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Unable to locate JAR/zip in file system as specified by the driver definition


在eclipse的“Data Source Explorer”弹出对话框中选一个driver,如果出现“Unable to locate JAR/zip in file system as specified by the driver definition: xxx.jar.”3 |: |% W) b! i& x0 d
就要在“JAR List”选项卡中删除原有的驱动文件,重新加一下就好了。



    解决Can’t locate ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm in @INC报错

    Can’t locate ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm in @INC (@INC contains: inc /usr/local/lib64/perl5 /usr/local/share/perl5 /usr/lib64/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/share/perl5/vendor_perl /usr/lib64/perl5

    maven项目使用assembly打包jar时处理Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler问题

    使用assembly插件打包jar后启动时,总是出现Unable to locate Spring NamespaceHandler for XML schema....错误,网上找了各种方法都没有用,在尝试了100+失败后,解决了这个问题,在打包的jar中,META-INF目录下,...

    解决Can't locate ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm in @INC报错

    在使用Perl进行软件安装或开发过程中,可能会遇到“Can't locate ExtUtils/MakeMaker.pm in @INC”这样的错误。这个错误表明系统找不到`ExtUtils::MakeMaker`模块,这是一个Perl模块,用于创建Makefile,帮助编译和...

    《python3网络爬虫开发实战》学习笔记::selenium——xpath:Unable to locate element

    selenium+firefox在定位时遇到selenium.common.exceptions.NoSuchElementException: Message: Unable to locate element: 由于是js加载页面,想确认是否是js的原因,随后进行多次调试时发现“//div”竟然也出现了...

    解决Can't locate ThreadQueue.pm

    标题 "解决Can't locate ThreadQueue.pm" 指出的问题是,在尝试运行一个Perl脚本时,系统无法找到模块“ThreadQueue”。这个问题通常出现在你试图使用一个依赖于ThreadQueue模块的Perl程序,但该模块尚未在你的Perl...

    linux gcc install

    在Linux系统中,GCC(GNU Compiler Collection)是一个关键的开源工具链,用于编译C、C++、Fortran、Objective-C等编程语言的源代码。它不仅包括了编译器,还包括预处理器、链接器和其他相关工具。...

    MATLAB R2016b 支持Microsoft Visual Studio 2017补丁

    To do this, open this Bug Report in a browser started in administrator mode, then from the browser save the .zip file in the <MATLAB> folder. Extract the files from the .zip file into the <MATLAB> ...



    Ubuntu 12.04(64bit) server 安装 Oracle 11G(最新问题解决)

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    The Ribbon bar Application ("main") Button can display a text label instead of icon in the "scenic" mode (usually "File" in English language UI). The following new methods were added to the ...


    Application memory tuning provides more of the computer's virtual memory to applications by providing less virtual memory to the operating system. Although a system having less than 2 GB of physical ...


    Hence, it becomes possible for the attacker to issue a command to all the nodes, that target a single node (for example, all nodes in the botnet might be commanded by the attacker to send a TCP SYN ...


    《临时存储技术在IT领域的应用与实践》 在IT行业中,临时存储,或者称为临时数据存储,是一个重要的概念,尤其在大数据处理、流处理以及批处理等场景中扮演着不可或缺的角色。临时存储主要指的是在程序运行过程中,...

    linux diff 命令说明

    ### Linux `diff` 命令详解 #### 一、`diff` 命令概述 在 Linux 系统中,`diff` 是一个非常重要的命令工具,它主要用于比较两个文本文件之间的差异,并以特定格式输出这些差异。这对于版本控制、代码审查、文件...

    The attached code shows how to locate files in a directory u

    The attached code shows how to locate files in a directory using the FileSystemObject. You can search just within the specified directory or include all subdirectories in the search.


    development/build/sdk.atree:230: couldn't locate source file: system/app/ConnectivityTest.apk development/build/sdk.atree:231: couldn't locate source file: system/app/GpsLocationTest.apk sdk/build/...


    BlueScreenView tries to locate the right driver or module that caused the blue screen by looking inside the crash stack. However, be aware that the driver detection mechanism is not 100% accurate, ...

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    since documentation currently lacks, please refer to the Sample Usage section below as well as the sample programs, including two for Android (FacePreview.java and RecordActivity.java), also found in ...


    - 使用 automake 生成 Makefile.in 文件: ```bash automake --add-missing ``` - 使用 autoreconf 重新配置所有文件: ```bash autoreconf –f –i –Wall,no–obsolete ``` - 最后运行 configure 脚本来...

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