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spark shuffer介绍,和操作



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Shuffle operations

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Certain operations within Spark trigger an event known as the shuffle. The shuffle is Spark’s mechanism for re-distributing data so that it’s grouped differently across partitions. This typically involves copying data across executors and machines, making the shuffle a complex and costly operation.
操作 spark 触发的事件里面,包含shuffleshuffle是spark 通过跨分区操作来新打乱数据的一种方式。
通常会包含 executors和machines  之间拷贝数据,导致shuffle是一件非常昂贵的操作。
To understand what happens during the shuffle we can consider the example of the reduceByKey operation. The reduceByKey operation generates a new RDD where all values for a single key are combined into a tuple - the key and the result of executing a reduce function against all values associated with that key. The challenge is that not all values for a single key necessarily reside on the same partition, or even the same machine, but they must be co-located to compute the result.
要了解shuffle 过程中发生了什么,我们可以参考reduceByKey 的例子。reduceByKey 操作会产生一个新的RDD,并且按key 进行合并到一个tuple(类似:map), 按key 执行reduce函数能得到执行结果。面临的挑战是不是所有的key 都分布在同一个分区,甚至同一台机器。但是他们必须合并才能得到结果。
In Spark, data is generally not distributed across partitions to be in the necessary place for a specific operation. During computations, a single task will operate on a single partition - thus, to organize all the data for a single reduceByKey reduce task to execute, Spark needs to perform an all-to-all operation. It must read from all partitions to find all the values for all keys, and then bring together values across partitions to compute the final result for each key - this is called the shuffle.
在spark里面,数据通常都不跨分区,在一个必要的地方执行具体的操作。在计算期间,一个单一的任务将在单一的分区上操作,因此整理的数据都会在一个 reduceByKey reduce 任务执行。spark 需要去执行所有的这些操作。它必须从所有的分区找到所有的keys,然后汇集这些数据根据每个key进行合并,得到最终结果。这就是shuffle。

Although the set of elements in each partition of newly shuffled data will be deterministic, and so is the ordering of partitions themselves, the ordering of these elements is not. If one desires predictably ordered data following shuffle then it’s possible to use:

  • mapPartitions to sort each partition using, for example, .sorted
  • repartitionAndSortWithinPartitions to efficiently sort partitions while simultaneously repartitioning
  • sortBy to make a globally ordered RDD
sortBy to make a globally ordered RDD:做一个全局排序的RDD
Operations which can cause a shuffle include repartition operations like repartition and coalesce‘ByKey operations (except for counting) likegroupByKey and reduceByKey, and join operations like cogroup and join.
会导致shuffle操作的分区操作有 repartition and coalesce, “ByKey” 的操作如:groupByKey and reduceByKey, 和 join 操作 如: cogroup and join.


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