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class.Diff.php | 11,230 bytes | PHP class |
Comparing strings and files
The compare function is used to compare two strings and determine the differences between them on a line-by-line basis. Setting the optional third parameter to true
will change the comparison to be character-by-character. For example:
// include the Diff class require_once './class.Diff.php'; // compare two strings line by line $diff = Diff::compare("line1\nline2", "lineA\nlineB"); // compare two strings character by character $diff = Diff::compare('abcmnz', 'amnxyz', true);
The compareFiles function behaves identically, except that its first two parameters are paths to files:
// include the Diff class require_once './class.Diff.php'; // compare two files line by line $diff = Diff::compareFiles('old.txt', 'new.txt'); // compare two files character by character $diff = Diff::compareFiles('old.bin', 'new.bin', true);
The differences array
The result of calling the compare and compareFiles functions is an array. Each value in the array is itself an array containing two values. The first value is a line (or character, if the third parameter was set to true
) from one of the strings or files being compared. The second value is one of the following three constants:
Diff::UNMODIFIED | The line or character is present in both strings or files |
Diff::DELETED | The line or character is present only in the first string or file |
Diff::INSERTED | The line or character is present only in the second string or file |
Output functions
The Diff class includes three output functions, which cover many use cases and often mean you will not need to process the differences array directly.
The toString function returns a string representation of the differences. The first parameter is the differences array, and the optional second parameter is the separator to use between lines of the output (by default, the newline character). For example:
// include the Diff class require_once './class.Diff.php'; // output the result of comparing two files as plain text echo Diff::toString(Diff::compareFiles('old.txt', 'new.txt'));
Each line in the resulting string is a line (or character) from one of the strings or files being compared, prefixed by two spaces, a minus sign and a space, or a plus sign and a space, indicating which string or file contained the lines. For example:
An unmodified line - A deleted line + An inserted line
The toHTML function behaves similarly to the toString function, except that unmodified, deleted, and inserted lines are wrapped in span, del, and ins elements respectively, and the default separator is <br>. For example:
// include the Diff class require_once './class.Diff.php'; // output the result of comparing two files as HTML echo Diff::toHTML(Diff::compareFiles('old.txt', 'new.txt'));
The toTable function produces a more advanced output, as shown in the example at the top of this page. It returns the code for an HTML table whose columns contain the text of the two strings or files. Each row corresponds either to a set of lines that have not been modified, or to a set of lines that have been deleted from the first string or file and a set of lines that have been added to the second string or file. The function takes three parameters: the differences array, an amount of extra indentation to use in each line of the resulting HTML (which defaults to no extra indentation), and a separator (which defaults to <br>). For example:
// include the Diff class require_once './class.Diff.php'; // output the result of comparing two files as a table echo Diff::toTable(Diff::compareFiles('old.txt', 'new.txt'));
Styling the differences table
The toTable function applies various classes to the code it returns, including the class ‘diff’ on the table element itself. At a minimum the table cells should be styled so that text appears at the top, as neighbouring cells may contain differing amounts of text. If the strings or files being compared are source code, white space should be preserved and the text should be shown in a monospace typeface. For example:
.diff td{ vertical-align : top; white-space : pre; white-space : pre-wrap; font-family : monospace; }
The two white-space rules are required for correct display in Internet Explorer prior to version 8 (see White space handling: from HTML 2.0 to CSS3 for more details). See Fixing browsers’ broken monospace font handling for some important considerations when using monospace typefaces.
Each cell in the table has one of four classes: diffUnmodified, diffDeleted, diffInserted, and diffBlank. The class diffBlank is used for the empty tables cells that occur when a deletion does not have a corresponding insertion, or the other way round. In the example at the top of this page these classes are used to show deletions in red and insertions in green.
<?php // include the Diff class require_once './class.diff.php'; $diff = Diff::compareFiles("file1.html", "file2.html"); echo Diff::toTable($diff); ?> <style> .diff td{ vertical-align : top; white-space : pre; white-space : pre-wrap; font-family : monospace; } .diff td.diffDeleted{ background:#FFE0E0; } .diff td.diffInserted{ background:#E0FFE0; } </style>
The simplest way to create a diff of two strings is as follow:
include 'finediff.php'; $opcodes = FineDiff::getDiffOpcodes($from_text, $to_text /, default granularity is set to character */); // store opcodes for later use...
Later, $to_text can be re-created from $from_text using $opcodes as follow:
include 'finediff.php'; $to_text = FineDiff::renderToTextFromOpcodes($from_text, $opcodes);
If you wish a different granularity from the default one, you can use
one of the provided stock granularity stacks:
FineDiff::$paragraphGranularity FineDiff::$sentenceGranularity FineDiff::$wordGranularity FineDiff::$characterGranularity (default)
A basic HTML renderer is provided:
echo FineDiff::renderDiffToHTMLFromOpcodes($from_text, $opcodes);
It is possible to customize the engine by providing a custom "granularity stack"
at your own risk.
It is also possible to provide a custom renderer through a user supplied callback
FineDiff::renderFromOpcodes($from, $opcodes, $callback);
原文/转自:PHP 比较两个文本文件差异 A diff implementation for PHP
该库非常快速地比较两个文本文件,并返回具有差异的对象。 差异处有编号的行,以便于向用户轻松显示更改。 在浏览更改时,您还可以从Diff对象中将更改后的行的数组读取为整数数组。 如何使用 只需创建一个...
`diff`的基本使用方式是通过指定两个文件名,如`diff file1.txt file2.txt`,它会逐行比较这两个文件,并突出显示不同之处。如果文件完全相同,`diff`将不会输出任何内容。当存在差异时,它会显示哪一行或哪些行不...
1. **文本比较**: Odd Diff Check Tool 能够对两个文本文件进行逐行或逐字符的对比,高亮显示不同之处。这对于检查代码修改、查找bug或者合并冲突非常有效。它可以识别新增、删除、修改等变化,并提供直观的界面来...
在Qt5.9中,文件比较功能主要通过`QTextDocument`和`QDiffEngine`等类实现,它们能够处理文本文件的差异比较,并且可以通过自定义渲染来显示比较结果。 文件夹比较是该工具的一大亮点,它能够遍历指定的文件夹,找...
当您有两个版本的文件,例如源代码文件或文本文件,`diff_tool`可以生成一个详细的报告,指出这两个文件中的哪些行或字符不相同。这种差异显示对于追踪修改历史、合并冲突或者找出错误来源非常有用。 在安装`diff_...
本文将深入探讨如何在C#中实现文本对比算法,以比较两个字符串的不同,并了解如何利用这些差异进行实际应用。 首先,文本对比的基本目标是识别两个文本之间的异同,这在版本控制、文档编辑、代码审查等场景中非常...
如果想比较的不是文本文件而是二进制文件,可以使用 `diff -b` 或 `diff --brief`,它将简单地告诉你两个文件是否相同,而不会列出具体差异。 `dirdiff` 命令: `dirdiff` 是扩展了 `diff` 功能的工具,专门用于...
diff算法是一种在计算机科学领域广泛使用的文本比较方法,它的主要目标是找出两个文本文件之间的差异,从而生成一个最小编辑距离(Minimum Edit Distance, MED)的表示,也就是如何通过最少的插入、删除和替换操作将...
首先,我们来看`diff`命令,它是Linux中一个强大的工具,用于比较两个文件或目录的差异。在比较两个文件夹时,我们可以使用以下选项: 1. `-a` 或 `--text`:即使文件看起来不是文本格式,也把它们当作文本进行逐行...
在这个场景下,我们可以利用`fileinput`模块读取文件内容,再用`difflib`模块来比较两个文件的差异。 `fileinput`模块允许我们方便地逐行迭代多个文件,而`difflib`模块则提供了`Differ()`类,它能够生成人类可读的...
本文将围绕标题“diff:一个像众所周知的diff程序一样计算两个文本文件差异的小程序”展开,深入探讨这个Java实现的文本文件差异比较工具。 首先,理解`diff`的基本功能至关重要。`diff`程序的主要任务是识别两个...
diff以逐行的方式,比较文本文件的异同处。如果指定要比较目录,则diff会比较目录中相同文件名的文件,但不会比较其中子目录 。 语法格式:diff [参数] [目录] 常用参数: -a diff预设只会逐行比较文本文件 -...
php-htmldiff是一个用于比较两个HTML文件/片段并使用简单HTML突出显示差异的库。 此HTML Diff实现是从,并已通过新功能,错误修复和对原始代码的增强进行了修改。 有关这些修改的更多信息,请阅读或查看 。 安装 ...