
The following problems have occurred when adding the files: fatal: unable to Fil

  • Git



fatal: unable to stat 'SlidingMenu/build/tmp/expandedArchives/classes.jar_9xsqkluthu17h6nhfgy4rp26h/android/support/v4/accessibilityservice/AccessibilityServiceInfoCompat$AccessibilityServiceInfoJellyBeanMr2.class': Filename too long
 during executing git -c core.quotepath=false add --ignore-errors -- SlidingMenu/build/intermediates/classes/release/com/jeremyfeinstein/slidingmenu/lib/SlidingMenu$CanvasTransformer.class







  1. 如果你的git不是1.9以上的就升级到1.9以上
  2. 登录 Git Bash
  3. 来到你报long paths issue的Git repository
  4. 在 Git Bash中输入git config core.longpaths true







  • 大小: 113.1 KB
  • 大小: 74.3 KB
  • 大小: 16 KB
  • 大小: 33.3 KB


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