Hyper is a fully featured dashboard and admin template comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. The super clean and flexible layout would enable you to easily ...
Metronic is a responsive and multipurpose admin and frontend theme powered with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.3 Framework. Metronic can be used for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin ...
Light Bootstrap Dashboard is bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collections of ...
Clip-Two is an advanced, responsive dashboard template built with AngularJS, the Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. This theme is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want ...
DAdmin - Responsive Bootstrap Admin Dashboard Based on Bootstrap 4.1.x Fully Responsive W3C Validated Code 此压缩包内为示例版页面代码, 正版购买请前往...
此压缩包内仅包含 modern风格 示例版页面源代码 示例浏览:https://designreset.com/preview-equation/demo3/ 正版下载:https://themeforest.net/item/equation-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/23191987
Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.3.5 Version: 4.5.2 Metronic 是一套精美的响应式后台管理模板,基于强大的 Twitter Bootstrap 框架实现。Metronic...
此压缩包内为示例版页面源代码 示例浏览:http://themepixels.me/dashforge/ 正版下载:https://themeforest.net/item/dashforge-responsive-admin-dashboard-template/23725961
Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template v5.0.3.zip 附件为云盘下载地址 Metronic v5 是基于jQuery v3.2.1 Bootstrap v4.0.0-alpha.6 开发 附彩蛋 Metronic v4.7.zip Metronicv4.*系列 是基于 jQuery v...
Cosmo - Bootstrap 4 Responsive Admin Dashboard Template Latest Bootstrap 4.1 Fully Responsive Unlimited Colors & Layout Options Ecommerce, Email, Messages, Task Manager 此压缩包内为示例版页面代码, ...
文件"metronic-responsive-admin-dashboard-template"很可能包含了整个模板的源代码,包括HTML结构、CSS样式、JavaScript脚本以及可能的图像资源。这些文件通常按照目录结构组织,例如: - CSS 文件夹:存放所有样式...
Hyper is a fully featured dashboard and admin template comes with tones of well designed UI elements, components, widgets and pages. The super clean and flexible layout would enable you to easily ...
这得益于Bootstrap框架的运用,它使得网页在不同设备上都能保持良好的显示效果,提供一致的用户体验。 二、HTML5与CSS3 作为一款现代化的后台模板,Metronic v6.0.3充分利用了HTML5和CSS3的新特性。HTML5提供了语义...
此压缩包内为示例版页面源代码 示例浏览:http://themepixels.me/azia/template/index.html 正版下载:https://themeforest.net/item/azia-responsive-bootstrap-4-dashboard-template/22983790?s_rank=1
Ace - Responsive Admin Template 是一款专为后台管理界面设计的响应式模板,旨在提供高效、美观且功能丰富的用户体验。这款模板基于HTML5技术构建,确保在各种设备上都能呈现出优秀的适应性和交互性,无论是在桌面...
WgBoard - Responsive Admin/Dashboard Template 15+页面 10+插件 jQuery 2.2.0 jQuery UI Bootstrap 3.3.7 Roboto Google Font Font Awesome Icons Elegant Icons Themify icons Chart.js jQuery Vector Maps ...
Template Name: Metronic - Responsive Admin Dashboard Template build with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0 Version: 1.5.2 Author: KeenThemes Metronic 是一套精美的响应式后台管理模板,基于强大的 Twitter ...
Slim - Modern & Clean Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Template Clean and Modern Dashboard Admin Template Fully Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Dashboard Full RTL Support & Thousands of UI Elements...
Metronic 是一套精美的响应式后台管理模板,基于强大的 Twitter Bootstrap 框架实现。Metronic 拥有简洁优雅的 Metro UI 风格界面,6 种颜色可选,76 个模板页面,包括图表、表格、地图、消息中心、监控面板等后台...
Metronic is a responsive and multipurpose admin and frontend theme powered with Twitter Bootstrap 3.0.3 Framework. Metronic can be used for any type of web applications: custom admin panels, admin ...
Light Bootstrap Dashboard is bootstrap 4 admin dashboard template designed to be beautiful and simple. It is built on top of Bootstrap 4 and it is fully responsive. It comes with a big collections of ...
Clip-Two is an advanced, responsive dashboard template built with AngularJS, the Superheroic JavaScript MVW Framework. This theme is mobile friendly and ready for you to customize it any way you want ...
Chameleon Admin - Modern Bootstrap 4 WebApp & Dashboard HTML Template + UI ...完整版正版下载:https://themeselection.com/products/chameleon-admin-modern-bootstrap-webapp-dashboard-html-template-ui-kit/