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Github Enterprise


https://github.com/pricing  //price list

https://enterprise.github.com/features#pricing  //ent price 10acc/2500 20acc/5000, 30acc/7500, both $

https://github.com/business/features  //ent vs organization

https://enterprise.github.com/releases/2.5.2/download  //download

https://help.github.com/  //help

https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.5/admin/guides/  //guide for ent github

https://help.github.com/articles/configuring-two-factor-authentication-via-a-totp-mobile-app/  //setup 2FA

https://help.github.com/articles/how-does-upgrading-or-downgrading-affect-the-billing-process/  //upgrade and upgrade acc level, 升级即时生效,补剩余周期差价,降级到期生效


https://aws.amazon.com/ec2/pricing/?nc1=h_ls  //AWS EC2 quotation

https://help.github.com/enterprise/2.5/admin/guides/installation/installing-github-enterprise-on-aws/  //requirement and setup guide for AWS


* To use private resp, must pay for it. $7 for personal and $25 for organization. In fact, after you buy personal, you still need to pay $25(bronze, lowest level, 5 resp) to create a private resp.

* Be care full to create the resp on the organiztion you create, $25 can only authorize one org or just on your profile. For my case, I make a mistake to create private resp on my profile, and can't create private resp on my org any more. $7白花了了亚

* Can't not set another free user as the owner of  a private resp, which means only the creator can invite other user.

* SSH key can effect without input username

* 2FA only effect on current profile not for resp. 2FA may cause the git client return error, can't logon, but won't effect the cloned resp.


* For AWS cloud, r3.large($0.2/h, $1114/year, $2214/3y) is recommend for 0-500 users, but the free AWS only provide EC2 t2.macro


//***************** http://www.cnblogs.com/eileenleung/p/3503337.html

$ cd ~
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa  # 默认存放路径 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub


//add pub key on server

$ ssh git@yourComputerName.local mkdir .ssh  # 登陆 server 并创建 .ssh 文件夹
$ scp ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub git@yourComputerName.local:.ssh/authorized_keys


//create resp

$ cd path/to
$ mkdir newrepo.git $ cd newrepo.git $ git init --bare
# --bare flag 只是用来存储 pushes,不会当做本地 repository 来使用的。



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