use the bind
### Nginx反向代理不能访问项目的解决办法 在配置Nginx作为反向代理服务器时,有时会遇到可以通过域名正常访问Linux系统下部署的Tomcat服务器,但是却无法访问到部署在Tomcat上的具体项目的情况。这种情况通常是...
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### CentOS7.3 下安装 Nginx 1.13.9 反向代理软件 在 CentOS 7.3 系统中安装 Nginx 1.13.9 版本并配置其作为反向代理及负载均衡器是一项常见但重要的任务。此过程涉及到系统环境的准备、依赖项的安装、Nginx 的编译...
Nginx与前端的连接默认为长连接,一个用户跟Nginx建立连接之后,通过这个长连接发送多个请求。如果Nginx只是作为reverse proxy的话,可能一个用户连接就需要多个向后端的短连接。如果后端的服务器(源站或是缓存...
Nginx可以作为一个HTTP服务器进行网站的发布处理,另外Nginx可以作为反向代理进行负载均衡的实现。 Nginx使用基于事件驱动架构,使得其可以支持数以百万级别的TCP连接 高度的模块化和自由软件许可证使得第三方模块...
【Nginx 反向代理】是 Nginx 服务器的一种功能,用于处理客户端的请求。在这种模式下,Nginx 作为客户端和后端服务器之间的中介,接收来自客户端的 HTTP 请求,然后将这些请求转发到内部的 web 服务器进行处理。反向...
### Nginx 反向代理实现多 Tomcat 负载均衡详解 #### 一、基础知识概述 在深入了解如何利用 Nginx 实现对多个 Tomcat 的负载均衡之前,我们首先来简要回顾一下几个核心概念: - **Nginx**:是一款高性能的HTTP和...
【保持和Client的长连接】 在HTTP 1.1中,长连接通过“Keep-Alive”头字段实现,允许...通过以上配置,可以有效地在Nginx反向代理中实现客户端到Nginx以及Nginx到后端服务器的长连接,从而提升系统性能和资源利用率。
【Nginx反向代理配置及优化】 在服务器性能面临挑战时,Apache服务器可能无法有效应对高并发请求。在这种情况下,引入Nginx作为反向代理可以显著提升系统的并发处理能力。Nginx以其轻量级、高性能的特点,常被用作...
- **定义**:四层反向代理工作在网络的传输层(TCP/UDP层),主要关注的是IP地址和端口信息。 - **特点**: - 基于IP地址和端口号进行路由选择。 - 能够实现高效的负载均衡,适用于需要高速转发大量数据流量的场景...