
Git for Beginner

How to upload your code to git server?

After installing git, execute these in command line:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "email@example.com

/etc/gitconfig and ~/.gitconfig.
each level overrides values in the previous level.
.gitconfig trump /etc/gitconfig

Create SSH key(in ~/.ssh directory):
ssh-kengen -t rasa -C "your email"
id_rsa.pub stores the public key, copy it to Key box in your account settings.
Execute 'ssh -T git@github.com', and check if you've successfully authenticated.

Create a git repository:
1, git clone "url"
2, 'git status' checks status of your files
3, Add new file or make a change of clone file
4, then, git commit -m "explanation"
5, connect to a remote repository using 'git remote add origin "url"
6, git push -u origin master (first time push code to master branch (if the origin exist already, execute 'git remote rm origin' to delete it
7, using git push origin master for each push action

*after you change a file, use "git commit -a -m 'comment' " to commit, then, execute 'git push origin master'



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