Seems it will be late answer, but you have to add an entry with index.version.created: %yourversion% to your Elasticsearch configuration file (elasticsearch.yml is default).
For your server version it will be 1040299 constant. You can check the list of this constants at Then you need to restart the server.
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Pratt, J. W. (1964). Risk aversion in the small and in the large. Econometrica: Journal of the Econometric Society, 32 (1/2), 122–136 .
This learning path is for software developers who want to become proficient at using the Git version control system. A basic understanding of any version control system would be beneficial. What You ...
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If you are a software developer or a build and release engineer who uses Git in your daily work and want to take your Git knowledge to the next level, then this book is for you. To understand and ...
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Temporary files were created in the application folder, which resulted in access errors in some cases. Fixed now. 7. DoExport method didnt work correctly if more than 65536 rows were processed. ...