Exception in thread "main" java.lang.Error: Unresolved compilation problems:
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
System cannot be resolved
Scanner cannot be resolved to a type
Scanner cannot be resolved to a type
System cannot be resolved to a variable
String cannot be resolved to a type
String cannot be resolved to a type
System cannot be resolved
System cannot be resolved
System cannot be resolved
System cannot be resolved
at com.kobegoal.exercise.exercise1.main(exercise1.java:30)
问题来源:JDK未绑定,project->preference->java bulid path中的library列表下绑定jdk的安装路径。
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