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graph code





package com.tech.cglibx;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

public class MyGraph {

public static void main(String[] args) {
		Graph graph = new Graph();
		Set<Vertex> vertexSet = graph.getVertexSet();
		Map<Vertex, Vertex[]> edgeMap = graph.getAdjacencys();

		Vertex twoVertex = new Vertex("2");
		Vertex threeVertex = new Vertex("3");
		Vertex fiveVertex = new Vertex("5");
		Vertex sevenVertex = new Vertex("7");
		Vertex eightVertex = new Vertex("8");
		Vertex nineVertex = new Vertex("9");
		Vertex tenVertex = new Vertex("10");
		Vertex elevenVertex = new Vertex("11");


		edgeMap.put(twoVertex, new Vertex[] { elevenVertex });
		edgeMap.put(nineVertex, new Vertex[] { elevenVertex, eightVertex });
		edgeMap.put(tenVertex, new Vertex[] { elevenVertex, threeVertex });
		edgeMap.put(elevenVertex, new Vertex[] { sevenVertex, fiveVertex });
		edgeMap.put(eightVertex, new Vertex[] { sevenVertex, threeVertex });

		//Vertex[] sortedVertexs = topologicalSort(graph);

	public static void printVertex(Vertex[] Vertexs) {
		for (Vertex vertex : Vertexs) {
			System.out.println(vertex.getName() + "  discover time:"
					+ vertex.getDiscover() + "  finish time:"
					+ vertex.getFinish());
	 static class TimeRecorder {
			private int time = 0;

			public int getTime() {
				return time;

			public void setTime(int time) {
				this.time = time;

		public static Vertex[] topologicalSort(Graph graph) {
			Set<Vertex> vertexSet = graph.getVertexSet();
			if (vertexSet.size() < 2) {
				return vertexSet.toArray(new Vertex[0]);

			LinkedList<Vertex> sortedList = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
			TimeRecorder recorder = new TimeRecorder();

			for (Vertex vertex : vertexSet) {
				if (vertex.color == Color.WHITE) {
					visitVertex(graph, vertex, recorder, sortedList);

			return sortedList.toArray(new Vertex[0]);
		public static void topologicalSort2(Graph graph,Vertex vertex) {

			LinkedList<Vertex> sortedList = new LinkedList<Vertex>();
			TimeRecorder recorder = new TimeRecorder();
			 visitVertex(graph, vertex, recorder, sortedList);

		 * 深度优先搜索(Depth First Search)
		public static void visitVertex(Graph graph, Vertex vertex,
				TimeRecorder recorder, LinkedList<Vertex> sortedList) {
			recorder.time += 1;
			vertex.color = Color.GRAY;
			vertex.discover = recorder.time;

			Map<Vertex, Vertex[]> edgeMap = graph.getAdjacencys();
			Vertex[] adjacencys = edgeMap.get(vertex);
			if (adjacencys != null && adjacencys.length > 0) {
				for (Vertex adjacency : adjacencys) {
					if (adjacency.color == Color.WHITE) {
						adjacency.parent = vertex;
						visitVertex(graph, adjacency, recorder, sortedList);

			recorder.time += 1;
			vertex.color = Color.BLACK;
			vertex.finish = recorder.time;
	 enum Color {

		static class Vertex {
			private String name;
			private Color color;
			private Vertex parent;
			private int discover;
			private int finish;

			public String toString() {
				return String.format("Vertex [name=%s, color=%s, parent=%s]", name, color,

			public Vertex(String name) {
				this.name = name;
				this.color = Color.WHITE;

			public String getName() {
				return name;

			public void setName(String name) {
				this.name = name;

			public Color getColor() {
				return color;

			public void setColor(Color color) {
				this.color = color;

			public Vertex getParent() {
				return parent;

			public void setParent(Vertex parent) {
				this.parent = parent;

			public int getDiscover() {
				return discover;

			public void setDiscover(int discover) {
				this.discover = discover;

			public int getFinish() {
				return finish;

			public void setFinish(int finish) {
				this.finish = finish;

			public int hashCode() {
				final int prime = 31;
				int result = 1;
				result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
				return result;

			public boolean equals(Object obj) {
				if (this == obj)
					return true;
				if (obj == null)
					return false;
				if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
					return false;
				Vertex other = (Vertex) obj;
				if (name == null) {
					if (other.name != null)
						return false;
				} else if (!name.equals(other.name))
					return false;
				return true;

		static class Graph {
			private Set<Vertex> vertexSet = new HashSet<Vertex>();
			// 相邻的节点
			private Map<Vertex, Vertex[]> adjacencys = new HashMap<Vertex, Vertex[]>();

			public Set<Vertex> getVertexSet() {
				return vertexSet;

			public void setVertexSet(Set<Vertex> vertexSet) {
				this.vertexSet = vertexSet;

			public Map<Vertex, Vertex[]> getAdjacencys() {
				return adjacencys;

			public void setAdjacencys(Map<Vertex, Vertex[]> adjacencys) {
				this.adjacencys = adjacencys;




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