How to use special HTML character codes
There are only so many keys to a keyboard, and you can see from the lists below that there are quite a few characters knocking around! No keyboard could possibly fit them all on which is why we have to use ASCII tables.
An ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) code is a number associated with a character which has been around since the early 1960's. Initially consisting of 127 characters, it has since been extended.
With the advent of the internet and XML standards, certain characters intended for presentation are not allowed within HTML or XML documents, for example < and > as they form part of the document structure and are processed as such. For this reason, you need to use the HTML name instead. < and > are processed as text, but shown on the screen as intended.
If you are not working on a web document, e.g. Microsoft Word or Windows, you can enter symbols directly by using the ALT Gr key. Make sure that Num Lock is ON, press and hold the ALT Gr key, then type the ASCII code on the numerical keypad. Using the numbers above letters will not work. Release the ALT Gr key and the character will appear. Users of laptops may need to hold Fn+ALT to get this to work.
Html Character Codes
- Standard Character Set
- Extended Character Set
- Latin Character Set
- Greek Set
- Punctuation
- Mathematical
- Fractions
- Arrows
- Stars
- Hearts
- Zodiac
- Games
- Numbers
- Religious & Political Symbols
- Musical
- Unicode Shapes and Symbols
Standard Character Set
The standard character set for early computers and the internet was ASCII. ASCII supports the numbers from 0-9, the uppercase and lowercase English alphabet, and some special characters. Codes 0 through 31 are non-printable control codes and are not listed here.
32 |   | \0020 | Space | ||
33 | ! | ! | \0021 | Exclamation mark | |
34 | " | " | " | \0022 | Double quote |
35 | # | # | \0023 | Pound (hash) symbol | |
36 | $ | $ | \0024 | Dollar | |
37 | % | % | \0025 | Percent | |
38 | & | & | & | \0026 | Ampersand |
39 | ' | ' | ' | \0027 | Single quote |
40 | ( | ( | \0028 | Opening parenthesis | |
41 | ) | ) | \0029 | Closing parenthesis | |
42 | * | * | \002A | Asterisk | |
43 | + | + | \002B | Plus sign | |
44 | , | , | \002C | Comma | |
45 | - | - | \002D | Minus sign - Hyphen | |
46 | . | . | \002E | Period | |
47 | / | / | \002F | Forward slash | |
48 | 0 | 0 | \0030 | ||
49 | 1 | 1 | \0031 | ||
50 | 2 | 2 | \0032 | ||
51 | 3 | 3 | \0033 | ||
52 | 4 | 4 | \0034 | ||
53 | 5 | 5 | \0035 | ||
54 | 6 | 6 | \0036 | ||
55 | 7 | 7 | \0037 | ||
56 | 8 | 8 | \0038 | ||
57 | 9 | 9 | \0039 | ||
58 | : | : | \003A | Colon | |
59 | ; | ; | \003B | Semicolon | |
60 | < | < | < | \003C | Less than sign |
61 | = | = | \003D | Equal sign | |
62 | > | > | > | \003E | Greater than sign |
63 | ? | ? | \003F | Question mark | |
64 | @ | @ | \0040 | At symbol | |
65 | A | A | \0041 | ||
66 | B | B | \0042 | ||
67 | C | C | \0043 | ||
68 | D | D | \0044 | ||
69 | E | E | \0045 | ||
70 | F | F | \0046 | ||
71 | G | G | \0047 | ||
72 | H | H | \0048 | ||
73 | I | I | \0049 | ||
74 | J | J | \004A | ||
75 | K | K | \004B | ||
76 | L | L | \004C | ||
77 | M | M | \004D | ||
78 | N | N | \004E | ||
79 | O | O | \004F | ||
80 | P | P | \0050 | ||
81 | Q | Q | \0051 | ||
82 | R | R | \0052 | ||
83 | S | S | \0053 | ||
84 | T | T | \0054 | ||
85 | U | U | \0055 | ||
86 | V | V | \0056 | ||
87 | W | W | \0057 | ||
88 | X | X | \0058 | ||
89 | Y | Y | \0059 | ||
90 | Z | Z | \005A | ||
91 | [ | [ | \005B | Opening bracket | |
92 | \ | \ | \005C | Backslash | |
93 | ] | ] | \005D | Closing bracket | |
94 | ^ | ^ | \005E | Caret - circumflex | |
95 | _ | _ | \005F | Underscore | |
96 | ` | ` | \0060 | Grave accent | |
97 | a | a | \0061 | ||
98 | b | b | \0062 | ||
99 | c | c | \0063 | ||
100 | d | d | \0064 | ||
101 | e | e | \0065 | ||
102 | f | f | \0066 | ||
103 | g | g | \0067 | ||
104 | h | h | \0068 | ||
105 | i | i | \0069 | ||
106 | j | j | \006A | ||
107 | k | k | \006B | ||
108 | l | l | \006C | ||
109 | m | m | \006D | ||
110 | n | n | \006E | ||
111 | o | o | \006F | ||
112 | p | p | \0070 | ||
113 | q | q | \0071 | ||
114 | r | r | \0072 | ||
115 | s | s | \0073 | ||
116 | t | t | \0074 | ||
117 | u | u | \0075 | ||
118 | v | v | \0076 | ||
119 | w | w | \0077 | ||
120 | x | x | \0078 | ||
121 | y | y | \0079 | ||
122 | z | z | \007A | ||
123 | { | { | \007B | Opening brace | |
124 | | | | | \007C | Vertical bar | |
125 | } | } | \007D | Closing brace | |
126 | ~ | ~ | \007E | Equivalency sign - tilde |
Extended Character Set
Because the number of symbols used in common natural languages as well as in mathematics, programming languages and technical applications far exceeds the 96 (32-128) printable ASCII codes, many extensions to it have been added which resulted in the extended ASCII set.
160 | |   | \00A0 | Non-breaking space | |
161 | ¡ | ¡ | ¡ | \00A1 | Inverted exclamation mark |
162 | ¢ | ¢ | ¢ | \00A2 | Cent sign |
163 | £ | £ | £ | \00A3 | Pound sign |
164 | ¤ | ¤ | ¤ | \00A4 | Currency sign |
165 | ¥ | ¥ | ¥ | \00A5 | Yen sign |
166 | ¦ | ¦ | ¦ | \00A6 | Broken vertical bar |
167 | § | § | § | \00A7 | Section sign |
168 | ¨ | ¨ | ¨ | \00A8 | Spacing diaeresis - umlaut |
169 | © | © | © | \00A9 | Copyright sign |
170 | ª | ª | ª | \00AA | Feminine ordinal indicator |
171 | « | « | « | \00AB | Left double angle quotes |
172 | ¬ | ¬ | ¬ | \00AC | Not sign |
173 | | ­ | ­ | \00AD | Soft hyphen |
174 | ® | ® | ® | \00AE | Registered trade mark sign |
175 | ¯ | ¯ | ¯ | \00AF | Spacing macron - overline |
176 | ° | ° | ° | \00B0 | Degree sign |
177 | ± | ± | ± | \00B1 | Plus-or-minus sign |
178 | ² | ² | ² | \00B2 | Superscript two - squared |
179 | ³ | ³ | ³ | \00B3 | Superscript three - cubed |
180 | ´ | ´ | ´ | \00B4 | Acute accent - spacing acute |
181 | µ | µ | µ | \00B5 | Micro sign |
182 | ¶ | ¶ | ¶ | \00B6 | Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign |
183 | · | · | · | \00B7 | Middle dot - Georgian comma |
184 | ¸ | ¸ | ¸ | \00B8 | Spacing cedilla |
185 | ¹ | ¹ | ¹ | \00B9 | Superscript one |
186 | º | º | º | \00BA | Masculine ordinal indicator |
187 | » | » | » | \00BB | Right double angle quotes |
191 | ¿ | ¿ | ¿ | \00BF | Inverted question mark |
192 | À | À | À | \00C0 | Latin capital letter A with grave |
193 | Á | Á | Á | \00C1 | Latin capital letter A with acute |
194 | Â | Â | Â | \00C2 | Latin capital letter A with circumflex |
195 | Ã | Ã | Ã | \00C3 | Latin capital letter A with tilde |
196 | Ä | Ä | Ä | \00C4 | Latin capital letter A with diaeresis |
197 | Å | Å | Å | \00C5 | Latin capital letter A with ring above |
198 | Æ | Æ | Æ | \00C6 | Latin capital letter AE |
199 | Ç | Ç | Ç | \00C7 | Latin capital letter C with cedilla |
200 | È | È | È | \00C8 | Latin capital letter E with grave |
201 | É | É | É | \00C9 | Latin capital letter E with acute |
202 | Ê | Ê | Ê | \00CA | Latin capital letter E with circumflex |
203 | Ë | Ë | Ë | \00CB | Latin capital letter E with diaeresis |
204 | Ì | Ì | Ì | \00CC | Latin capital letter I with grave |
205 | Í | Í | Í | \00CD | Latin capital letter I with acute |
206 | Î | Î | Î | \00CE | Latin capital letter I with circumflex |
207 | Ï | Ï | Ï | \00CF | Latin capital letter I with diaeresis |
208 | Ð | Ð | Ð | \00D0 | Latin capital letter ETH |
209 | Ñ | Ñ | Ñ | \00D1 | Latin capital letter N with tilde |
210 | Ò | Ò | Ò | \00D2 | Latin capital letter O with grave |
211 | Ó | Ó | Ó | \00D3 | Latin capital letter O with acute |
212 | Ô | Ô | Ô | \00D4 | Latin capital letter O with circumflex |
213 | Õ | Õ | Õ | \00D5 | Latin capital letter O with tilde |
214 | Ö | Ö | Ö | \00D6 | Latin capital letter O with diaeresis |
215 | × | × | × | \00D7 | Multiplication sign |
216 | Ø | Ø | Ø | \00D8 | Latin capital letter O with slash |
217 | Ù | Ù | Ù | \00D9 | Latin capital letter U with grave |
218 | Ú | Ú | Ú | \00DA | Latin capital letter U with acute |
219 | Û | Û | Û | \00DB | Latin capital letter U with circumflex |
220 | Ü | Ü | Ü | \00DC | Latin capital letter U with diaeresis |
221 | Ý | Ý | Ý | \00DD | Latin capital letter Y with acute |
222 | Þ | Þ | Þ | \00DE | Latin capital letter THORN |
223 | ß | ß | ß | \00DF | Latin small letter sharp s - ess-zed |
224 | à | à | à | \00E0 | Latin small letter a with grave |
225 | á | á | á | \00E1 | Latin small letter a with acute |
226 | â | â | â | \00E2 | Latin small letter a with circumflex |
227 | ã | ã | ã | \00E3 | Latin small letter a with tilde |
228 | ä | ä | ä | \00E4 | Latin small letter a with diaeresis |
229 | å | å | å | \00E5 | Latin small letter a with ring above |
230 | æ | æ | æ | \00E6 | Latin small letter ae |
231 | ç | ç | ç | \00E7 | Latin small letter c with cedilla |
232 | è | è | è | \00E8 | Latin small letter e with grave |
233 | é | é | é | \00E9 | Latin small letter e with acute |
234 | ê | ê | ê | \00EA | Latin small letter e with circumflex |
235 | ë | ë | ë | \00EB | Latin small letter e with diaeresis |
236 | ì | ì | ì | \00EC | Latin small letter i with grave |
237 | í | í | í | \00ED | Latin small letter i with acute |
238 | î | î | î | \00EE | Latin small letter i with circumflex |
239 | ï | ï | ï | \00EF | Latin small letter i with diaeresis |
240 | ð | ð | ð | \00F0 | Latin small letter eth |
241 | ñ | ñ | ñ | \00F1 | Latin small letter n with tilde |
242 | ò | ò | ò | \00F2 | Latin small letter o with grave |
243 | ó | ó | ó | \00F3 | Latin small letter o with acute |
244 | ô | ô | ô | \00F4 | Latin small letter o with circumflex |
245 | õ | õ | õ | \00F5 | Latin small letter o with tilde |
246 | ö | ö | ö | \00F6 | Latin small letter o with diaeresis |
247 | ÷ | ÷ | ÷ | \00F7 | Division sign |
248 | ø | ø | ø | \00F8 | Latin small letter o with slash |
249 | ù | ù | ù | \00F9 | Latin small letter u with grave |
250 | ú | ú | ú | \00FA | Latin small letter u with acute |
251 | û | û | û | \00FB | Latin small letter u with circumflex |
252 | ü | ü | ü | \00FC | Latin small letter u with diaeresis |
253 | ý | ý | ý | \00FD | Latin small letter y with acute |
254 | þ | þ | þ | \00FE | Latin small letter thorn |
255 | ÿ | ÿ | ÿ | \00FF | Latin small letter y with diaeresis |
Latin Extended Characters
The Latin Extended set is a block of the Unicode Standard, which encodes Latin letters from Latin Unicode character sets other than those contained in the standard character set.
338 | Œ | Œ | Œ | \0152 | Latin capital letter OE |
339 | œ | œ | œ | \0153 | Latin small letter oe |
352 | Š | Š | Š | \0160 | Latin capital letter S with caron |
353 | š | š | š | \0161 | Latin small letter s with caron |
376 | Ÿ | Ÿ | Ÿ | \0178 | Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis |
402 | ƒ | ƒ | ƒ | \0192 | Latin small f with hook - function |
The following list includes the HTML codes for Greek characters not in the standard character set. You can use the se HTML codes to put Greek characters on your web page.
913 | Α | Α | Α | \0391 | Greek capital letter alpha |
914 | Β | Β | Β | \0392 | Greek capital letter beta |
915 | Γ | Γ | Γ | \0393 | Greek capital letter gamma |
916 | Δ | Δ | Δ | \0394 | Greek capital letter delta |
917 | Ε | Ε | Ε | \0395 | Greek capital letter epsilon |
918 | Ζ | Ζ | Ζ | \0396 | Greek capital letter zeta |
919 | Η | Η | Η | \0397 | Greek capital letter eta |
920 | Θ | Θ | Θ | \0398 | Greek capital letter theta |
921 | Ι | Ι | Ι | \0399 | Greek capital letter iota |
922 | Κ | Κ | Κ | \039A | Greek capital letter kappa |
923 | Λ | Λ | Λ | \039B | Greek capital letter lambda |
924 | Μ | Μ | Μ | \039C | Greek capital letter mu |
925 | Ν | Ν | Ν | \039D | Greek capital letter nu |
926 | Ξ | Ξ | Ξ | \039E | Greek capital letter xi |
927 | Ο | Ο | Ο | \039F | Greek capital letter omicron |
928 | Π | Π | Π | \03A0 | Greek capital letter pi |
929 | Ρ | Ρ | Ρ | \03A1 | Greek capital letter rho |
931 | Σ | Σ | Σ | \03a3 | Greek capital letter sigma |
932 | Τ | Τ | Τ | \03A4 | Greek capital letter tau |
933 | Υ | Υ | Υ | \03A5 | Greek capital letter upsilon |
934 | Φ | Φ | Φ | \03A6 | Greek capital letter phi |
935 | Χ | Χ | Χ | \03A7 | Greek capital letter sigma |
936 | Ψ | Ψ | Ψ | \03A8 | Greek capital letter psi |
937 | Ω | Ω | Ω | \03A9 | Greek capital letter omega |
945 | α | α | α | \03B1 | Greek small letter alpha |
946 | β | β | β | \03B2 | Greek small letter beta |
947 | γ | γ | γ | \03B3 | Greek small letter gamma |
948 | δ | δ | δ | \03B4 | Greek small letter delta |
949 | ε | ε | ε | \03B5 | Greek small letter epsilon |
950 | ζ | ζ | ζ | \03B6 | Greek small letter zeta |
951 | η | η | η | \03B7 | Greek small letter eta |
952 | θ | θ | θ | \03B8 | Greek small letter theta |
953 | ι | ι | ι | \03B9 | Greek small letter iota |
954 | κ | κ | κ | \03BA | Greek small letter kappa |
955 | λ | λ | λ | \03BB | Greek small letter lambda |
956 | μ | μ | μ | \03BC | Greek small letter mu |
957 | ν | ν | ν | \03BD | Greek small letter nu |
958 | ξ | ξ | ξ | \03BE | Greek small letter xi |
959 | ο | ο | ο | \03BF | Greek small letter omicron |
960 | π | π | π | \03C0 | Greek small letter pi |
961 | ρ | ρ | ρ | \03C1 | Greek small letter rho |
962 | ς | ς | ς | \03C2 | Greek small letter final sigma |
963 | σ | σ | σ | \03C3 | Greek small letter sigma |
964 | τ | τ | τ | \03C4 | Greek small letter tau |
965 | υ | υ | υ | \03C5 | Greek small letter upsilon |
966 | φ | φ | φ | \03C6 | Greek small letter phi |
967 | χ | χ | χ | \03C7 | Greek small letter chi |
968 | ψ | ψ | ψ | \03C8 | Greek small letter psi |
969 | ω | ω | ω | \03C9 | Greek small letter omega |
977 | ϑ | ϑ | ϑ | \03D1 | Greek small letter theta symbol |
978 | ϒ | ϒ | ϒ | \03D2 | Greek upsilon with hook symbol |
982 | ϖ | ϖ | ϖ | \03D6 | Greek pi symbol |
A list of extended punctuation marks which are commonly used on the web. You can use this table to add fancy quotes, currency symbols and other punctuation marks to your web page.
8211 | – | – | – | /2013 | En dash |
8212 | — | — | — | /2014 | Em dash |
8216 | ‘ | ‘ | ‘ | /2018 | Left single quotation mark |
8217 | ’ | ’ | ’ | /2019 | Right single quotation mark |
8218 | ‚ | ‚ | ‚ | /201A | Single low-9 quotation mark |
8220 | “ | “ | “ | /201C | Left double quotation mark |
8221 | ” | ” | ” | /201D | Right double quotation mark |
8222 | „ | „ | „ | /201D | Double low-9 quotation mark |
8224 | † | † | † | /2020 | Dagger |
8225 | ‡ | ‡ | ‡ | /2021 | Double dagger |
8226 | • | • | • | /2022 | Bullet |
8230 | … | … | … | /2026 | Horizontal ellipsis |
8240 | ‰ | ‰ | ‰ | /2030 | Per thousand sign |
8254 | ‾ | ‾ | ‾ | /203E | Overline, a.k.a. spacing overscore |
8364 | € | € | € | /20AC | Euro sign |
8482 | ™ | ™ | ™ | /2122 | Trade mark sign |
10077 | ❝ | ❝ | \275D | Heavy double turned comma quotation mark ornament | |
10078 | ❞ | ❞ | \275E | Heavy double comma quotation mark ornament |
Mathematical Notation
Common math symbols and special characters for mathematics which you can use on your web page to represent mathematical or scientific notation.
8704 | ∀ | ∀ | ∀ | \2200 | For all |
8706 | ∂ | ∂ | ∂ | \2202 | Partial differential |
8707 | ∃ | ∃ | ∃ | \2203 | There exists |
8709 | ∅ | ∅ | ∅ | \2205 | Empty set, null set, diameter |
8711 | ∇ | ∇ | ∇ | \2207 | Nabla, backward difference |
8712 | ∈ | ∈ | ∈ | \2208 | Element of |
8713 | ∉ | ∉ | ∉ | \2209 | Not an element of |
8715 | ∋ | ∋ | ∋ | \220B | Contains as member |
8719 | ∏ | ∏ | ∏ | \220F | n-ary product |
8721 | ∑ | ∑ | ∑ | \2211 | n-ary sumation |
8722 | − | − | − | \2212 | Minus sign |
8727 | ∗ | ∗ | ∗ | \2217 | Asterisk operator |
8730 | √ | √ | √ | \221A | Square root |
8733 | ∝ | ∝ | ∝ | \221D | Proportional to |
8734 | ∞ | ∞ | ∞ | \221E | Infinity |
8736 | ∠ | ∠ | ∠ | \2220 | Angle |
8869 | ∧ | ∧ | ⊥ | \2227 | Logical AND, or wedge |
8870 | ∨ | ∨ | ⊦ | \2228 | Logical OR, or vee |
8745 | ∩ | ∩ | ∩ | \2229 | Intersection, or cap |
8746 | ∪ | ∪ | ∪ | \222A | Union, or cup |
8747 | ∫ | ∫ | ∫ | \222B | Integral |
8756 | ∴ | ∴ | ∴ | \2234 | Therefore |
8764 | ∼ | ∼ | ∼ | \223C | Tilde operator, or varies with |
8773 | ≅ | ≅ | ≅ | \2245 | Approximately equal to |
8776 | ≈ | ≈ | ≈ | \2248 | Almost equal to, asymptotic to |
8800 | ≠ | ≠ | ≠ | \2260 | Not equal to |
8801 | ≡ | ≡ | ≡ | \2261 | Identical to |
8804 | ≤ | ≤ | ≤ | \2264 | Less-than or equal to |
8805 | ≥ | ≥ | ≥ | \2265 | Greater-than or equal to |
8834 | ⊂ | ⊂ | ⊂ | \2282 | Subset of |
8835 | ⊃ | ⊃ | ⊃ | \2283 | Superset of |
8836 | ⊄ | ⊄ | ⊄ | \2284 | Not a subset of |
8838 | ⊆ | ⊆ | ⊆ | 2286 | Subset of or equal to |
8839 | ⊇ | ⊇ | ⊇ | \2287 | Superset of or equal to |
8853 | ⊕ | ⊕ | ⊕ | \2295 | Circled plus, direct sum |
8855 | ⊗ | ⊗ | ⊗ | \2297 | Circled times, vector product |
8869 | ⊥ | ⊥ | ⊥ | \22A5 | Up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular |
8901 | ⋅ | ⋅ | ⋅ | \22C5 | Dot operator |
9642 | ![]() |
▪ | \25AA | Black small square | |
9675 | ○ | ○ | \25CB | White circle | |
9673 | ◉ | ◉ | \25C9/td> | Fisheye | |
9678 | ◎ | ◎ | \25CE | Bullseye | |
8723 | ∓ | ∓ | \2213 | Minus-or-plus sign | |
8724 | ∔ | ∔ | \2214 | Dot plus | |
8725 | ∕ | ∕ | \2215 | Division slash | |
8726 | ∖ | ∖ | \2216 | Set minus | |
8727 | ∗ | ∗ | \2217 | Asterisk operator | |
8968 | ⌈ | ⌈ | ⌈ | \2308 | Left ceiling, a.k.a. apl upstile |
8969 | ⌉ | ⌉ | ⌉ | \2309 | Right ceiling |
8970 | ⌊ | ⌊ | ⌊ | \230A | Left floor, apl downstile |
8971 | ⌋ | ⌋ | ⌋ | \230B | Right floor |
9674 | ◊ | ◊ | ◊ | \25CA | Lozenge |
Mathematical fractions represented as single characters consisting of to decimals and a divisor.
188 | ¼ | ¼ | ¼ | \00BC | Fraction one quarter |
189 | ½ | ½ | ½ | \00BD | Fraction one half |
190 | ¾ | ¾ | ¾ | \00BE | Fraction three quarters |
2155 | ⅕ | ⅕ | \2155 | Fraction one fifth | |
2156 | ⅖ | ⅖ | \2156 | Fraction two fifths | |
2157 | ⅗ | ⅗ | \2157 | Fraction three fifths | |
2158 | ⅘ | ⅘ | \2158 | Fraction four fifths | |
2159 | ⅙ | ⅙ | \2159 | Fraction one sixth | |
215A | ⅚ | ⅚ | \215A | Fraction five sixths | |
215B | ⅛ | ⅛ | \215B | Fraction one eighth | |
215C | ⅜ | ⅜ | \215C | Fraction three eighths | |
215D | ⅝ | ⅝ | \215D | Fraction five eighths | |
215E | ⅞ | ⅞ | \215E | Fraction seven eighths |
You can use these ASCII and entity names to add fancy bullet points or navigation symbols to your web page.
8592 | ← | ← | \2190 | Leftwards arrow | |
8593 | ↑ | ↑ | \2191 | Upwards arrow | |
8594 | → | → | \2192 | Rightwards arrow | |
8595 | ↓ | ↓ | \2193 | Downwards arrow | |
8596 | ↔ | ↔ | \2194 | Left right arrow | |
8597 | ![]() |
↕ | \2195 | Up down arrow | |
8598 | ![]() |
↖ | \2196 | North west arrow | |
8599 | ![]() |
↗ | \2197 | North east arrow | |
8600 | ![]() |
↘ | \2198 | South east arrow | |
8601 | ![]() |
↙ | \2199 | South west arrow | |
8602 | ↚ | ↚ | \219A | Leftwards arrow with stroke | |
8603 | ↛ | ↛ | \219B | Rightwards arrow with stroke | |
8604 | ↜ | ↜ | \219C | Leftwards wave arrow | |
8605 | ↝ | ↝ | \219D | Rightwards wave arrow | |
8606 | ↞ | ↞ | \219E | Leftwards two headed arrow | |
8607 | ↟ | ↟ | \219F | Upwards two headed arrow | |
8608 | ↠ | ↠ | \21A0 | Rightwards two headed arrow | |
8609 | ↡ | ↡ | \21A1 | Downwards two headed arrow | |
8610 | ↢ | ↢ | \21A2 | Leftwards arrow with tail | |
8611 | ↣ | ↣ | \21A3 | Rightwards arrow with tail | |
8612 | ↤ | ↤ | \21A4 | Leftwards arrow from bar | |
8613 | ↥ | ↥ | \21A5 | Upwards arrow from bar | |
8614 | ↦ | ↦ | \21A6 | Rightwards arrow from bar | |
8615 | ↧ | ↧ | \21A7 | Downwards arrow from bar | |
8616 | ↨ | ↨ | \21A8 | Up down arrow with base | |
8617 | ![]() |
↩ | \21A9 | Leftwards arrow with hook | |
8618 | ![]() |
↪ | \21AA | Rightwards arrow with hook | |
8619 | ↫ | ↫ | \21AB | Leftwards arrow with loop | |
8620 | ↬ | ↬ | \21AC | Rightwards arrow with loop | |
8621 | ↭ | ↭ | \21AD | Left right wave arrow | |
8622 | ↮ | ↮ | \21AE | Left right arrow with stroke | |
8623 | ↯ | ↯ | \21AF | Downwards zigzag arrow | |
8624 | ↰ | ↰ | \21B0 | Upwards arrow with tip leftwards | |
8625 | ↱ | ↱ | \21B1 | Upwards arrow with tip rightwards | |
8626 | ↲ | ↲ | \21B2 | Downwards arrow with tip leftwards | |
8627 | ↳ | ↳ | \21B3 | Downwards arrow with tip rightwards | |
8628 | ↴ | ↴ | \21B4 | Rightwards arrow with corner downwards | |
8629 | ↵ | ↵ | \21B5 | Downwards arrow with corner leftwards | |
8630 | ↶ | ↶ | \21B6 | Anticlockwise top semicircle arrow | |
8631 | ↷ | ↷ | \21B7 | Clockwise top semicircle arrow | |
8632 | ↸ | ↸ | \21B8 | North west arrow to long bar | |
8633 | ↹ | ↹ | \21B9 | Leftwards arrow to bar over rightwards arrow to bar | |
8634 | ↺ | ↺ | \21BA | Anticlockwise open circle arrow | |
8635 | ↻ | ↻ | \21BB | Clockwise open circle arrow | |
8636 | ↼ | ↼ | \21BC | Leftwards harpoon with barb upwards | |
8637 | ↽ | ↽ | \21BD | Leftwards harpoon with barb downwards | |
8638 | ↾ | ↾ | \21BE | Upwards harpoon with barb rightwards | |
8639 | ↿ | ↿ | \21BF | Upwards harpoon with barb leftwards | |
8640 | ⇀ | ⇀ | \21C0 | Rightwards harpoon with barb upwards | |
8641 | ⇁ | ⇁ | \21C1 | Rightwards harpoon with barb downwards | |
8642 | ⇂ | ⇂ | \21C2 | Downwards harpoon with barb rightwards | |
8643 | ⇃ | ⇃ | \21C3 | Downwards harpoon with barb leftwards | |
8644 | ⇄ | ⇄ | \21C4 | Rightwards arrow over leftwards arrow | |
8645 | ⇅ | ⇅ | \21C5 | Upwards arrow leftwards of downwards arrow | |
8646 | ⇆ | ⇆ | \21C6 | Leftwards arrow over rightwards arrow | |
8647 | ⇇ | ⇇ | \21C7 | Leftwards paired arrows | |
8648 | ⇈ | ⇈ | \21C8 | Upwards paired arrows | |
8649 | ⇉ | ⇉ | \21C9 | Rightwards paired arrows | |
8650 | ⇊ | ⇊ | \21CA | Downwards paired arrows | |
8651 | ⇋ | ⇋ | \21CB | Leftwards harpoon over rightwards harpoon | |
8652 | ⇌ | ⇌ | \21CC | Rightwards harpoon over leftwards harpoon | |
8653 | ⇍ | ⇍ | \21CD | Leftwards double arrow with stroke | |
8654 | ⇎ | ⇎ | \21CE | Left right double arrow with stroke | |
8655 | ⇏ | ⇏ | \21CF | Rightwards double arrow with stroke | |
8656 | ⇐ | ⇐ | \21D0 | Leftwards double arrow | |
8657 | ⇑ | ⇑ | \21D1 | Upwards double arrow | |
8658 | ⇒ | ⇒ | \21D2 | Rightwards double arrow | |
8659 | ⇓ | ⇓ | \21D3 | Downwards double arrow | |
8660 | ⇔ | ⇔ | \21D4 | Left right double arrow | |
8661 | ⇕ | ⇕ | \21D5 | Up down double arrow | |
8662 | ⇖ | ⇖ | \21D6 | North west double arrow | |
8663 | ⇗ | ⇗ | \21D7 | North east double arrow | |
8664 | ⇘ | ⇘ | \21D8 | South east double arrow | |
8665 | ⇙ | ⇙ | \21D9 | South west double arrow | |
8666 | ⇚ | ⇚ | \21DA | Leftwards triple arrow | |
8667 | ⇛ | ⇛ | \21DB | Rightwards triple arrow | |
8668 | ⇜ | ⇜ | \21DC | Leftwards squiggle arrow | |
8669 | ⇝ | ⇝ | \21DD | Rightwards squiggle arrow | |
8670 | ⇞ | ⇞ | \21DE | Upwards arrow with double stroke | |
8671 | ⇟ | ⇟ | \21DF | Downwards arrow with double stroke | |
8672 | ⇠ | ⇠ | \21E0 | Leftwards dashed arrow | |
8673 | ⇡ | ⇡ | \21E1 | Upwards dashed arrow | |
8674 | ⇢ | ⇢ | \21E2 | Rightwards dashed arrow | |
8675 | ⇣ | ⇣ | \21E3 | Downwards dashed arrow | |
8676 | ⇤ | ⇤ | \21E4 | Leftwards arrow to bar | |
8677 | ⇥ | ⇥ | \21E5 | Rightwards arrow to bar | |
8678 | ⇦ | ⇦ | \21E6 | Leftwards white arrow | |
8679 | ⇧ | ⇧ | \21E7 | Upwards white arrow | |
8680 | ⇨ | ⇨ | \21E8 | Rightwards white arrow | |
8681 | ⇩ | ⇩ | \21E9 | Downwards white arrow | |
10136 | ➘ | ➘ | \2798 | Heavy south east arrow | |
10137 | ➙ | ➙ | \2799 | Heavy rightwards arrow | |
10138 | ➚ | ➚ | \279A | Heavy north east arrow | |
10139 | ➛ | ➛ | \279B | Drafting point rightwards arrow | |
10140 | ➜ | ➜ | \279C | Heavy round-tipped rightwards arrow | |
10141 | ➝ | ➝ | \279D | Triangle-headed rightwards arrow | |
10142 | ➞ | ➞ | \279E | Heavy triangle-headed rightwards arrow | |
10143 | ➟ | ➟ | \279F | Dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow | |
10144 | ➠ | ➠ | \27A0 | Heavy dashed triangle-headed rightwards arrow | |
10145 | ![]() |
➡ | \27A1 | Black rightwards arrow | |
10146 | ➢ | ➢ | \27A2 | Three-d top-lighted rightwards arrowhead | |
10147 | ➣ | ➣ | \27A3 | Three-d bottom-lighted rightwards arrowhead | |
10148 | ➤ | ➤ | \27A4 | Black rightwards arrowhead | |
10149 | ➥ | ➥ | \27A5 | Heavy black curved downwards and rightwards arrow | |
10150 | ➦ | ➦ | \27A6 | Heavy black curved upwards and rightwards arrow | |
10151 | ➧ | ➧ | \27A7 | Squat black rightwards arrow | |
10152 | ➨ | ➨ | \27A8 | Heavy concave-pointed black rightwards arrow | |
10153 | ➩ | ➩ | \27A9 | Right-shaded white rightwards arrow | |
10154 | ➪ | ➪ | \27AA | Left-shaded white rightwards arrow | |
10155 | ➫ | ➫ | \27AB | Back-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10156 | ➬ | ➬ | \27AC | Front-tilted shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10157 | ➭ | ➭ | \27AD | Heavy lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10158 | ➮ | ➮ | \27AE | Heavy upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10159 | ➯ | ➯ | \27AF | Notched lower right-shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10161 | ➱ | ➱ | \27B1 | Notched upper right-shadowed white rightwards arrow | |
10162 | ➲ | ➲ | \27B2 | Circled heavy white rightwards arrow | |
10163 | ➳ | ➳ | \27B3 | White-feathered rightwards arrow | |
10164 | ➴ | ➴ | \27B4 | Black-feathered south east arrow | |
10165 | ➵ | ➵ | \27B5 | Black-feathered rightwards arrow | |
10166 | ➶ | ➶ | \27B6 | Black-feathered north east arrow | |
10167 | ➷ | ➷ | \27B7 | Heavy black-feathered south east arrow | |
10168 | ➸ | ➸ | \27B8 | Heavy black-feathered rightwards arrow | |
10169 | ➹ | ➹ | \27B9 | Heavy black-feathered north east arrow | |
10170 | ➺ | ➺ | \27BA | Teardrop-barbed rightwards arrow | |
10171 | ➻ | ➻ | \27BB | Heavy teardrop-shanked rightwards arrow | |
10172 | ➼ | ➼ | \27BC | Wedge-tailed rightwards arrow | |
10173 | ➽ | ➽ | \27BD | Heavy wedge-tailed rightwards arrow | |
10174 | ➾ | ➾ | \27BE | Open-outlined rightwards arrow |
An assortment of star characters from Unicode and extended character sets that you can include in web pages and other documents.
10018 | ✢ | ✢ | \2722 | Four teardrop-spoked asterisk | |
10019 | ✣ | ✣ | \2723 | Four balloon-spoked asterisk | |
10020 | ✤ | ✤ | \2724 | Heavy four balloon-spoked asterisk | |
10021 | ✥ | ✥ | \2725 | Four club-spoked asterisk | |
10022 | ✦ | ✦ | \2726 | Black four pointed star | |
10023 | ✧ | ✧ | \2727 | White four pointed star | |
10025 | ✩ | ✩ | \2729 | Stress outlined white star | |
10026 | ✪ | ✪ | \272A | Circled white star | |
10027 | ✫ | ✫ | \272B | Open centre black star | |
10028 | ✬ | ✬ | \272C | Black centre white star | |
10029 | ✭ | ✭ | \272D | Outlined black star | |
10030 | ✮ | ✮ | \272E | Heavy outlined black star | |
10031 | ✯ | ✯ | \272F | Pinwheel star | |
10032 | ✰ | ✰ | \2730 | Shadowed white star | |
10033 | ✱ | ✱ | \2731 | Heavy asterisk | |
10034 | ✲ | ✲ | \2732 | Open centre asterisk | |
10035 | ![]() |
✳ | \2733 | Eight spoked asterisk | |
10036 | ![]() |
✴ | \2734 | Eight pointed black star | |
10037 | ✵ | ✵ | \2735 | Eight pointed pinwheel star | |
10038 | ✶ | ✶ | \2736 | Six pointed black star | |
10039 | ✷ | ✷ | \2737 | Eight pointed rectilinear black star | |
10040 | ✸ | ✸ | \2738 | Heavy eight pointed rectilinear black star | |
10041 | ✹ | ✹ | \2739 | Twelve pointed black star | |
10042 | ✺ | ✺ | \273A | Sixteen pointed asterisk | |
10043 | ✻ | ✻ | \273B | Teardrop-spoked asterisk | |
10044 | ✼ | ✼ | \273C | Open centre teardrop-spoked asterisk | |
10045 | ✽ | ✽ | \273D | Heavy teardrop-spoked asterisk | |
10046 | ✾ | ✾ | \273E | Six petalled black and white florette | |
10050 | ❂ | ❂ | \2742 | Circled open centre eight pointed star | |
10051 | ❃ | ❃ | \2743 | Heavy teardrop-spoked pinwheel asterisk | |
10053 | ❅ | ❅ | \2745 | Tight trifoliate snowflake | |
10054 | ❆ | ❆ | \2746 | Heavy chevron snowflake | |
10055 | ![]() |
❇ | \2747 | Sparkle | |
10056 | ❈ | ❈ | \2748 | Heavy sparkle | |
10057 | ❉ | ❉ | \2749 | Balloon-spoked asterisk | |
10058 | ❊ | ❊ | \274A | Eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk | |
10059 | ❋ | ❋ | \274B | Heavy eight teardrop-spoked propeller asterisk |
HTML entity codes and names for hearts which you can use to include in your web projects.
Please note: These characters may be dependent on CSS font selection and/or available fonts on users web browser so cannot be guaranteed to work.
9825 | ♡ | ♡ | Empty Heart | ||
9829 | ♥ | ♥ | Full Heart | ||
10083 | ![]() |
❣ | Exclamation Heart | ||
10084 | ![]() |
❤ | Big Heart | ||
10085 | ❥ | ❥ | Rotated Heart | ||
10086 | ❦ | ❦ | Floral Heart | ||
128147 | ![]() 发表评论 |
string asciiCodes = asciiString.ToString(); ``` 4. ASCII码字符串转字符数组: 对于一个由ASCII码组成的字符串,例如"72 101 108 108 111",你可以将其分割成整数并转换回字符。首先,使用`Split()`方法将...
《Channel Codes: Classical and Modern》这本书提供了全面而深入的信道编码理论和技术介绍,涵盖了传统到现代的各种编码方法。 #### 二、基本概念与原理 信道编码技术旨在提高数据传输的可靠性和效率。通过在原始...
Codes, Cryptology and Information Security,Third International Conference, C2SI 2019, Rabat, Morocco, April 22–24, 2019, Proceedings - In Honor of Said El Hajji Editors
低密度奇偶校验码(LDPC)是一种在噪声通信信道中使用的纠错码,旨在降低信息丢失的概率。LDPC码最早由麻省理工学院(MIT)的罗伯特·加拉格尔(Robert Gallager)在其1960年的博士论文中提出,于1963年发表。...
var ascii = require ( 'ascii-codes' ) ; var assert = require ( 'assert' ) ; assert . equal ( "A" , ascii . symbolForDecimal ( 65 ) ) ; assert . equal ( "A" , ascii . symbolForHex ( "41" ) ) ; assert ...
This book is intended to introduce space-time coding and multiantenna systems. The endeavor is to impart a working knowledge of the subject not just for students and researchers but for the entire ...
Channel Codes Classical and Modern - 2009 William E.Ryan and Shu Lin
### 一、空间时间编码(Space-Time Codes) #### 1. 概念介绍 空间时间编码(Space-Time Codes, STCs)是一种结合了多天线技术与编码理论的方法,用于提高无线通信系统的性能。这种编码方式能够有效地利用发射端和...
The major additions are the chapters on majority-logic codes, synchronization, and convolutional codes. Much new material has also been added to the chapters on important linear block codes and ...
一本详细讲述Reed-Solomon codes的书,包括其应用!
### 低密度奇偶校验码 (Low Density Parity Check Codes) #### 概述 低密度奇偶校验码(Low Density Parity Check Codes,简称LDPC码)是一种高效的线性错误校正码,最初由罗伯特·G·加拉格尔(Robert G. ...
Symbols Symbols is a Java library to generate static strings constants for attribute names using annotation processor. Tell me more In some cases, in Java (ex: when using reflection methods) we need ...
### 时空编码(Space-Time Codes) 时空编码是一种在多输入多输出(MIMO)通信系统中使用的信号处理技术。它通过在时间和空间上对信号进行编码,提高了无线通信系统的可靠性和数据传输速率。时空编码利用了多个发射天线...
《Management Component Transport Protocol (MCTP) IDs and Codes Specification》是DMTF(Distributed Management Task Force,分布式管理任务组)发布的一份标准文档,版本为1.9.0,发布日期为2022年1月1日。...
3–5 Line Codes and Spectra 164 Binary Line Coding, 164 Power Spectra for Binary Line Codes, 167 Differential Coding, 174 Eye Patterns, 175 Regenerative Repeaters, 176 Bit Synchronization, 178 Power ...
"HTML CODES"部分可能包括了HTML的基本元素、标签和属性的示例,如`<head>`、`<body>`、`<h1>`到`<h6>`的标题标签、`<p>`段落标签、`<a>`链接标签、`<img>`图像标签、`<ul>`和`<ol>`无序列表和有序列表,以及表格、...
In the paper random linear fountain codes, LT codes, and raptor codes are reviewed. The computational costs of the best fountain codes are astonishingly small, scaling linearly with the file size.
本文探讨了低密度奇偶校验码(Low-Density Parity-Check Codes, LDPC)在调制与检测中的应用。LDPC码作为一种强大的信道编码技术,在噪声信道中能够接近信道容量的性能而被广泛研究和应用。文章主要讨论了两个方面的...
Part I introduces Unicode, with a brief history of codes and encodings including ASCII. Learn about the morass of the data that accompanies each Unicode character, and how Unicode deals with ...