“黑客咒语”的描述,“代码比毫无意义的争论更有说服力”。因为代码的价值并不会因为你怎么讨论它而改变,也不会因为你画了一个UML图就能对它所能产生的效果有所改变。Meijer说,Facebook的Hacker Way工作方式有五个众所周知的原理:
总的来说,Hacker Way就是拿一个系统的局限性来做实验,采取的方法当然不是公认的、大家都遵守的规则,而是自己的随意所为。用Meijer的话说,黑客就是不喜欢官僚,不喜欢虚伪,更不喜欢无能、无聊之辈。
去 github.com/facebookgo/mongoschema 例如,让我们用一些数据创建一个集合: # mongoMongoDB shell version: 2.4.8connecting to: test> db.company.insert({name:"Facebook", address:{street_1:"1 Hacker Way",...
It takes years of practice, research, trial and errors to build experience and knowledge along the way. Simple questions such as "How do I make my code faster?", "How do I make sure there is no ...
【标题】:“通杀漏洞利用回显方法-Linux平台” 【描述】:本文主要探讨了在Linux环境下,针对漏洞利用时遇到的无法获取执行结果的问题,提出了几种常见的解决方案,包括报错回显、通过Web应用获取上下文对象,以及...
murchie85针对Hackerrank问题集的解决方案  很多问题的评论部分都会给出答案,但这些问题的解决方案都是我自己的方法,而无需查看答案....因为目标是最终学习和改进。 稍后,我将与最佳解决方案进行...
Python hacker. Those are two words you really could use to describe me. At Immunity, I am lucky enough to work with people who actually, really, know how to code Python. I am not one of those people. ...
Locking the “cyber-barn door” after a hacker has struck is way too late. Cyber security, cyber crime and cyber terrorism may seem to be intellectual crimes that don't really touch the average ...
Cybersecurity for Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities shows what hackers can do, why hackers would target a hospital, the way they research a target, ways they can gain access to a medical grade ...
3. **《The Way to Go》** - 作者:Jon Bodner - 简介:本书采用轻松幽默的语言风格,深入浅出地讲解了GO语言的基础知识、高级特性及其背后的原理,是一本非常值得推荐的学习指南。 #### 三、学习视频 1. **Go...
In September 2013, while browsing Hacker News, I stumbled across an article in Wired about a new technology called “Docker.” 1 As I read it, I became increasingly excited as I realized Docker’s ...
Have you ever noticed in the movies when the “super hacker”—you know, the guy who can break into the ultra-secure military computer in under 30 seconds—sits down at the computer, he never touches ...
Hacker Defender, HE4Hook, Vanquish, NT Rootkit, FU, AFX Rootkit-these are the names of some of the rootkits that have found their way into millions of computers around the world. These rootkits share ...
Modern Perl will take you from novice to proficient Perl hacker. You'll see which features of modern Perl will make you more productive, and which features of this well-loved language are best left in...
indeed, the only way to learn cyber operations is to lay hands on a keyboard and work. Set up the various systems described in the book, try out the attacks, and look for the traces left by the ...
tasks when I decided to check Hacker News for new ways to grow my skillset. Articles about a technology called Docker had made the front page a few times that week. That evening I decided to check it ...