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Run Unit Test and Code Coverage

  • CI

* xcode plugin will generage the test report, to do the same thing, we need xcpretty to export junit report


#proj + target and workspace + scheme

xcodebuild test \

    -workspace xxx.xcworkspace \

    -scheme xxx \

    -destination 'platform=iOS Simulator,name=iPhone 6,OS=9.3' \

    -configuration "Debug" \

    -enableCodeCoverage YES \

    -derivedDataPath "build/Debug-iphonesimulator/" \

    | xcpretty -c -r junit -o xxx/test-reports/junit.xml


slather coverage --cobertura-xml \

--input-format profdata --ignore ../**/*/Xcode* --scheme xxx \

--workspace xxx.xcworkspace xxx.xcodeproj




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