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1. mP.tTags = new Array("tr", "img"); //要添加提示的 标记名称
例如: mP.tTags = new Array("tr","img","a");
2. mP.useTables = false; //容器标志,使用 Div 或Table
//ToogleDisplay Start function toggledisplay(section) { if (document.getElementById([section]).style.display == "block") { document.getElementById([section]).style.display = "none"; document.images[section + "_img"].src = "/uploads/toggledisplay_expand.gif"; } else { document.getElementById([section]).style.display = "block"; document.images[section + "_img"].src = "/uploads/toggledisplay_collapse.gif"; } } //ToogleDisplay End //Font size control Start function doZoom(size) { document.getElementById("zoomtext").style.fontSize = size + "px"; } //Font size control End //My Tips Srart var mP = new Array(); mP.attDesc = "title"; mP.useDefStyle = false; //mP.tClass = "*"; mP.tClass = "sub"; mP.popupDelay = 1; mP.hideDelay = 75; mP.instPopDur = 1; mP.xOfst = 15; mP.yOfst = 15; mP.clipSteps = 10; mP.revStyle = 1; mP.revInt = 10; mP.warpSteps = 15; mP.preload = true; mP.divIds = new Array("popupcontainer", "popupcontent", "popupcontdouble", "popupbottom", "popupboxmodeltest"); //mP.tTags = new Array("a", "img"); //old mP.tTags = new Array("tr", "img"); mP.setAttNull = true; mP.customAtt = "hoverinfo"; mP.useTables = false; mP.defZindex = 100; mP.defWidth = "200px"; mP.defCSS = new Array("border", "4px solid black", "padding", "6px", "backgroundColor", "#BBBBBB", "color", "black", "fontSize", "12px", "filter", "alpha(opacity=90)", "opacity", ".90", "textAlign", "center", "width", "auto", "height", "auto"); var TestW3DOM = (document.createElement && document.getElementsByTagName && document.getElementById); var pcR = new Array(), gV = new Array(), aOb = new Array(); mP.revEvals = new Array(null, "\"rect(\"+(clipYTarget-aOb.clipY)+\"px, \"+(clipXTarget+aOb.clipX)+\"px, \"+(clipYTarget+aOb.clipY)+\"px, \"+(clipYTarget-aOb.clipY)+\"px)\"", "\"rect(0px, \"+(aOb.clipX*2)+\"px, \"+(clipYTarget*2)+\"px, 0px)\"", "\"rect(0px, \"+(aOb.clipX*2)+\"px, \"+(aOb.clipY*2)+\"px, 0px)\""); mP.defDesc = "", mP.edgeBufferZone = 30, pcR.hvrdObj = null, aOb.objMovd = null, aOb.clipStep = 0, aOb.warpStep = 0; aOb.popActv = false, aOb.objMovd = false, gV.xPosEval = "e.clientX + mP.xOfst", gV.activeDelay = mP.popupDelay; gV.yPosEval = "e.clientY + mP.yOfst", aOb.revInt = new Array(), aOb.prevs = new Array(); addTrigger(window, "load", multipopup); function multipopup() { if (!TestW3DOM) { return; } addPopupDiv(); addTrigger(document, "mousemove", movePopup); addTrigger(window, "resize", sizeUpdate); scrollUpdate(); sizeUpdate(); if (mP.useTables == true) { gV.targetTag = "td"; } else { gV.targetTag = "div"; } //alert(gV.targetTag); if (mP.tClass != "*") { var targetDivs = getElementsByClass(gV.targetTag, mP.tClass); } else { var targetDivs = new Array(document); } //alert(targetDivs.length); for (var im = 0; im < targetDivs.length; im++) { for (var st = 0; st < mP.tTags.length; st++) { var targetNodes = targetDivs[im].getElementsByTagName(mP.tTags[st]); //alert("targetNodes length: " + targetNodes.length + " : " + mP.tTags[st]); for (var i = 0; i < targetNodes.length; i++) { var toi = targetNodes[i].getAttribute(mP.attDesc); if (toi != null && toi != "") { targetNodes[i].setAttribute(mP.customAtt, toi); if (mP.setAttNull) { targetNodes[i].removeAttribute(mP.attDesc); } if (!addCheckTrigger(targetNodes[i], "mouseover", writeDescription)) { targetNodes[i].onmouseover = writeDescription; } if (!addCheckTrigger(targetNodes[i], "mouseout", clearDescription)) { targetNodes[i].onmouseout = clearDescription; } } } } } } function writeDescription() { var tagDescription = this.getAttribute(mP.customAtt); if (tagDescription != "") { pcR.hvrdObj = this; pcR.cDiv.innerHTML = ""; pcR.cDiv.innerHTML = tagDescription; aOb.tHeight = pcR.cDiv.offsetHeight; pcR.hvrdFirst = true; if (aOb.popActv != true) { aOb.revealTimer = window.setTimeout("startrevealPopup()", gV.activeDelay); } else { if (aOb.clipStep == mP.clipSteps) { pcR.tDiv.style.clip = "rect(auto auto auto auto)"; pcR.tDiv.style.visibility = "visible"; pcR.hvrdFirst = false; } } if (pcR.hvrdFirst == true && mP.warpSteps > 0) { pcR.dDiv.style.height = aOb.tHeight + "px"; aOb.tPrevHeight = aOb.tHeight; } window.clearTimeout(aOb.resetDelayTimer); window.clearTimeout(aOb.hidePopupTimer); } } function clearDescription() { window.clearTimeout(aOb.revealTimer); aOb.hidePopupTimer = window.setTimeout("hidePopup()", mP.hideDelay); if (aOb.revealTimer == 0) { gV.activeDelay = 0; } pcR.hvrdObj = null; aOb.resetDelayTimer = window.setTimeout("resetPopupDelay()", mP.instPopDur); aOb.tPrevHeight = aOb.tHeight; aOb.prevs[aOb.prevs.length] = aOb.tHeight; if (aOb.warpStep != mP.warpSteps && aOb.warpStep > 0) { aOb.tPrevHeight = aOb.widthSet; } aOb.warpStep = 0; } function hidePopup() { for (i = 0; i < aOb.revInt.length; i++) { window.clearInterval(aOb.revInt[i]); } aOb.revInt = new Array(); aOb.warpStep = 0; pcR.tDiv.style.visibility = "hidden"; pcR.cDiv.innerHTML = ""; pcR.cDiv.innerHTML = mP.defDesc; aOb.objMovd = false; aOb.popActv = false; aOb.clipStep = 0; gV.xPosEval = "e.clientX + mP.xOfst"; gV.yPosEval = "e.clientY + mP.yOfst"; } function resetPopupDelay() { gV.activeDelay = mP.popupDelay; } function startrevealPopup() { if (pcR.hvrdObj != null) { aOb.revealTimer = 0; aOb.revInt[aOb.revInt.length] = window.setInterval("revealPopup()", mP.revInt); } } function movePopup(e) { if (pcR.hvrdObj != null || aOb.popActv == true) { if (!e) { var e = window.event; } scrollUpdate(); var divHeight = pcR.tDiv.offsetHeight; var divWidth = pcR.tDiv.offsetWidth; var yPos = eval(gV.yPosEval); var xPos = eval(gV.xPosEval); yPos = maximum(minimum(yPos, pcR.height - divHeight - mP.edgeBufferZone), 0); xPos = maximum(minimum(xPos, pcR.width - divWidth - mP.edgeBufferZone), 0); if (pointCollisionDetect(e.clientX, e.clientY, yPos, xPos + divWidth, yPos + divHeight, xPos, 3)) { collisionFix(); aOb.yPos = eval(gV.yPosEval); aOb.xPos = eval(gV.xPosEval); } else { aOb.yPos = yPos; aOb.xPos = xPos; } pcR.tDiv.style.top = (aOb.yPos + pcR.scrolledY) + "px"; pcR.tDiv.style.left = (aOb.xPos + pcR.scrolledX) + "px"; aOb.objMovd = true; } } function revealPopup() { if (aOb.objMovd == true && mP.revStyle == 0) { pcR.tDiv.style.visibility = "visible"; aOb.popActv = true; } else { if (aOb.objMovd == true && aOb.clipStep < mP.clipSteps) { var divHeight = pcR.tDiv.offsetHeight; var divWidth = pcR.tDiv.offsetWidth; aOb.clipStep++; if (aOb.clipStep < mP.clipSteps) { var clipYTarget = Math.ceil(divHeight / 2); var clipXTarget = Math.ceil(divWidth / 2); aOb.clipX = easeOutStepFloor(0, clipXTarget, mP.clipSteps, aOb.clipStep); aOb.clipY = easeOutStepFloor(0, clipYTarget, mP.clipSteps, aOb.clipStep); pcR.tDiv.style.clip = eval(mP.revEvals[mP.revStyle]); } else { pcR.tDiv.style.clip = "rect(auto auto auto auto)"; } pcR.tDiv.style.visibility = "visible"; aOb.popActv = true; } } if (aOb.popActv == true && aOb.warpStep < mP.warpSteps && aOb.clipStep == mP.clipSteps && pcR.hvrdFirst != true) { aOb.warpStep++; aOb.widthSet = easeOutStepFloor(aOb.tPrevHeight, aOb.tHeight, mP.warpSteps, aOb.warpStep); pcR.dDiv.style.height = aOb.widthSet + "px"; } } function pointCollisionDetect(x, y, top, right, bottom, left, boundary) { top -= boundary; bottom += boundary; left -= boundary; right += boundary; if ((x > left && x < right) && (y > top && y < bottom)) { return true; } return false; } function collisionFix() { gV.xPosEval = "e.clientX - divWidth - mP.xOfst"; gV.yPosEval = "e.clientY - divHeight - mP.yOfst"; } function scrollUpdate() { if (self.pageYOffset) { pcR.scrolledX = self.pageXOffset; pcR.scrolledY = self.pageYOffset; } else { if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.scrollTop) { pcR.scrolledX = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; pcR.scrolledY = document.documentElement.scrollTop; } else { if (document.body) { pcR.scrolledX = document.body.scrollLeft; pcR.scrolledY = document.body.scrollTop; } } } } function sizeUpdate() { if (self.innerWidth) { pcR.width = self.innerWidth; pcR.height = self.innerHeight; } else { if (document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth) { pcR.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth; pcR.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight; } else { if (document.body) { pcR.width = document.body.clientWidth; pcR.height = document.body.clientHeight; } } } } function getElementsByClass(targetTag, tagClass) { var elementList = document.getElementsByTagName(targetTag); //alert("targettag: " + targetTag + " CLASS; " + tagClass); var classTag = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < elementList.length; i++) { if (elementList[i].className == tagClass) { //alert(elementList[i].className + " " + elementList[i].tagName); classTag[classTag.length] = elementList[i]; } } return classTag; } function addPopupDiv() { var ttDiv = new Array(); var prefix = ""; if (mP.useDefStyle == true) { prefix = "M_"; } for (var i = 0; i < mP.divIds.length; i++) { if (document.getElementById(mP.divIds[i]) != null) { document.getElementById(mP.divIds[i]).parentNode.removeChild(document.getElementById(mP.divIds[i])); } ttDiv[i] = document.createElement("div"); ttDiv[i].id = prefix + mP.divIds[i]; ttDiv[i].activeStyle = getActiveStyle; } var c = new Array("margin", "padding", "border", "top", "left"); for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) { eval("ttDiv[2].style." + c[i] + " = '0px'"); eval("ttDiv[4].style." + c[i] + " = '0px'"); eval("ttDiv[0].style." + c[i] + " = '0px'"); } ttDiv[2].style.position = "relative"; ttDiv[2].style.width = "100%"; ttDiv[4].style.visibility = "hidden"; ttDiv[4].style.position = "absolute"; ttDiv[0].style.visibility = "hidden"; ttDiv[0].style.position = "absolute"; ttDiv[1].appendChild(ttDiv[2]); ttDiv[0].appendChild(ttDiv[1]); ttDiv[0].appendChild(ttDiv[3]); document.body.appendChild(ttDiv[0]); if (mP.warpSteps > 0) { document.body.appendChild(ttDiv[4]); ttDiv[1].style.overflow = "hidden"; ttDiv[4].style.padding = "10px"; ttDiv[4].style.height = "100px"; if (ttDiv[4].offsetHeight == 100) { mP.warpSteps = 0; } document.body.removeChild(ttDiv[4]); } for (var i = 0; i < mP.divIds.length - 1; i++) { var bgIm = ttDiv[i].activeStyle("background-image", "backgroundImage"); if (bgIm.indexOf("url") > -1 && mP.preload == true) { preLoadImage(stripURL(bgIm)); } } if (window.getComputedStyle && window.getComputedStyle(ttDiv[3], null).getPropertyValue("background-image").indexOf("url") == -1) { ttDiv[0].removeChild(ttDiv[3]); } else { if (ttDiv[3].currentStyle && (ttDiv[3].currentStyle.backgroundImage.indexOf("url") == -1 && ttDiv[3].currentStyle.filter.indexOf("AlphaImageLoader") == -1)) { ttDiv[0].removeChild(ttDiv[3]); } } ttDiv[0].onmouseover = collisionFix; if (mP.useDefStyle == true) { ttDiv[0].style.width = mP.defWidth; ttDiv[0].style.zIndex = mP.defZindex; for (var i = 0; i < mP.defCSS.length; i += 2) { eval("ttDiv[1].style." + mP.defCSS[i] + "='" + mP.defCSS[i + 1] + "'"); } } pcR.cDiv = ttDiv[2]; pcR.tDiv = ttDiv[0]; pcR.dDiv = ttDiv[1]; } function easeOutStepFloor(minValue, maxValue, totalSteps, actualStep) { var delta = maxValue - minValue; var radEnd = Math.PI / 2; var step = minValue + (Math.sin(((radEnd / totalSteps) * actualStep)) * delta); return Math.floor(step); } function getActiveStyle(style, stylecc) { if (window.getComputedStyle) { return window.getComputedStyle(this, null).getPropertyValue(style); } if (this.currentStyle) { return eval("this.currentStyle." + stylecc); } } function stripURL(s) { s = s.substring(s.indexOf("url(") + 4, s.lastIndexOf(")")); if (s.indexOf("\"") > -1) { s = s.substring(s.indexOf("\"") + 1, s.lastIndexOf("\"")); } return s; } function addTrigger(elm, eventname, func) { if (!addCheckTrigger(elm, eventname, func)) { elm.attachEvent("on" + eventname, func); } } function addCheckTrigger(elm, eventname, func) { if (elm.addEventListener) { elm.addEventListener(eventname, func, false); return true; } else { return false; } } function preLoadImage(imageurl) { var img = new Image(); img.src = imageurl; return img; } function minimum(x, y) { if (x < y) { return x; } else { return y; } } function maximum(x, y) { if (x > y) { return x; } else { return y; } } //My Tips End
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3. "源码必读.txt":这可能是开发团队提供的一个指南,列出了一些阅读和理解源代码的重要提示或者注意事项。 4. "RLL":这个文件夹可能包含了资源文件,如本地化文本、图片或图标等。 5. "UI":用户界面文件夹,很...
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源码的特性被描述为“漂亮大气”且“规范正式”,暗示着它可能具有良好的用户界面设计和符合行业标准的编程实践。 1. **default.asp**:这通常是网站的首页,用于展示网站的主要内容和导航菜单。在这个案例中,它...
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