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Auto Acc Assign(MM)


Table T030 - GL account assignments in MM 

Trans CKM9 - shows MM config / GL assignments

Configure Automatic Postings

In this step, you enter the system settings for Inventory Management and Invoice Verification transactions for automatic postings to G/L accounts.

You can then check your settings using a simulation function.

Under Further information there is a list of transactions in Materials Management and their definitions.

What are automatic postings?

Postings are made to G/L accounts automatically in the case of Invoice Verification and Inventory Management transactions relevant to Financial and Cost Accounting.

Posting lines are created in the following accounts in the case of a goods issue for a cost center:

  • Stock account
  • Consumption account

How does the system find the relevant accounts?

When entering the goods movement, the user does not have to enter a G/L account, since the R/3 System automatically finds the accounts to which postings are to be made using the following data:

  • Chart of accounts of the company code
    If the user enters a company code or a plant when entering a transaction, the R/3 System determines the chart of accounts which is valid for the company code.
    You must define the automatic account determination individually for each chart of accounts.
  • Valuation grouping code of the valuation area
    If the automatic account determination within a chart of accounts is to run differently for certain company codes or plants (valuation areas), assign different valuation grouping codes to these valuation areas.
    You must define the automatic account determination individually for every valuation grouping code within a chart of accounts. It applies to all valuation areas which are assigned to this valuation grouping code.
    If the user enters a company code or a plant when entering a transaction, the system determines the valuation area and the valuation grouping code.
  • Transaction/event key (internal processing key)
    Posting transactions are predefined for those inventory management and invoice verification transactions relevant to accounting. Posting records, which are generalized in the value string, are assigned to each relevant movement type in inventory management and each transaction in invoice verification. These contain keys for the relevant posting transaction (for example, inventory posting and consumption posting) instead of actual G/L account numbers.
    You do not have to define these transaction keys, they are determined automatically from the transaction (invoice verification) or the movement type (inventory management). All you have to do is assign the relevant G/L account to each posting transaction.
  • Account grouping (only for offsetting entries, consignment liabilities, and price differences)
    Since the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting" is used for different transactions (for example, goods issue, scrapping, physical inventory), which are assigned to different accounts (for example, consumption account, scrapping, expense/income from inventory differences), it is necessary to divide the posting transaction according to a further key: account grouping code.
    An account grouping is assigned to each movement type in inventory management which uses the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting".
    Under the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting", you must assign G/L accounts for every account grouping, that is, assign G/L accounts.
    If you wish to post price differences to different price difference accounts in the case of goods receipts for purchase orders, goods receipts for orders, or other movements, you can define different account grouping codes for the transaction key.
    Using the account grouping, you can also have different accounts for consignment liabilities and pipeline liabilities.
  • Valuation class of material or (in case of split valuation) the valuation type
    The valuation class allows you to define automatic account determination that is dependent on the material. for example: you post a goods receipt of a raw material to a different stock account than if the goods receipt were for trading goods, even though the user enters the same transaction for both materials.
    You can achieve this by assigning different valuation classes to the materials and by assigning different G/L accounts to the posting transaction for every valuation class.
    If you do not want to differentiate according to valuation classes you do not have to maintain a valuation class for a transaction.


Before you maintain automatic postings, you must obtain the following information:

    1. Valuation level (plant or company code)
    Establish whether the materials are valuated at plant or at company code level
    When valuation is at plant level, the valuation area corresponds to a plant.
    When valuation is at company code level, the valuation area corresponds to a company code.
    2. Chart of accounts and valuation grouping code per valuation area
    Find out whether the valuation grouping code is active.
    If it is not active, determine the chart of accounts assigned to each valuation area (via the company code).
    If it is active, determine the chart of accounts and the valuation grouping code assigned to each valuation area.
    You must define a separate account determination process for chart of accounts and each valuation grouping code.
    3. Valuation class per material type
    If you wish to differentiate the account determination process for specific transactions according to valuation classes, find out which valuation classes are possible for each material type.
    4. Account grouping for offsetting entries to stock accounts
    Under Define account grouping for movement types, determine for which movement types an account grouping is defined for the transaction/event keys GGB (offsetting entry to stock posting), KON (consignment liabilities) and PRD (price differences).

Default settings

G/L account assignments for the charts of accounts INT and the valuation grouping code 0001 are SAP standard.


    1. Create account keys for each chart of accounts and each valuation grouping code for the individual posting transactions. To do so, proceed as follows:
      a) Call up the activity Configure Automatic Postings.
      The R/3 system first checks whether the valuation areas are correctly maintained. If, for example, a plant is not assigned to a company code, a dialog box and an error message appear.
      From this box, choose Continue (next entry) to continue the check.
      Choose Cancel to end the check.
      The configuration menu Automatic postings appears.
      b) Choose Goto -> Account assignment.
      A list of posting transactions in Materials Management appears. For further details of the individual transactions, see Further information.
      The Account determination indicator shows whether automatic account determination is defined for a transaction.
      c) Choose a posting transaction.
      A box appears for the first posting transaction. Here you can enter a chart of accounts.
    You can enter the following data for each transaction:
    • Rules for account number assignments
      With Goto -> Rules you can enter the factors on which the account number assignments depend:
      - debit/credit indicator
      - general grouping (= account grouping)
      - valuation grouping
      - valuation class
    • Posting keys for the posting lines
      Normally you do not have to change the posting keys.  If you wish to use new posting keys, you have to define them in the Customizing system of Financial Accounting.
    • Account number assignments
      You must assign G/L accounts for each transaction/event key (except KBS). You can assign these accounts manually or copy them from another chart of accounts via Edit -> Copy.
      If you want to differentiate posting transactions (e.g. inventory postings) according to valuation classes, you must make an account assignment for each valuation class.
      Using the posting transaction "Offsetting entry for inventory posting", you have to make an account assignment for each account grouping
      If the transaction PRD (price differences) is also dependent on the account grouping, you must create three account assignments:
      - an account assignment without account grouping
      - an account assignment with account grouping PRF
      - an account assignment with account grouping PRA
      If the transaction KON (consignment and pipeline liabilities) is also dependent on the account grouping, you must create two account assignments:
      - an account assignment without account grouping (consignment)
      - an account assignment with account grouping (pipeline)
      d) Save your settings.
    2. Then check your settings with the simulation function.
    With the simulation function, you can simulate the following:
    • Inventory Management transactions
    • Invoice Verification transactions
    When you enter a material or valuation class, the R/3 system determines the G/L accounts which are assigned to the corresponding posting transactions. Depending on the configuration, the SAP system checks whether the G/L account exists
    In the simulation you can compare the field selection of the movement type with that of the individual accounts and make any corrections.
    If you want to print the simulation, choose Simulation -> Report.
    To carry out the simulation, proceed as follows:
      a) Choose Settings to check the simulation defaults for
      - the application area (Invoice Verification or Inventory Management)
      - the input mode (material or valuation class)
      - account assignment
      b) Choose Goto -> Simulation.
      The screen for entering simulation data appears.
      c) Depending on the valuation level, enter a plant or a company code on the screen.
      d) When you simulate Inventory Management transactions, goods movements are simulated. The R/3 system suggests the first movement type for simulation. If several movements are possible with this movement type, you can select a line.
      When you simulate Invoice Verification transactions, a list appears on the screen of the possible transaction types. Select a line.
      e) Then choose Goto -> Account assignments.
      A list appears of the posting lines which can be created by the selected transaction. For each posting line, the G/L account for the debit posting as well as the G/L account for the credit posting are displayed.
      f) From this screen, choose Goto -> Movement+ to get a list of the posting lines for the next movement type or transaction type.
      If you work with valuation classes, choose Goto -> Valuation class+ to receive the simulation for the next valuation class. This function is not possible when simulating with material numbers.
      Choose Goto -> Check screen layout to compare the movement type with the G/L accounts determined by the system and make any necessary corrections.


The simulation function does NOT obviate the need for a trial posting!

Further notes

The following list shows the individual transactions with examples of how they are used. The transaction/event key is specified in brackets.

  • Agency business: income (AG1)
    This transaction can be used in agency business for income deriving from commission (e.g. del credere commission). The account key is used in the calculation schemas for agency business to determine the associated revenue accounts.
  • Agency business: turnover (AG2)
    This transaction can be used in agency business if turnover (business volume) postings are activated in Customizing for the payment types. The account key is specified in Customizing for the billing type.
  • Agency business: expense (AG3)
    This transaction can be used in agency business for commission expenses. The account key is used in the calculation schemas for agency business to determine the associated expense accounts.
  • Expense/revenue from consumption of consignment material (AKO)
    This transaction is used in Inventory Management in the case of withdrawals from consignment stock or when consignment stock is transferred to own stock if the material is subject to standard price control and the consignment price differs from the standard price.
  • Expenditure/income from transfer posting (AUM)
    This transaction is used for transfer postings from one material to another if the complete value of the issuing material cannot be posted to the value of the receiving material. This applies both to materials with standard price control and to materials with moving average price control. Price differences can arise for materials with moving average price if stock levels are negative and the stock value becomes unrealistic as a result of the posting. Transaction AUM can be used irrespective of whether the transfer posting involves a transfer between plants. The expenditure/income is added to the receiving material.
  • Provisions for subsequent (end-of-period rebate) settlement (BO1)
    If you use the "subsequent settlement" function with regard to conditions (e.g. for period-end volume-based rebates), provisions for accrued income are set up when goods receipts are recorded against purchase orders if this is defined for the condition type.
  • Income from subsequent settlement (BO2)
    The rebate income generated in the course of "subsequent settlement" (end-of-period rebate settlement) is posted via this transaction.
  • Income from subsequent settlement after actual settlement (BO3)
    If a goods receipt occurs after settlement accounting has been effected for a rebate arrangement, no further provisions for accrued rebate income can be managed by the "subsequent settlement" facility. No postings should be made to the account normally used for such provisions. As an alternative, you can use this transaction to post provisions for accrued rebate income to a separate account in cases such as the one described.
  • Supplementary entry for stock (BSD)



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