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以下代码在Xcode 7.2.1 环境下编译通过
// // main.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Decrible: 通过一个程序代码来总结Objective-C的知识点 // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // // import 关键字导入当前目录中的头文件 #import "DemoBasicGrammar.h" #import "DemoClass.h" #import "DemoInheritance.h" #import "DemoCategories.h" #import "DemoProtocol.h" #import "DemoDelegation.h" #import "DemoFoundationFramework.h" #import "DemoMemoryManagement.h" // main 程序的入口点,参数同C语言一致, argc 程序参数的个数,argv参数数组 int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { //内存管理机制 @autoreleasepool { // @为字符串常量 NSLog(@"Hello, World!"); // 定义一个对象指针 DemoBasicGrammar *demoGrammar; DemoClass *demoClass; DemoInheritance *demoInheritance; OtherTasks1 *otherTask1; OtherTasks1 *otherTask2; DemoDelegation *demoDelegation; DemoFoundationFramework *demoFoundationFramework; DemoMemoryManagement *demoMemoryManagement; int number; do { NSLog (@"---------------------"); NSLog (@"[1] Demo Basic Grammar"); NSLog (@"[2] Demo Class"); NSLog (@"[3] Demo Inheritance "); NSLog (@"[4] Demo Categories"); NSLog (@"[5] Demo Protocol and Delegation"); NSLog (@"[6] Demo Foundation Framework"); NSLog (@"[7] Demo Memory Management"); NSLog (@"[0] Exit"); NSLog (@"----------------------"); NSLog (@"Enter your number."); number = 0; scanf ("%i", &number); switch (number) { case 1: // 建立一个实例 demoGrammar = [DemoBasicGrammar alloc]; // sent message 类似与调用类的成员函数, 但是有所区别。函数调用是编译期间即已经决定,而sent message为Runtime时决定成员方法的使用。 [demoGrammar demoDataType]; [demoGrammar demoExpressions]; [demoGrammar demoLogic]; [demoGrammar demoArray]; [demoGrammar demoEnumerate]; [demoGrammar demoStructures]; [demoGrammar demoBlocks]; break; case 2: // 静态方法, 这里没有实例化,直接使用静态方法 [DemoClass demoStaticFunc]; // 实例对象并初始化 demoClass = [[DemoClass alloc] init]; // 多参数,demoMultipleParameter为方法名称, "1"为第一参数值(实参) parameterSecond为第二个参数 [demoClass demoMultipleParameter: 1 parameterSecond: 2]; break; case 3: // DemoInheritance 继承DemoClass // 实例化 demoInheritance = [DemoInheritance alloc]; // 初始化 demoInheritance = [demoInheritance initWith: 1 over: 2]; // 重写方法, OC 默认实现类似于C++ 的Virtual方法的多态 [demoInheritance demoOverriding]; break; case 4: demoClass = [[DemoClass alloc] init]; // 提供一种模块化的扩展方法 [demoClass demoCategories]; break; case 5: demoDelegation = [DemoDelegation alloc]; otherTask1 = [OtherTasks1 alloc]; // 任务一 demoDelegation.delegate = otherTask1; // 将任务一对象赋值给委托类的属性 [demoDelegation executeDelegationTasks]; // 执行委托 otherTask2 = [OtherTasks2 alloc]; // 任务二 demoDelegation.delegate = otherTask2; // 将任务二对象赋值给委托类的属性 [demoDelegation executeDelegationTasks]; // 执行委托 break; case 6: demoFoundationFramework = [DemoFoundationFramework alloc]; [demoFoundationFramework demoNumberObjects]; [demoFoundationFramework demoStringObjects]; [demoFoundationFramework demoArray]; [demoFoundationFramework demoDictionary]; [demoFoundationFramework demoSet]; [demoFoundationFramework demoFileManager]; //Foundation’s NSData class provides an easy way to set up a buffer, read the contents of the file into it, or write the contents of a buffer out to a file. [demoFoundationFramework demoNSData]; [demoFoundationFramework demoArchivingWithXMLProperty]; [demoFoundationFramework demoArchivingWithNSKeyedArchiver]; // 序列化 反序列化 [demoFoundationFramework demoEncodeAndDecode]; break; case 7: demoMemoryManagement = [DemoMemoryManagement alloc]; [demoMemoryManagement demoManualReferenceCounting]; [demoMemoryManagement demoAutoReleasePool]; [demoMemoryManagement demoAutoReleasepoolBlocks]; [demoMemoryManagement demoCopyObjects]; break; default: break; } }while ( number != 0 ); } return 0; } // // DemoBasicGrammar.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle: 头文件,用于定义和声明 // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // // import 关键字导入Fooundation Framework, 主要是封装了Numbers NSString Collections等内容 // 导入一共有三种方式:1. #include 兼容C语言 2.#import OC 专用 3. @class + 类名 告诉编译器这是一个类 #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" // 预处理 #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 // OC 的程序代码结构主要有三个section, 分别是@interface section 用于定义 @implementation section 用于实现 @program section 主程序 //---- @interface section ---- @interface DemoBasicGrammar: NSObject -(void) demoDataType; -(void) demoExpressions; -(void) demoLogic; -(void) demoArray; -(void) demoEnumerate; -(void) demoStructures; // funciton pointers blocks -(void) demoBlocks; @end // // DemoBasicGrammar.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoBasicGrammar.h" //---- @implementation section ---- @implementation DemoBasicGrammar { int numerator; int denominator; } -(void) demoDataType { MyLog (@"Demonstated basci data type."); // OC 主要有四种基本的数据类型 int integerVar = 100; float floatingVar = 331.79; double doubleVar = 8.44e+11; char charVar = 'W'; NSLog (@"integerVar = %i", integerVar); NSLog (@"floatingVar = %f", floatingVar); NSLog (@"doubleVar = %e", doubleVar); NSLog (@"doubleVar = %g", doubleVar); NSLog (@"charVar = %c", charVar); } -(void) demoExpressions{ MyLog (@"Demonstated expressions."); int a = 100; int b = 2; int c = 25; int d = 4; int result; result = a - b; NSLog (@"a - b = %i", result); result = b * c; // multiplication NSLog (@"b * c = %i", result); result = a / c; // division NSLog (@"a / c = %i", result); result = a + b * c; // precedence NSLog (@"a + b * c = %i", result); NSLog (@"a * b + c * d = %i", a * b + c * d); a += b; a -= b; a /= b; a *= b; a %= b; a++; a--; } -(void) demoLogic{ MyLog (@"Demonstated logic grammar, such as for while if"); // 逻辑判断包括:for; while; do while; if else; switch; condition; break; continue; /* for ( init_expression; loop_condition; loop_expression ) program statement */ int n, triangularNumber; triangularNumber = 0; for ( n = 1; n <= 200; n = n + 1 ) triangularNumber += n; /* while ( expression ) program statement */ int count = 1; while ( count <= 5 ) { NSLog (@"%i", count); ++count; } /* do program statement while ( expression ); */ int number, right_digit; NSLog (@"Enter your number."); scanf ("%i", &number); do { right_digit = number % 10; NSLog (@"%i", right_digit); number /= 10; } while ( number != 0 ); /* if ( expression ) program statement 1 else program statement 2 */ if ( number == 0 ) NSLog (@"The number is even."); else NSLog (@"The number is odd."); /* switch ( expression ) { case value1: program statement program statement ... break; case value2: program statement program statement ... break; ... case valuen: program statement program statement ... break; default: program statement program statement ... break; } */ /* condition ? expression1 : expression2 */ NSLog (@"Sign = %i", ( number < 0 ) ? -1 : ( number == 0 ) ? 0 : 1); } -(void) demoArray{ MyLog (@"Demonstated array"); int Fibonacci[15], i; Fibonacci[0] = 0; /* by definition */ Fibonacci[1] = 1; /* ditto */ for ( i = 2; i < 15; ++i ) Fibonacci[i] = Fibonacci[i-2] + Fibonacci[i-1]; for ( i = 0; i < 15; ++i ) NSLog (@"%i", Fibonacci[i]); } -(void) demoEnumerate{ MyLog (@"Demonstated enumerate"); enum month { january = 1, february, march, april, may, june, july, august, september, october, november, december }; enum month amonth; int days; NSLog (@"Enter month number: "); scanf ("%i", &amonth); switch (amonth) { case january: case march: case may: case july: case august: case december: days = 31; break; case april: case june: case september: case november: days = 30; break; case february: days = 28; break; default: NSLog (@"bad month number"); days = 0; break; } if ( days != 0 ) NSLog (@"Number of days is %i", days); if ( amonth == february ) NSLog (@"...or 29 if it's a leap year"); } -(void) demoStructures{ MyLog (@"Demonstated structure"); // 延续了C 语言的用法 struct date { int month; int day; int year; }; struct date today; today.month = 9; today.day = 25; today.year = 2011; NSLog (@"Today's date is %i/%i/%.2i.", today.month, today.day, today.year % 100); } -(void) demoBlocks{ MyLog (@"Demonstated blocks"); // 注意符号^, 主要用于回调函数,类似于C语言的函数指针 void (^print_message)(void) = ^(void) { NSLog (@"Programming is fun."); }; print_message(); } @end // // DemoClass.h // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" #import "DemoDelegation.h" @interface DemoClass: NSObject{ // 成员数据, int numerator; } // 总结OC的封装, // 成员数据,由于OOP的封装性,默认的成员数据,不能够直接被访问,只能通过 getter seter方法去访问 // OC 引入@property @synthesize 通过‘.’来访问例如:demoClass.intProperty @property int intProperty; // 成员数据的访问范围 /* - @protected— Methods defined in the class and any subclasses can directly access the instance variables that follow.This is the default for instance variables defined in the interface section. - @private— Methods defined in the class can directly access the instance variables that follow, but subclasses cannot.This is the default for instance variables defined in the implementation section. - @public— Methods defined in the class and any other classes or modules can directly access the instance variables that follow. - @package— For 64-bit images, the instance variable can be accessed anywhere within the image that implements the class. */ // 修饰关键字 /* -原子性: - atomic(默认):atomic意为操作是原子的,意味着只有一个线程访问实例变量。atomic是线程安全的,至少在当前的存取器上是安全的。它是一个默认的特性,但是很少使用,因为比较影响效率,这跟ARM平台和内部锁机制有关。 - nonatomic:nonatomic跟atomic刚好相反。表示非原子的,可以被多个线程访问。它的效率比atomic快。但不能保证在多线程环境下的安全性,在单线程和明确只有一个线程访问的情况下广泛使用。 -存取器控制: - readwrite(默认):readwrite是默认值,表示该属性同时拥有setter和getter。 - readonly: readonly表示只有getter没有setter。 -内存管理: - strong:strong是在IOS引入ARC的时候引入的关键字,是retain的一个可选的替代。表示实例变量对传入的对象要有所有权关系,即强引用。strong跟retain的意思相同并产生相同的代码,但是语意上更好更能体现对象的关系。 - weak:在setter方法中,需要对传入的对象不进行引用计数加1的操作。 - 简单来说,就是对传入的对象没有所有权,当该对象引用计数为0时,即该对象被释放后,用weak声明的实例变量指向nil,即实例变量的值为0。 - 注:weak关键字是IOS5引入的,IOS5之前是不能使用该关键字的。delegate 和 Outlet 一般用weak来声明。 - copy:与strong类似,但区别在于实例变量是对传入对象的副本拥有所有权,而非对象本身。 */ // 成员函数 -(void) demoInstanceMemberFunc: (int) n; // 实例方法, 注意"-" +(void) demoStaticFunc; // 静态方法, 注意"+" -(void) demoMultipleParameter: (int) p1 parameterSecond: (int) p2; -(void) demoOverriding; // 重写 -(DemoClass *)init; // 初始化 -(void) demoDelegation; // 委托(Delegation) @end// // DemoClass.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoClass.h" @implementation DemoClass // OC 引入@property @synthesize @synthesize intProperty; -(DemoClass *)init{ MyLog (@"DemoClass's init function."); // self 关键字,表示实例自身 self = [super init]; if (self) { // Initialization code here. } return self; } -(void) demoInstanceMemberFunc: (int) n{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated instance member function and local value."); int localVari = 0; // 本地变量 static int staticVari = 0; // 只被初始化一次 } -(void) demoMultipleParameter: (int) p1 parameterSecond: (int) p2{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated mutiple parameter."); } +(void) demoStaticFunc{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated static function."); } -(void) demoOverriding{ MyLog (@"This is demoOverriding in the DemoClass."); } -(void) demoDelegation{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated delegation."); DemoDelegation *delegate = [DemoDelegation alloc]; OtherTasks1 *task1 = [OtherTasks1 alloc]; // 将任务授予代理属性 delegate.delegate = task1; // 执行任务 [delegate executeDelegationTasks]; } @end // // DemoInheritance.h // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" #import "DemoClass.h" @interface DemoInheritance: DemoClass // 继承DemoClas 类 // 总结OC的继承 // 重写(Overriding)父类的init, id 为 -(DemoInheritance *)init; // 带有参数的初始化 -(DemoInheritance *)initWith: (int) n over: (int) d; // 使用父类的成员数据 -(void)useMemberDataOfParent; // 重写父类的实例方法 -(void)demoOverriding; // 多态 -(void)whichMethodIsSelected; @end// // DemoInheritance.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoInheritance.h" @implementation DemoInheritance // 重载父类的init -(DemoInheritance *)init{ MyLog (@"DemoInheritance's init function."); // self 关键字,代表实例对象 // super 代表父类 self = [super init]; if (self) { // Initialization code here. } return self; } // 带有参数的初始化 -(DemoInheritance *)initWith: (int) n over: (int) d{ MyLog (@"DemoInheritance's initWith function. Demonstrated multiple parameter"); self = [super init]; if (self){ } return self; } // 使用父类的成员数据 -(void)useMemberDataOfParent{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated for using member data of parent "); NSLog (@"Numerator is : %d", numerator); } // 重写父类的实例方法 -(void)demoOverriding{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated overriding"); NSLog (@"This is demoOverriding in the DemoInheritance. "); } -(void)whichMethodIsSelected{ MyLog (@"Which method is selected?"); DemoClass *demoClass = [[DemoClass alloc] init]; DemoClass *demoInheri = [[DemoInheritance alloc] init]; // 多态,使用了各自的方法 [demoClass demoOverriding]; // 使用DemoClass中的方法 [demoInheri demoOverriding]; // 使用DemoInheritance中的方法 } @end// // DemoCategories.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle: 分类(Categories) // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" #import "DemoClass.h" // 采用() 扩展 DemoClass @interface DemoClass(DemoCategories) -(void)demoCategories; @end// // DemoCategories.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoCategories.h" @implementation DemoClass(DemoCategories) -(void)demoCategories{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated Categories"); NSLog (@"This is extendtion by Categories."); } @end // // DemoProtocol.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle: 定义protocol // A protocol is a list of methods that is shared among classes.The methods listed in the proto- col do not have corresponding implementations; they’re meant to be implemented by someone else (like you!).A protocol provides a way to define a set of methods that are somehow related with a specified name. // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" @protocol DemoProtocol //使用protocol是,被标记为required的方法,必须被实现 @required -(void)doRequiredProtocol; // 可选 @optional -(void)doOptionalProtocol; @end // // OtherTasks.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle:被委托的任务, 实现DemoProtocol的method // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoProtocol.h" #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" @interface OtherTasks1: NSObject<DemoProtocol> -(void)doRequiredProtocol; @end// // OtherTask1.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "OtherTasks1.h" @implementation OtherTasks1 -(void)doRequiredProtocol{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated protocol and delegation"); NSLog(@"This is other task 1."); } @end// // OtherTasks2.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle:被委托的任务, 实现DemoProtocol的method // Created by Frank on 15/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoProtocol.h" #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" @interface OtherTasks2: NSObject<DemoProtocol> -(void)doRequiredProtocol; @end// // OtherTasks2.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 15/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "OtherTasks2.h" @implementation OtherTasks2 -(void)doRequiredProtocol{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated protocol and delegation"); NSLog(@"This is other task 2."); } @end// // DemoDelegation.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle: 委托, // Delegate本身应该称为一种设计模式,是把一个类自己需要做的一部分事情,让另一个类(也可以就是自己本身)来完成,而实际做事的类为被委托类。而protocol是一种语法,它的主要目标是提供接口给遵守协议的类使用,而这种方式提供了一个很方便的、实现delegate模式的机会。 // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "OtherTasks1.h" #import "OtherTasks2.h" #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" @interface DemoDelegation : NSObject @property (retain) id<DemoProtocol> delegate; -(void)executeDelegationTasks; @end // // DemoDelegation.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoDelegation.h" @implementation DemoDelegation -(void)executeDelegationTasks{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated protocol and delegation"); // 注意这里的"_" [_delegate doRequiredProtocol]; } @end// // DemoFoundationFramework.h // DemoObjectiveC // Describle: Foundation Framework // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import <Foundation/Foundation.h> #import "DemoGlobalDefine.h" @interface DemoFoundationFramework : NSObject -(void) demoNumberObjects; -(void) demoStringObjects; -(void) demoArray; -(void) demoDictionary; -(void) demoSet; -(int) demoFileManager; //Foundation’s NSData class provides an easy way to set up a buffer, read the contents of the file into it, or write the contents of a buffer out to a file. -(int) demoNSData; -(void) demoArchivingWithXMLProperty; -(void) demoArchivingWithNSKeyedArchiver; // 序列化 反序列化 -(void) demoEncodeAndDecode; @end // Create an integer object #define INTOBJ(v) [NSNumber numberWithInteger: v] // Add a print method to NSSet with the Printing category @interface NSSet (Printing) -(void) print; @end// // DemoFoundationFramework.m // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 08/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #import "DemoFoundationFramework.h" @implementation DemoFoundationFramework -(void) demoNumberObjects{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated number objects in the foundation framework"); NSNumber *myNumber, *floatNumber, *intNumber; NSInteger myInt; // integer value intNumber = [NSNumber numberWithInteger: 100]; myInt = [intNumber integerValue]; NSLog (@"%li", (long) myInt); // long value myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithLong: 0xabcdef]; NSLog (@"%lx", [myNumber longValue]); // char value myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithChar: 'X']; NSLog (@"%c", [myNumber charValue]); // float value floatNumber = [NSNumber numberWithFloat: 100.00]; NSLog (@"%g", [floatNumber floatValue]); // double myNumber = [NSNumber numberWithDouble: 12345e+15]; NSLog (@"%lg", [myNumber doubleValue]); // Wrong access here NSLog (@"%li", (long) [myNumber integerValue]); // Test two Numbers for equality if ([intNumber isEqualToNumber: floatNumber] == YES) NSLog (@"Numbers are equal"); else NSLog (@"Numbers are not equal"); // Test if one Number is <, ==, or > second Number if ([intNumber compare: myNumber] == NSOrderedAscending) NSLog (@"First number is less than second"); } -(void) demoStringObjects{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated string objects in the foundation framework"); NSString *str1 = @"This is string A"; NSString *str2 = @"This is string B"; NSString *res; NSComparisonResult compareResult; // Count the number of characters NSLog (@"Length of str1: %lu", [str1 length]); // Copy one string to another res = [NSString stringWithString: str1]; NSLog (@"copy: %@", res); // Copy one string to the end of another str2 = [str1 stringByAppendingString: str2]; NSLog (@"Concatentation: %@", str2); // Test if 2 strings are equal if ([str1 isEqualToString: res] == YES) NSLog (@"str1 == res"); else NSLog (@"str1 != res"); // Test if one string is <, == or > than another compareResult = [str1 compare: str2]; if (compareResult == NSOrderedAscending) NSLog (@"str1 < str2"); else if (compareResult == NSOrderedSame) NSLog (@"str1 == str2"); else // must be NSOrderedDescending NSLog (@"str1 > str2"); // Convert a string to uppercase res = [str1 uppercaseString]; NSLog (@"Uppercase conversion: %s", [res UTF8String]); // Convert a string to lowercase res = [str1 lowercaseString]; NSLog (@"Lowercase conversion: %@", res); NSLog (@"Original string: %@", str1); } -(void) demoArray{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated array objects in the foundation framework"); int i; // Create an array to contain the month names NSArray *monthNames = [NSArray arrayWithObjects: @"January", @"February", @"March", @"April", @"May", @"June", @"July", @"August", @"September", @"October", @"November", @"December", nil ]; // Now list all the elements in the array NSLog (@"Month Name"); NSLog (@"===== ===="); for (i = 0; i < 12; ++i) NSLog (@" %2i %@", i + 1, [monthNames objectAtIndex: i]); } -(void) demoDictionary{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated dictionary objects in the foundation framework"); NSMutableDictionary *glossary = [NSMutableDictionary dictionary]; // Store three entries in the glossary [glossary setObject: @"A class defined so other classes can inherit from it" forKey: @"abstract class" ]; [glossary setObject: @"To implement all the methods defined in a protocol" forKey: @"adopt"]; [glossary setObject: @"Storing an object for later use" forKey: @"archiving"]; // Retrieve and display them NSLog (@"abstract class: %@", [glossary objectForKey: @"abstract class"]); NSLog (@"adopt: %@", [glossary objectForKey: @"adopt"]); NSLog (@"archiving: %@", [glossary objectForKey: @"archiving"]); } -(void) demoSet{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated set objects in the foundation framework"); NSMutableSet *set1 = [NSMutableSet setWithObjects: INTOBJ(1), INTOBJ(3), INTOBJ(5), INTOBJ(10), nil]; NSSet *set2 = [NSSet setWithObjects: INTOBJ(-5), INTOBJ(100), INTOBJ(3), INTOBJ(5), nil]; NSSet *set3 = [NSSet setWithObjects: INTOBJ(12), INTOBJ(200), INTOBJ(3), nil]; NSLog (@"set1: "); [set1 print]; NSLog (@"set2: "); [set2 print]; // Equality test if ([set1 isEqualToSet: set2] == YES) NSLog (@"set1 equals set2"); else NSLog (@"set1 is not equal to set2"); // Membership test if ([set1 containsObject: INTOBJ(10)] == YES) NSLog (@"set1 contains 10"); else NSLog (@"set1 does not contain 10"); if ([set2 containsObject: INTOBJ(10)] == YES) NSLog (@"set2 contains 10"); else NSLog (@"set2 does not contain 10"); // add and remove objects from mutable set set1 [set1 addObject: INTOBJ(4)]; [set1 removeObject: INTOBJ(10)]; NSLog (@"set1 after adding 4 and removing 10: "); [set1 print]; // get intersection of two sets [set1 intersectSet: set2]; NSLog (@"set1 intersect set2: "); [set1 print]; // union of two sets [set1 unionSet:set3]; NSLog (@"set1 union set3: "); [set1 print]; } -(int) demoFileManager{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated file manager in the foundation framework"); NSString *fName = @"testfile"; NSFileManager *fm; NSDictionary *attr; // Need to create an instance of the file manager fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; // Let's make sure our test file exists first if ([fm fileExistsAtPath: fName] == NO) { NSLog(@"File doesn't exist!"); return 1; } //now lets make a copy if ([fm copyItemAtPath: fName toPath: @"newfile" error: NULL] == NO) { NSLog(@"File Copy failed!"); return 2; } // Now let's test to see if the two files are equal if ([fm contentsEqualAtPath: fName andPath: @"newfile"] == NO) { NSLog(@"Files are Not Equal!"); return 3; } // Now lets rename the copy if ([fm moveItemAtPath: @"newfile" toPath: @"newfile2" error: NULL] == NO){ NSLog(@"File rename Failed"); return 4; } // get the size of the newfile2 if ((attr = [fm attributesOfItemAtPath: @"newfile2" error: NULL]) == nil) { NSLog(@"Couldn't get file attributes!"); return 5; } NSLog(@"File size is %llu bytes", [[attr objectForKey: NSFileSize] unsignedLongLongValue]); // And finally, let's delete the original file if ([fm removeItemAtPath: fName error: NULL] == NO) { NSLog(@"file removal failed"); return 6; } NSLog(@"All operations were successful"); // Display the contents of the newly-created file NSLog(@"%@", [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile: @"newfile2" encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:NULL]); return 0; } -(int) demoNSData{ NSFileManager *fm; NSData *fileData; fm = [NSFileManager defaultManager]; // Read the file newfile2 fileData = [fm contentsAtPath: @"newfile2"]; if (fileData == nil) { NSLog (@"File read failed!"); return 1; } // Write the data to newfile3 if ([fm createFileAtPath: @"newfile3" contents: fileData attributes: nil] == NO) { NSLog (@"Couldn't create the copy!"); return 2; } NSLog (@"File copy was successful!"); return 0; } -(void) demoArchivingWithXMLProperty{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated xml property in the foundation framework"); NSDictionary *glossary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"A class defined so other classes can inherit from it.", @"abstract class", @"To implement all the methods defined in a protocol", @"adopt", @"Storing an object for later use. ", @"archiving", nil ]; if ([glossary writeToFile: @"glossary" atomically: YES] == NO) NSLog (@"Save to file failed!"); } -(void) demoArchivingWithNSKeyedArchiver{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated key archiver in the foundation framework"); NSDictionary *glossary = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObjectsAndKeys: @"A class defined so other classes can inherit from it", @"abstract class", @"To implement all the methods defined in a protocol", @"adopt", @"Storing an object for later use", @"archiving", nil ]; [NSKeyedArchiver archiveRootObject: glossary toFile: @"glossary.archive"]; } -(void) demoEncodeAndDecode{ MyLog (@"Demonstrated encode and decode in the foundation framework"); } @end @implementation NSSet (Printing) -(void) print { printf ("{ "); for (NSNumber *element in self) printf (" %li ", (long) [element integerValue]); printf ("} \n"); } @end // // DemoGlobalDefine.h // DemoObjectiveC // // Created by Frank on 22/04/2016. // Copyright © 2016 RedRed. All rights reserved. // #ifndef DemoGlobalDefine_h #define DemoGlobalDefine_h // 定义宏,打印当前方法名称行号等信息,用于调试 #define MyLog(FORMAT, ...) fprintf(stderr,"\nfunction:%s line:%d content:%s\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, [[NSString stringWithFormat:FORMAT, ##__VA_ARGS__] UTF8String]); #endif /* DemoGlobalDefine_h */
《Objective-C 2.0程序设计》和《Effective Objective-C 2.0》两本书将深入讲解以上知识点,并提供实践示例,帮助读者更好地理解和应用Objective-C 2.0。通过学习这些内容,开发者能够熟练地构建高效、稳定、用户...
Objective-C是一种广泛用于苹果平台应用程序开发的编程语言,它是C语言的一个超集,并加入了Smalltalk风格的消息传递机制。本篇教程主要面向初学者,介绍了Objective-C的基础知识点和一些核心概念。 1. Objective-C...
2. **对象和类**:Objective-C中的所有事物都是对象,每个对象都属于一个类。了解如何创建自定义类,继承现有类,以及使用协议(@protocol)来实现多态性是关键。 3. **消息传递**:Objective-C的核心机制是消息...
作为C语言的一个超集,Objective-C允许开发者直接使用C语言代码。此外,它还借鉴了C++的一些特性,尽管它并非C++的直接子集。 Objective-C由苹果公司在其操作系统macOS和iOS的开发中广泛使用,是这两个平台上应用...
Objective-C程序设计的第6版具备了以下知识点: 1. Objective-C语言概述:这本书从零基础出发,详细介绍了Objective-C语言和面向对象程序设计模式,使初学者能够快速且有效地学习。 2. 面向对象编程:本书深入讲解...
Objective-C是一种编程语言,而Cocoa是一个基于Objective-C的应用程序框架。在实际开发中,Objective-C通常与Cocoa框架一起使用,以便利用其丰富的API来快速构建应用程序。 #### 二、Objective-C的关键概念 **2.1 ...
### Objective-C基础教程 #### 一、Objective-C简介 Objective-C是一种通用的、...通过深入学习本书,读者可以全面掌握Objective-C的基本概念、语法结构及编程技巧,并能够利用这些知识开发出高质量的iOS应用程序。
- **第10章:项目案例分析**:通过一个或多个完整的项目案例,展示Objective-C在实际开发中的应用过程,帮助读者更好地理解理论知识并掌握实践经验。 ### 小结 《Objective-C程序设计 第6版》作为一本较为全面的...
【Objective-C 知识点详解】 Objective-C 是一种强大的、基于 C 语言的面向对象编程语言,主要用于开发苹果平台上的应用程序,包括 Mac OS X 和 iOS。它的语法在 C 语言的基础上扩展,添加了面向对象特性,如类、...
以下是一些关于Objective-C的关键知识点: 1. **Objective-C的起源与特性**:Objective-C是在C语言的基础上扩展的,增加了消息传递机制和面向对象特性。它的语法包含C语言的所有部分,同时引入了类、继承、多态等...
3. 内存管理:在Objective-C中,内存管理是编程的一个重要方面,它涉及对象的创建和释放。传统上,Objective-C使用引用计数(Reference Counting)来进行内存管理,直到引入自动引用计数(Automatic Reference ...
- **异常情况(Exceptions)处理**:Objective-C支持异常处理,通过`@try`、`@catch`、`@finally`来捕获和处理运行时错误。 - **继承、多型(Inheritance, Polymorphism)**:Objective-C支持类的继承,子类可以...
在"Objective-C编程 第2版"中,可能涵盖了以下几个重要知识点: 1. **基础语法**:学习Objective-C首先需要了解它的基本语法,包括变量定义、数据类型、运算符、流程控制语句等。此外,还会涉及Objective-C中的特殊...