create table docs(line string);
LOAD DATA INPATH 'docs' overwrite into table docs;
create table word_counts as
select word,count(1) as count from
(select explode(split(line,'\s')) as word from docs) w
group by word
order by word ;
--创建表 employees
create table employees(
name string,
salary float,
subordinates array<string>,
deductions map<string,float>,
address struct<street:string,city:string,zip:int>
create table if not exists userinfo2 like userinfo ;
--创建外部表 exchange是关键字
create external table if not exists stocks (
exchange2 string ,
symbol string ,
ymd string ,
price_open float ,
price_high float ,
price_low float ,
price_close float ,
volume int ,
price_adj_close float
) row format delimited fields terminated by ','
location '/data/stocks';
create external table if not exists exchange3
like employees
location 'paht/to/data';
--创建分区表 partitioned指定分区字段
create table employees (
name string ,
salary float ,
subordinates array<string>,
deductions map<string,float>,
address struct<street:string ,city:string ,state:string , zip:int>
) partitioned by (country:string,state:string);
show partitions employees ;
show partitions employees partition(country='US',state='ak');
create external table if not exists log_messages (
hms int ,
serverty string,
server string,
process_id int,
message string
partitioned by (year int ,month int ,day int)
row format delimited fields terminated by '\t';
alter table log_messages add partition(year=2012,month=1,day=2)
location 'hdfs://nds1/data/log_messages/2012/01/02';
describe extended userinfo;
describe extended log_messages partition(year=2012,month=1,day=2);
describe toss1;
show tables;
show tblproperties userinfo;
describe userinfo.id
drop table if exists employees ;
alter table log_messages rename to logmsgs;
alter table log_messages add if not exists
partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1) location 'logs/2011/01/01'
partition(year=2011,month=1,day=2) location 'logs/2011/01/02'
partition(year=2011,month=1,day=3) location 'logs/2011/01/03';
alter table log_messages partition (year=2011,month=1,day=2)
set location 's3n://ourbucket/log/2011/01/02';
alter table log_messages drop if exists partition (year=2011,month=1,day=2);
alter table log_messages
change column hms hours_minutes_seconds int
comment 'the hours ,minutes , and seconds part of the timestamp'
alter serverty;
--增加列 long使用的话报错
alter table log_messages add columns(
app_name string comment 'Application name',
session_id int comment 'The current session id '
alter table log_messages replace columns(
hours_mins_secs int comment 'hour,minute,seconds from timestamp',
serverty string comment 'the message severity',
message string comment 'the rest of zhe message '
alter table log_messages set tblproperties(
'notes'='the process id is no longer captured;'
alter table log_messages
set fileformat sequencefile ;
alter table log_messages archive partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1);
alter table log_messages unarchive partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1);
alter table log_messages partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1) disble no_drop;
alter table log_messages partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1) enable no_drop;
alter table log_messages partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1) disble offline;
alter table log_messages partition(year=2011,month=1,day=1) enable offline;
show databases ;
create database if not exists financials;
create database financials location '/home/yarn/dabases';
--create database financials comment 'financials数据库备注';
describe database analysis;
use financials;
drop database if exists financials cascade ;
alter database financials set deproperties ('edited-by'='haoqimin');
load data local inpath '${env:home}/california-empoyees'
overwrite into table employees
partition (country='us', state='ca');
load data local inpath '${env:home}/california-empoyees'
overwrite into table employees;
insert overwrite table empoyees
partition(country='us', state='or')
select * from staged_employees se
where se.cnty = 'us' and se.st = 'or';
insert overwrite table employees
select se.name ,se.cnty,se.st from staged_employees;
insert overwrite local directory 'http://ns1/temp/ca_employess'
select name ,salary,address from employees se where se.state= 'ca';
select name ,subordinates[0] from employees;
select name ,deductions["state taxes"] from employees;
select name ,address.city from employees;
select symbol ,'price.*' from stocks;
select upper(name),salary,deductions["Federal Taxes"],round(salary*(1-deductions["Federal Taxes"])) from employees limit 2;
--case when then使用--
select name , salary , case
when salary < 50000.0 then 'low'
when salary >=50000.0 and salary < 70000.0 then 'middle'
when salary >=70000.0 salary < 100000.0 then 'high'
else 'very hile '
end as bracket from employees;
select name , address.street from employees where address.street like '%Ave';
--group by语句使用
select year(ymd),avg(price_close) from stocks
where exchange2 = 'nasdaq' and symbol = 'aapl'
group by year(ymd)
having avg(price_close)>50.0;
--inner join语句使用
select a.ymd , a.price_close,b.price_close from stocks a inner join stocks b
on a.ymd = b.ymd
where a.symbol='aapl' and b.symbol = 'ibm';
--left outer join
select s.ymd ,s.symbol,s.price_close,d.dividend
from stocks s left outer join dividends d on s.ymd = d.ymd and s.symbol = d.symbol where s.symbol = 'apple';
select ascii(name) from userinfo;
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- 性别:
- 来自: 北京
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