Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005
byPaul TurleyandDan Wood
Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages)
Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
Chapter 13 - Transact-SQL Programming Objects Chapter 14 - Transact-SQL in Applications and Reporting Appendix A - Command Syntax Reference Appendix B - System Variables and Functions Reference...
Chapter 13 - Transact-SQL Programming Objects Chapter 14 - Transact-SQL in Applications and Reporting Appendix A - Command Syntax Reference Appendix B - System Variables and Functions Reference...
Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005
byPaul TurleyandDan Wood
Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages)
Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005
byPaul TurleyandDan Wood
Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages)
Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-761–and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of SQL Server 2016 Transact-SQL data management, queries, and database programming. Designed for experienced IT ...
《Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Programming》这本书深入探讨了SQL Server 2008中的T-SQL编程技术,这是SQL Server数据库管理与开发的核心语言。T-SQL,即Transact-SQL,是SQL的一个扩展,主要用于微软的...
《Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming》是针对微软SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统中T-SQL(Transact-SQL)编程的一本详细指南。这本书深入探讨了SQL Server 2005的核心组件,特别是T-SQL在数据...
Get started with the fundamentals of Transact-SQL and learn how to write efficient and powerful database queries. With this hands-on guide, you'll gain a solid understanding of T-SQL and good ...
Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005 byPaul TurleyandDan Wood Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages) ISBN:076457955X Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
Chapter 13 - Transact-SQL Programming Objects Chapter 14 - Transact-SQL in Applications and Reporting Appendix A - Command Syntax Reference Appendix B - System Variables and Functions Reference...
Chapter 13 - Transact-SQL Programming Objects Chapter 14 - Transact-SQL in Applications and Reporting Appendix A - Command Syntax Reference Appendix B - System Variables and Functions Reference...
Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005 byPaul TurleyandDan Wood Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages) ISBN:076457955X Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
Beginning Transact-SQL with SQL Server 2000 and 2005 byPaul TurleyandDan Wood Wrox Press 2006 (594 pages) ISBN:076457955X Prepare for the ever-increasing demands of programming....
本书主要聚焦于T-SQL(Transact-SQL)编程语言的使用,T-SQL是SQL Server使用的SQL方言,它不仅包括标准SQL的功能,还扩展了许多专为SQL Server设计的独特特性。T-SQL编程基础部分涵盖了以下内容: - **SQL语句语法...
Prepare for Microsoft Exam 70-761–and help demonstrate your real-world mastery of SQL Server 2016 Transact-SQL data management, queries, and database programming. Designed for experienced IT ...
《Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2008 T-SQL Programming》这本书深入探讨了SQL Server 2008中的T-SQL编程技术,这是SQL Server数据库管理与开发的核心语言。T-SQL,即Transact-SQL,是SQL的一个扩展,主要用于微软的...
这本书深入探讨了SQL Server 2005的核心语言Transact-SQL(T-SQL),它是SQL Server进行数据查询、更新、插入和删除操作的主要工具,同时也是开发存储过程、触发器和用户定义函数的关键。 在SQL Server 2005中,T-...
### Transact-SQL编程知识点详解 #### Transact-SQL简介 - **定义**: Transact-SQL是Microsoft SQL Server实现的标准SQL-92的一种版本。它不仅遵循了由美国国家标准协会(ANSI)和国际标准化组织(ISO)共同制定的SQL...
《Inside Microsoft SQL Server 2005: T-SQL Programming》是针对微软SQL Server 2005数据库管理系统中T-SQL(Transact-SQL)编程的一本详细指南。这本书深入探讨了SQL Server 2005的核心组件,特别是T-SQL在数据...
T-SQL(Transact-SQL)是微软开发的一种专用于SQL Server的关系数据库查询语言。它是在标准SQL基础上增加了一些特定于SQL Server的功能,如事务处理和存储过程支持等。本书深入讲解了T-SQL的基础知识及其在SQL ...
T-SQL(Transact-SQL)是SQL Server所使用的SQL方言,它扩展了标准SQL的功能,提供了更丰富的编程能力。T-SQL不仅支持基本的SQL查询功能,还包含了诸如变量声明、流程控制语句、函数与存储过程等高级编程元素。通过...
Get started with the fundamentals of Transact-SQL and learn how to write efficient and powerful database queries. With this hands-on guide, you'll gain a solid understanding of T-SQL and good ...
它提供了使用Transact-SQL (T-SQL)的专家级指导,T-SQL是用于SQL Server的最常见的也是功能最强大的编程语言。该书由Itzik Ben-Gan权威执笔,重点关注语言特性以及它们如何被SQL Server引擎解释和处理。 通过...
《T-SQL编程》是微软出版社于2006年6月出版的一本关于SQL Server 2005中T-SQL(Transact-SQL)编程的专著。该书深入探讨了SQL Server 2005的核心编程语言,旨在帮助开发者和数据库管理员提升在SQL Server环境中的T-...