Apache nifi is an easy to use, powerful, and reliable system to process and distribute data.
Apache NiFi是由美国过国家安全局(NSA)贡献给Apache基金会的开源项目,其设计目标是自动化系统间的数据流。基于其工作流式的编程理念,NiFi非常易于使用,强大,可靠及高可配置。两个最重要的特性是其强大的用户界面及良好的数据回溯工具。
Put simply NiFi was built to automate the flow of data between systems. While the term dataflow is used in a variety of contexts, we’ll use it here to mean the automated and managed flow of information between systems. This problem space has been around ever since enterprises had more than one system, where some of the systems created data and some of the systems consumed data. The problems and solution patterns that emerged have been discussed and articulated extensively. A comprehensive and readily consumed form is found in the Enterprise Integration Patterns [eip].
Some of the high-level challenges of dataflow include:
Networks fail, disks fail, software crashes, people make mistakes.
Sometimes a given data source can outpace some part of the processing or delivery chain - it only takes one weak-link to have an issue.
You will invariably get data that is too big, too small, too fast, too slow, corrupt, wrong, or in the wrong format.
Priorities of an organization change - rapidly. Enabling new flows and changing existing ones must be fast.
The protocols and formats used by a given system can change anytime and often irrespective of the systems around them. Dataflow exists to connect what is essentially a massively distributed system of components that are loosely or not-at-all designed to work together.
Laws, regulations, and policies change. Business to business agreements change. System to system and system to user interactions must be secure, trusted, accountable.
It is often not possible to come even close to replicating production environments in the lab.
Over the years dataflow has been one of those necessary evils in an architecture. Now though there are a number of active and rapidly evolving movements making dataflow a lot more interesting and a lot more vital to the success of a given enterprise. These include things like; Service Oriented Architecture [soa], the rise of the API [api][api2], Internet of Things [iot], and Big Data [bigdata]. In addition, the level of rigor necessary for compliance, privacy, and security is constantly on the rise. Even still with all of these new concepts coming about, the patterns and needs of dataflow are still largely the same. The primary differences then are the scope of complexity, the rate of change necessary to adapt, and that at scale the edge case becomes common occurrence. NiFi is built to help tackle these modern dataflow challenges.
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Apache NiFi 概念介绍、源码解析、开发指南(中文) Apache NiFi 是一个开源的数据集成工具,由 Apache 软件基金会维护。NiFi 的核心设计理念是 Flow-Based Programming,它可以将数据从各种 sources 中提取,转换...
本文将详细介绍Apache NiFi、DataX、Kettle这三个主流的可视化ETL解决方案,并对其进行深入的对比分析,帮助读者理解它们的特点及应用场景。 #### 一、Apache NiFi **1. Apache NiFi是什么?** Apache NiFi是一个...
Apache Nifi 概念介绍、源码解析、开发指南(中文).zip Apache Nifi 概念介绍、源码解析、开发指南(中文).zip Apache Nifi 概念介绍、源码解析、开发指南(中文).zip Apache Nifi 概念介绍、源码解析、开发...
Apache Nifi-RecordProcessing.zip Apache Nifi-RecordProcessing.zip Apache Nifi-RecordProcessing.zip Apache Nifi-RecordProcessing.zip Apache Nifi-RecordProcessing.zip
### Apache NiFi 使用指南 #### 一、Apache NiFi 概述 Apache NiFi 是一款易于使用、功能强大且可靠的数据获取、数据处理和分发系统。它主要用于自动化管理系统间的数据流,支持高度可配置的指示图数据路由、转换...
该指南将从数据流的概念和挑战开始,介绍 Apache NiFi 的架构和特性,然后通过实时示例来演示如何使用 Apache NiFi 实现数据流管理。 关键知识点: 1. 数据流管理的概念和挑战:数据流管理是指从源系统到目标系统...
"藏经阁-The Avant-garde of Apache NiFi" Apache NiFi 是一个基于Java的数据集成工具,旨在帮助用户简化数据集成、处理和分析过程。 Apache NiFi 的主要特点包括: 1. 数据流处理:Apache NiFi 允许用户创建、...
"阿里云-从零开始使用 Apache Nifi 实现数据流" Apache Nifi 是一个开源的数据集成工具,可以实现数据的实时采集、处理和传输。以下是从零开始使用 Apache Nifi 实现数据流的知识点: 一、数据流的重要性 * 数据...
史上最全大数据技术全套教程,包括: 分布式存储系统 大数据基础 大数据处理框架 大数据管理与监控 实时计算 数据仓库 数据分析工具 数据湖 数据集成工具 消息队列 等流行技术的系列教程
该模版使用了nifi 15个处理器,包含10种类型, 分别有mqtt的发布,消费,kafka的发布消费 如何处理json格式, 读取json格式的 for循环读取数组的 自定义redis的等
"在Hadhoop summit 2016上,Koji Kawamura – Software Engineer Arti 和 Wadhwani – Technical Support Engineer分享了题为《Apache NiFi 1.0 in Nutshell》,就介绍什么是NiFi, NiFi 1.0增强功能,NiFi未来发展...
### Apache NiFi 使用指南 #### 一、Apache NiFi 概述 Apache NiFi 是一款易于使用、功能强大且可靠的数据获取、处理和分发系统。该系统旨在自动化管理跨系统的数据流,支持高度可配置的数据路由、转换及中介逻辑...
Apache Nifi 是一款开源的数据集成工具,源自美国国家安全局内部的项目,后来被Apache基金会接纳。它的核心设计理念是Flow Based Programming,即通过构建有向无环图(DAG)来处理数据流。以下是对Nifi关键概念、...
Apache Nifi-AttributesToJSON组件的使用样例模版
Apache Nifi是一个强大的数据处理和分发系统,主要用于自动化数据流的管理,支持从各种数据源动态拉取数据。这个工具最初由美国国家安全局(NSA)开发,后来成为Apache基金会的顶级项目,以Java为基础并使用Maven...
Apache NiFi 1.0 在 Nutshell 中的知识点总结 Apache NiFi 是一个数据流管理工具,它可以帮助用户管理和分析数据流。NiFi 的历史可以追溯到 2006 年,当时它还是美国国家安全局(NSA)的一个项目。2014 年,NiFi ...
Apache NiFi (nifi-1.19.1-bin.zip、nifi-toolkit-1.19.1-bin.zip)是一个易于使用、功能强大而且可靠的数据拉取、数据处理和分发系统。文件使用WinRAR分割两个压缩包,必须一起下载使用: Apache NiFi (nifi-...
Apache NiFi supports powerful and scalable directed graphs of data routing, transformation, and system mediation logic. Some of the high-level capabilities and objectives of Apache NiFi include:
Apache NiFi-MiNiFi MiNiFi是Apache NiFi的子项目。 目录 特征 Apache NiFi-MiNiFi是一种补充性数据收集方法,补充了数据流管理中的核心原则,重点是在创建源时收集数据。 MiNiFi的特定目标包括: 体积小,重量轻...
Apache NiFi是一款强大的数据流处理工具,用于自动化数据获取、转换和分发。自定义处理器是NiFi功能强大之处,允许用户根据特定需求扩展其核心功能。在这个场景中,我们关注的是一个名为“nifi-grpc-bundle”的...