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I think that those of us who are sophomores will never forget our freshman year at college.Some of us may like to forget our freshman year,but generally speaking it was a time  filled with anticipations,
some anxiety,and wonderful discoveries.
College is a lot different from high school in many ways.Your freshman experience will definitely make an deep impression on you.You
may commute from your home to a local campus.With no doubt,the most dramatic freshman year is living away from home.And i am one of those.
My hometown is in SHannxi,but i chose Shandong University.As a result i not only have to live by myself away from my family for the very first time,but also there are many challenges and opportunities waiting for me.What can you expect as you head off into the wonderful world of higher education?
   The first thing you'll face is the workload.It will be heavier and more intense than that of high school,especially you are admitted by a national key university like Shandong University.Here the fierce competition among students really astonished me.The major challenges of college work are the large volume of reading,the short deadlines,and the writing,writing,writing.Related effects that can be result in are doubt,frustration,and possibly loneliness.You are away from the comforts and friendships your home provided for you over the previous years.Here coms the problems:how can you manage to handle the stress?My advice is don't panic,just keep calm and face the music.It's quite common to feel stressed,but don't grumble beacuse everyone around you is under the same pressure.So just relax,slowly but carefully and follow your student mentor or professor asks you to do.You will get through it.
  On some of those long,seeming endless nights of studying and writing,it will seem only natural for you to long for the good old days.But be patient.Those dark periods will pass.Whatever you do,don't make importent decisions about your major,your courses,or even your roommates during one of these gloomy periods.Things always look better in the moring.
  You'll be making many friends.Continue to be yourself.Don't strike a pose or play the role of someone you're not.Select your friends with the same care and patience you have always used.Believe it or not,your college friendships will be among the most satisfying and long-term relationship of your life. It's always exciting to discover how wonderfully diverse college relationships can be.
  You'll also be on your own:your own boss more or less 24hours a day.
Be careful here.Don't go fiying off the end of the pier.Enjoy your newfound freedom.Stay up until dawn talking about your ideals and ambitions with your dorm's regular bull(session buddies).Sleep in until dawn the afternoon on a light class day.Explore the local downtown or suburbs with one or two of your new friends.
  Remember,though,freedom comes with responsibility.Even though your parents won't be around to follow up on your loose ends,you should't let things go completely.Just find your own stytle.
  College life is far more fascinating than being a students in high school.There is a great stage waiting for you to shine forth others.Enjoy the various and colorful campus activities completely.Free yourself from books and assignments,walk out of your dorm and integrate yourself into the excitement of campus life.Just don't be bookworms,studying day and night.I am sure you'll love it.College life is not just academic achievements and campus activities.The most important thing is to decide what kind of person you want to be for the rest of your life.The college experience,especially the freshman experience is the crucial period for young person to shape his or her life's goals.In other words,you may begin to seriously contemplate about your future.Look for role models.Perhaps a certain professor or success person is especially inspiring.Perhaps your school is involed in some ground-breaking researches.If a certain area of study attracts you,find out all can about it.It might be the beginning of your self-definition process.Going to college is as much about finding out who you really are as it is about getting a degree.
   Finally,whether you are going to experience failure or success,the years at university will be your personal lifetime treasure.So seize  your moment as a college student and enjoy every minute of it to make a difference. 
1 楼 liuming 2008-08-20  





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