#!/bin/bash # # autossh . Startup script for autossh # chkconfig: 2345 25 40 # description: Maintain persistent SSH tunnels # processname: autossh # pidfile: /var/run/autossh.pid # Copyright 2012 - Jean-Sebastien Morisset - http://surniaulula.com/ # # http://surniaulula.com/2012/12/10/autossh-startup-script-for-multiple-tunnels/ # # This script is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under # the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software # Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later # version. # # This script is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more # details at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. # Changelog: # # 2013/06/21 - Reset the $forward_list variable at the start() to prevent the # accumulation of ports for each config loop. Also added support for socks # proxies. Thanks to Chris for pointing out the issue in the comments. # Source function library . /etc/init.d/functions RETVAL=0 prog="autossh" autossh="/usr/bin/autossh" [ ! -d /var/run/$prog ] && mkdir -p /var/run/$prog start() { config="$1" cfname=`basename $config` forward_list="" # make sure we have a config file if [ ! -f "$config" ] then failure echo "$prog $cfname: $config missing" return 1 fi . $config # make sure all variables have been defined in config for var in \ ServerAliveInterval ServerAliveCountMax StrictHostKeyChecking \ LocalUser IdentityFile RemoteUser RemoteHost RemotePort do eval " if [ -z \$$var ] then failure echo \"$prog $cfname: $var variable empty\" return 1 fi " done if [ ${#ForwardPort[*]} -eq 0 ] then failure echo "$prog $cfname: ForwardPort array empty" return 1 fi for fwd in "${ForwardPort[@]}" do case "$fwd" in D\ *:*|R\ *:*:*:*|L\ *:*:*:*) forward_list+="-$fwd " ;; *) failure echo "$prog $cfname: $fwd format unknown" return 1 ;; esac done # define the pidfile variable for autossh (created by autossh) # check if pidfile already exists -- don't start another instance if pidfile exists AUTOSSH_PIDFILE="/var/run/$prog/$cfname.pid" if [ -e $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE ] then failure echo "$prog $cfname: $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE already exists" return 1 fi echo -n "Starting $prog $cfname: " # before switching-users, make sure pidfile is created and user has write permission touch $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE chown $LocalUser $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE # start autossh as the user defined in the config file # the pidfile must be re-defined in the new environment su - $LocalUser -c " AUTOSSH_PIDFILE=$AUTOSSH_PIDFILE; AUTOSSH_PORT=0; export AUTOSSH_PIDFILE AUTOSSH_PORT; $autossh -q -N -p $RemotePort \ -i $IdentityFile \ -o ServerAliveInterval=$ServerAliveInterval \ -o ServerAliveCountMax=$ServerAliveCountMax \ -o StrictHostKeyChecking=$StrictHostKeyChecking \ $forward_list $RemoteUser@$RemoteHost -f;" # check to make sure pidfile was created if [ ! -f $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE ] then failure echo "`basename $AUTOSSH_PIDFILE` not created" return 1 fi success echo touch /var/lock/subsys/$prog } stop() { config="$1" # if no config names (on the command-line), stop all autossh processes if [ -z "$config" ] then echo -n "Stopping all $prog: " killproc $autossh RETVAL=$? echo if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] then rm -f /var/lock/subsys/$prog rm -f /var/run/$prog/*.pid fi else cfname="`basename $config`" pidfile="/var/run/$prog/$cfname.pid" if [ ! -f $pidfile ] then failure echo "$prog $cfname: $pidfile missing" return 1 else echo -n $"Stopping $prog $cfname: " killproc -p "/var/run/$prog/$cfname.pid" "$prog $cfname" RETVAL=$? echo [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f /var/run/$prog/$cfname.pid fi fi return $RETVAL } # save the action name, and shift the command-line array # all remaining command-line arguments could be config names action="$1" shift case "$action" in start) if [ -z "$1" ] then # if no config names on the command-line, start all /etc/autossh/ configs found for config in `echo /etc/$prog/${cfname:='*'}` do $action $config; done else # start only the config files specified on the command-line for cfname in "$@" do $action /etc/$prog/$cfname; done fi ;; stop) if [ -z "$1" ] then # if no config names on the command-line, stop all autossh processes $action else # stop only the config files specified on the command-line for cfname in "$@" do $action /etc/$prog/$cfname; done fi ;; restart) # re-execute this script, with the stop and start action names instead $0 stop "$@" $0 start "$@" ;; status) if [ -z "$1" ] then # if no config names on the command-line, show all autossh pids status $autossh RETVAL=$? else # only show the status of config files specified on the command-line for cfname in "$@" do config="/etc/$prog/$cfname" # if the config file is missing, echo an error message if [ -f $config ] then cfname="`basename $config`" pidfile="/var/run/$prog/$cfname.pid" # if the pidfile is missing, echo an error message if [ -f $pidfile ] then status -p "$pidfile" "$prog $cfname" RETVAL=$? else echo "$pidfile missing" RETVAL=1 fi else echo "$config missing" RETVAL=1 fi done fi ;; *) echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status} {config names...}" RETVAL=1 ;; esac exit $RETVAL
# Check connection every 10 seconds, and after 3 tries (30 seconds), drop and # let autossh re-connect. ServerAliveInterval="10" ServerAliveCountMax="3" StrictHostKeyChecking="no" LocalUser="root" #IdentityFile="~/.ssh/domain.com" RemoteUser="root" RemoteHost="" RemotePort="22" # Array of ports to be forwarded: # # Example: Forward port 3307, listening on on the remote side, to # port 3306 on the local side. Forward port 8081, listening on # on the local side, to port 80 on the remote side. # ForwardPort=( "R" "L" )
- 配置 autossh:你需要配置autossh以启动一个SSH隧道,将本地端口映射到阿里云ECS实例的某个端口。这可以通过在autossh命令行中指定 `-R` 参数来完成,例如:`autossh -R 8080:localhost:22 user@your_aliyun_ecs_...
一些条款: LOCALMACHINE:您要连接的计算机REMOTEMACHINE:您要连接的机器REMOTESERVER:第三台世界可访问的机器,用于通过它建立ssh隧道通过REMOTESERVER创建到REMOTEMACHINE的反向隧道: 安装cygwin。...
`autossh` 是一个开源工具,专门设计来监控SSH连接并自动在断线后重新建立连接。这个工具基于C语言编写,提供了强大的功能和易用性。`autosh` 可以检测到SSH会话是否丢失,并在检测到问题时尝试重新建立连接,避免因...
Autossh Node.js的持久SSH隧道安装使用npm npm i -S autossh用法开始const autossh = require ( 'autossh' ) ;autossh ( { host : '111.22.333.444' , username : 'root' , localPort : 64444 , remotePort : 5432} ...
`autossh`是SSH(Secure Shell)的一个扩展,它监控SSH连接状态,如果检测到连接中断,会自动尝试重新建立连接,这对于保持长时间的SSH隧道或转发非常有用。 首先,我们要了解`expect`。`expect`是一个基于Tcl的...
5. **自动重启**:当网络或SSH服务出现问题时,autossh会自动尝试重新建立连接,无需人工干预。 6. **日志分析**:查看 `/var/log/auth.log` 或者 autossh 自定义的日志文件,以便了解连接情况和故障排查。 在实际...
autossh隧道使用autossh屏幕设置并保持ssh隧道到远程站点的活动。要求重击Autossh 屏幕awk(可选) sed(可选)这个怎么运作在~/.ssh/config要隧道连接的站点:检测到前缀为'autossh-'的Host声明作为隧道站点的候选...
码头工人汽车###配置autossh编辑autossh-start.sh脚本 docker run -i -t jessefugitt/docker-autossh /bin/bashvi autossh-start.sh修改反向隧道和连接线: -R *:1234:localhost:8080 \ root@docker-sshd-ip-address...
概述jnovack / autossh是一个小型的轻量级映像(约15MB),尝试提供一种安全的方式来建立SSH隧道,而无需在映像本身中包含密钥或链接到主机。 有数千个autossh docker容器,为什么要使用这个容器? 我希望您发现它更...
当Autossh检测到连接丢失,它会尝试重新建立连接,确保服务的连续性。 **安装Cygwin和Autossh** 1. 下载Cygwin安装程序(setup.exe)并运行。 2. 在安装向导中,选择“网络”类别,并在列表中找到“openssh”和...
本篇主要介绍如何使用Ansible结合autossh在Ubuntu系统(客户端)中建立一个持久的SSH隧道,以实现安全的数据通信,如MySQL数据库的远程访问。 首先,让我们理解SSH隧道的基本概念。SSH(Secure Shell)是一种加密的...
autossh则是一个用于保持SSH连接自动重连的工具,它确保了SSH隧道在因各种原因断开后能够重新建立,这对于远程管理和监控网络服务非常有用。 【描述】中提到“openwrt 官方的 autossh 有bug”,这表明在OpenWrt官方...
适用于OpenWrt的Autossh安装,然后 opkg updateopkg install openssh-clientopkg install autossh_1.4d-x_xxxxx.ipk建造如果您使用其他OpenWRT版本,请自己构建:cd进入根目录,然后 # clone the Makefilegit clone ...
autossh init.d脚本在Debian / Raspian引导中生成ssh隧道的脚本用法确保您已经安装了autossh $apt-get install autosshAutossh不允许设置密码,因此您必须将rsa密钥上载到远程服务器。 由于我们没有为autossh配置...
这种方法主要通过建立反向SSH隧道,使得外网主机能够通过内网主机连接到的有固定外网IP的服务器,进而访问内网主机。 反向SSH的工作原理是,内网主机主动连接到有外网IP的服务器,并开放一个端口(如1111),这个...
Bash脚本可轻松设置反向ssh隧道,以便将ssh传递到nat后面的主机 您必须安装sqlite3和autossh Debian / Ubuntu apt安装sqlite3 autossh CentOS yum安装sqlite3 autossh 安装完所有内容后,您将在服务器上运行并...