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《JavaServer Faces in Action》学习笔记

典型的RAD(Rapid Application Development)工具有四个层次:
1.关键的组件体系(An underlying component architecture)
2.一套标准的窗体(A set of standard widgets)
3.应用体系架构(An application infrastructure)
4.工具本身(The tool itself)

JavaServer Faces was developed specifically to fill in the hole that the lack of a standard Java RAD web framework。
In terms of the four layers of a RAD tool, JavaServer Faces defines three of them: a component architecture, a standard set of UI widgets, and an application infrastructure。
JavaServer Faces has a specific goal: to make web development faster and easier.It allows developers to think in terms of components, events, backing beans,and their interactions, instead of requests, responses, and markup. In other words, it masks a lot of the complexities of web development so that developers can focus on what they do best—build applications.
One of the key design goals of JSF was to avoid relying on a particular display technology.So JSF provides pluggable interfaces that allow developers to integrate it with various display technologies.

Figure 1.6 shows this stack in relation to JSF, Struts, servlets, JSP, and a traditional web server.


    JavaServer Faces in Action

    ### JavaServer Faces (JSF) 实战:关键技术与实践 #### 一、JavaServer Faces (JSF) 简介 JavaServer Faces (JSF) 是一个基于Java EE标准的服务器端用户界面组件框架,它提供了创建丰富且交互式的用户界面的能力...

    JavaServer Faces in Action(英文版)

    这本书《JavaServer Faces in Action》是JSF学习者的重要参考资料,通过其英文版,读者可以更深入地理解JSF的原理和实践应用。 JSF的核心概念包括以下几个方面: 1. **组件(Components)**:JSF中的组件类似于UI...


    JavaServer Faces (JSF, or simply “Faces”) makes it easy to develop web applications by bringing support for rich, powerful user interface components (such as text boxes, list boxes, tabbed panes, ...

    Manning - JavaServer Faces JSF in Action.pdf

    通过《JavaServer Faces (JSF) in Action》这本书,读者可以深入理解JSF的工作原理,学习如何设计和实现高效的JSF应用,以及如何解决实际开发中遇到的问题。无论你是初学者还是经验丰富的开发者,都能从中受益。

    Manning-JSF Java Server Faces in Action (2005)

    ### Manning-JSF Java Server Faces in Action (2005) #### 标题解析与扩展知识点 **标题**:“Manning-JSF Java Server Faces in Action (2005)”明确指出本书是关于Java Server Faces(JSF)技术的一本指南书籍...

    JavaServer Faces 入门学习资料

    ### JavaServer Faces (JSF) 入门学习资料解析 #### JSF简介 JavaServer Faces (简称JSF),是Sun Microsystems公司(现为Oracle公司的一部分)于2004年3月发布的一种用于构建企业级Java Web应用的标准框架。JSF的...

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    java server faces深入讲解,

    Manning - JavaServer Faces in Action(2-1).pdf

    JavaServer Faces in Action 非常经典的JSF书籍 ,英文版

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    JSF(Java Server Faces)技术为开发基于网络用户界面的Java开发者提供了标准的编程接口API以及标签库。就像Struts框架一样,JSF定义了一套JSF标签 JSF的全称  1、Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)  2、Java Server ...

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    Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2 英文azw3 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书

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    Mastering JavaServer Faces 2.2 英文epub 本资源转载自网络,如有侵权,请联系上传者或csdn删除 查看此书详细信息请在美国亚马逊官网搜索此书

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