create table Emps(
Emp_id varchar2(10),
Emp_name varchar(10),
Emp_sex char(2),
Emp_birthday date,
Emp_age number(3),
Emp_wage number(6,1)
alter table Emps add constraint pk_Emp_id primary key(Emp_id)
insert into Emps values('2','张三','男',to_date('2014-02-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),34,7);
insert into Emps values('6','李四','女',to_date('2014-02-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),34,7.2);
insert into Emps values('3','anm','男',to_date('1980-05-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),32,6.3);
insert into Emps values('4','旺财','女',to_date('2011-02-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),33,2.5);
insert into Emps values('5','王冲','男',to_date('2002-02-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),22,2.5);
insert into Emps values('7','小米','女',to_date('1990-02-24','yyyy-mm-dd'),87,7.2);
insert into Emps values('8','小明','男',to_date('1970-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),13,22.3);
insert into Emps values('9','小美','女',to_date('1920-12-16','yyyy-mm-dd'),45,34.5);
insert into Emps values('10','小泽','男',to_date('1981-09-23','yyyy-mm-dd'),78,79.5)
insert into Emps values('1','小泽','男',to_date('1981-09-23','yyyy-mm-dd'),78,79.5333)
select * from Emps
delete from Emps
----(1)查询职工表中职工年收入情况(12*工资) ,用"年收入"字段名表示
select (Emp_wage*12) as 年收入 from Emps ;
select * from emps where Emp_sex='男'
select * from emps where Emp_wage != 1200
select Emp_name from emps where Emp_birthday<to_date('1984-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')
select Emp_name from emps where extract(year from emp_birthday) <1984
select * from emps where( Emp_sex='女' and Emp_age=16) or (Emp_sex='男' and Emp_age=21)
select * from emps where not Emp_wage=1200 order by Emp_wage, Emp_name desc ,Emp_wage
select emp_name from emps where Emp_birthday between to_date('1980-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')and to_date('2014-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd')order by Emp_birthday desc,emp_name
select emp_name from emps where extract(year from emp_birthday) between 1984 and 1994 order by Emp_birthday desc,emp_name
select avg(emp_wage) as 平均工资 from emps
select sum(emp_wage),min(emp_wage),max(emp_wage) from emps
select (max(emp_wage)-min(emp_wage)) as 差值 from emps
select count(*) from emps
create table EmpSalary(
empid number(6),
empname char(15),
empsal number(8)
alter table EmpSalary add constraint pk_empid primary key(empid)
insert into EmpSalary values(1,'张三',3000);
insert into EmpSalary values(2,'李四',5000);
insert into EmpSalary values(3,'吴王',7000);
insert into EmpSalary values(4,'王五',8000);
insert into EmpSalary values(5,'马六',5900);
insert into EmpSalary values(6,'何文',7500)
insert into EmpSalary values(7,'hdh',8500)
insert into EmpSalary values(8,'hello',9500)
select * from EmpSalary
select decode(sign(empsal - 6000),-1,empsal*1.2,1,empsal*1.15) from EmpSalary ---两个阶段
select decode(sign(empsal - 6000),-1,empsal*1.2,1,decode(sign(empsal - 8000),-1,empsal*1.18,1,empsal*1.15)) from EmpSalary ---三个阶段
---下面这个是老师的 方法一
select empname,decode (sign(empsal-6000),-1,empsal*1.2,0,empsal,1,--0和-1的情况都有了,下面就是默认1的情况
from EmpSalary
select empname,decode (sign(empsal-6000),-1,empsal*1.2,0,empsal,
from EmpSalary
create table sale(
month char(6),---月份
sell number(10,2)---销售金额
insert into sale values('1',5680.5932);
insert into sale values('2',5680.5932);
insert into sale values('3',8000);
insert into sale values('4',2100.1);
insert into sale values('5',4520.5555);
insert into sale values('6',5999.66)
insert into sale values('12',5999.66)
insert into sale values('10',5999.66)
select * from sale
create or replace view V_sale
select s.month,s.sell
FROM sale s
select * from V_sale
select name as "姓名",
min(decode(subject,'数学',grade)) as "数学",
min(decode(subject,'语文',grade)) as "语文",
min(decode(subject,'英语',grade)) as "英语"
from score1 group by name
select decode( sign(to_char(month)-10 ),
-1,('0' || to_char(month)),
)from sale
select '2000'as 年份,
min(decode(month,1,sell)) "month01",
min(decode(month,2,sell)) "month02",
min(decode(month,3,sell)) "month03",
min(decode(month,4,sell)) "month04",
min(decode(month,5,sell)) "month05",
min(decode(month,6,sell)) "month06",
min(decode(month,7,sell)) "month07",
min(decode(month,8,sell)) "month08",
min(decode(month,9,sell)) "month09",
min(decode(month,10,sell)) "month10",
min(decode(month,11,sell)) "month11",
min(decode(month,12,sell)) "month12"
from sale
create table sale1(
month char(6),---月份
sell number(10,2)---销售金额
insert into sale1 values('200001',5680.5932);
insert into sale1 values('200003',5680.5932);
insert into sale1 values('200004',8000);
insert into sale1 values('200008',2100.1);
insert into sale1 values('200101',4520.5555);
insert into sale1 values('200501',5999.66);
insert into sale1 values('200403',5999.66);
insert into sale1 values('200801',5999.66)
select * from sale1
select to_char(month) from sale1---转化成字符串,不用to_char了,因为month在创建的时候就是char类型的
select substr(to_char(month),5,2) from sale1;---截取子串,作为月份
select substr(to_char(month),1,4) from sale1---截取子串,作为年份
('month' || substr(to_char(month),5,2)),
select substr(to_char(month),1,4 ) as 年份,---截取前四位
min(decode(substr(month,5,2),01,sell)) as "month02",---截取后两位
max(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),02,sell)) "month02",---这里可以选用聚合函数的任意一个,因为每一行都是一个值,聚合不聚合的结果都一样,但是聚合了就不用写group by了
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),03,sell)) "month03",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),04,sell)) "month04",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),05,sell)) "month05",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),06,sell)) "month06",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),07,sell)) "month07",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),08,sell)) "month08",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),09,sell)) "month09",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),10,sell)) "month10",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),11,sell)) "month11",
min(decode(substr(to_char(month),5,2),12,sell)) "month12"
from sale1
group by substr(to_char(month),1,4 )
create table score1(
name varchar2(10),
subject varchar2(10),
grade number(3)
insert into score1 values('张三','语文',50);
insert into score1 values('张三','数学',80);
insert into score1 values('张三','英语',80);
insert into score1 values('李四','语文',80);
insert into score1 values('李四','数学',99);
insert into score1 values('李四','英语',84);
insert into score1 values('王五','语文',50);
insert into score1 values('王五','数学',90);
insert into score1 values('王五','英语',70)
select * from score1
---横表转化成纵表,decode(subject,'数学',grade)不能用在select里面,因此应该放在group by后面或者聚合函数里面,现在是放在了聚合函数里了,这个只是为了不让他报错,这个函数没有实际的意义
select name "姓名",
min(decode(subject,'数学',grade)) "数学",
min(decode(subject,'语文',grade)) "语文",
min(decode(subject,'英语',grade)) "英语"
from score1 group by name
create table student1(
stu_id varchar2(10),
stu_name varchar2(30),
stu_sex char(2),
stu_high number(4,1),
stu_weight number(4,1)
alter table student1 add constraint pk_stu_id primary key(stu_id)
insert into student1 values('110','战神',32,180.22,170.59);
insert into student1 values('111','李四',22,168.89,150.23);
insert into student1 values('112','历史',14,180.2,980.6);
insert into student1 values('113','王五',19,172.9,90.54);
insert into student1 values('114','王武',56,170,110);
insert into student1 values('115','小米',31,160.62,150.59)
select * from student1
---(1) 所有男生中个子最高的学生名字
select stu_name,stu_high from student1 where stu_sex='男'----1.找出所有男生,这个写在from后面(作为一个新表,查询的时候就查询这个表)
select max(stu_high) from student1----2.找出身高最大的,这个写在where后面(这是个查询结果,因此需要变量去接收,stu_weight=或者stu_weight in)
select stu_name,stu_high from student1 where stu_sex='男' and stu_high = (select max(stu_high) from student1)
----(2) 所有女生中个子最矮的学生名字
select stu_name from (select stu_name,stu_weight from student1 where stu_sex='男') where stu_weight=(select min(stu_weight) from student1) group by stu_name
----(3) 按性别分组,求男、女的平均身高,平均体重
select stu_sex as 性别,avg(stu_weight) as 平均体重,avg(stu_high) as 平均身高 from student1 group by stu_sex
create table score2(
grade number(3)
insert into score2 values(45);
insert into score2 values(67);
insert into score2 values(34);
insert into score2 values(87);
insert into score2 values(98);
insert into score2 values(56);
insert into score2 values(99);
insert into score2 values(78)
select * from score2
--统计 60以下的人数 , 60 -80 的 人数 ,80以上的人数
select count(grade) as 以下 from score2 where grade<60---单个
select '60分以下' as 分数段,count(grade) as 人数 from score2 where grade<60
select '60-80' as 分数段,count(grade) as 人数 from score2 where grade between 60 and 80
select '80以上' as 分数段,count(1) as 人数 from score2 where grade>80
create table employee(
Emp_eid varchar2(10),
Emp_name varchar2(10),
Emp_age varchar2(2),
Emp_wh varchar2(20)--文化程度
drop table employee
alter table employee add constraint pk_Emp_eid primary key(Emp_eid)
insert into employee values('110','张安','20','本科以上');
insert into employee values('112','ss','20','本科以上');
insert into employee values('111','da','20','本科以上');
insert into employee values('114','是滴是滴','20','本科以上');
insert into employee values('113','发到','21','大专');
insert into employee values('115','圣斗士','21','大专');
insert into employee values('116','方法','21','高中');
insert into employee values('117','图图','17','初中')
select * from employee
delete from employee
select Emp_wh from employee group by Emp_wh---第一步:找出分组
select count(*) from employee where emp_wh='高中'---第二步:随便找出一组进行统计
select Emp_wh as 学历,count(*) as 人数,min(emp_age) as 年龄,(count(*)/(select count(*) from employee))*100 as 百分比
from employee where emp_wh in(select Emp_wh from employee group by Emp_wh) group by Emp_wh
create table NewStudent(
ClassID number(1),
StudID number(1),
Name varchar2(20),
Sex number(1),
Chinese number(3,1)
alter table Newstudent add constraint pk_syudid primary key(Studid)
insert into newstudent values(1,1,'张三',0,78.244);
insert into newstudent values(1,2,'李四',0,33.21);
insert into newstudent values(3,4,'莉莉丝',1,99.2);
insert into newstudent values(2,3,'斌口',1,56.73);
insert into newstudent values(3,5,'小米',1,88.2);
insert into newstudent values(1,6,'熊爱明',0,99);
insert into newstudent values(2,7,'小明',0,90)
select * from newstudent
select * from newstudent where Name like '李%'
select '男生' as 性别, count(*)as 数量 from newstudent where Sex=1
select '女生' as 性别, count(*)as 数量 from newstudent where Sex=0
select sum(Chinese) ,avg(Chinese)from newstudent
select ClassID,StudID,name,Chinese,decode(sex,1,'男',0,'女') from newstudent
(select count(studid) from newstudent where sex=1 group by classid) order by count(studid) desc-----第一步:求出每个班男生数量,并排序
select * from newstudent where rownum=1--- 第二步:找出表中第一行
select * from (
(select count(studid) from newstudent where sex=1 group by classid) order by count(studid) desc
)where rownum = 1
----select,from,where,聚合函数,group by,having执行的先后顺序:select-->from-->where-->聚合函数--->having
select classid ,count(*) from newstudent where sex=1 group by classid
having count(*) in(select max(count(*)) from newstudent where sex=1 group by classid)
create table student2
id varchar2(5),
name varchar2(20)
create table subject(
subid varchar2(10),
subname varchar2(20)
create table score3(
scoreid varchar2(10),
stuid varchar2(5),
subid varchar2(10),
score number(3)
alter table student2 add constraint pk_studentid primary key(id)
alter table subject add constraint pk_subid primary key(subid)
alter table score3 add constraint pk_scoreid primary key(scoreid)
alter table score3 add constraint fk_stuid foreign key(stuid) references student2(id)
alter table score3 add constraint fk_subid foreign key(subid) references subject(subid)
insert into student2 values('s01','张三');
insert into student2 values('s02','李四');
insert into student2 values('s03','王五')
insert into subject values('k001','语文');
insert into subject values('k002','数学');
insert into subject values('k003','英语')
insert into score3 values('1','s01','k001',88);
insert into score3 values('2','s01','k002',87);
insert into score3 values('3','s01','k003',45);
insert into score3 values('4','s02','k001',76);
insert into score3 values('5','s02','k002',90);
insert into score3 values('6','s02','k003',69)
select * from student2
select * from subject
select * from score3
select name from score3 left join student2 on group by
select name "姓名",
min(decode(subname,'数学',score)) "数学",
min(decode(subname,'语文',score)) "语文",
min(decode(subname,'英语',score)) "英语"
from score3 left join student2 on left join subject on score3.subid=subject.subid
group by
create table student3(
id number(6),
name varchar2(20),
birthday date,
sex char(1),
class_id number(6)
create table course1(
id number(6),
name varchar2(20),
credit number(2)
create table score4
id number(6),
stuid number(6),
courseid number(6),
score number(5,2)
create table book
id number(6),
name varchar2(20),
description varchar2(100)
create table book_loaned
id number(6),
stuid number(6),
bookid number(6),
load_date date,
book_fine number(5,2)
create table score_grade
id number(2,0),
grade char(1),
score_high number(5,2),
score_low number(5,2)
alter table student3 add constraint pk_id primary key(id)
alter table course1 add constraint pk_idc primary key(id)
alter table score4 add constraint pk_ids primary key(id)
alter table book_loaned add constraint pk_bid primary key(id)
alter table book add constraint pk_bookid primary key(id)
alter table score_grade add constraint pk_sgid primary key(id)
alter table score4 add constraint fk_ids foreign key(stuid) references student3(id)
alter table score4 add constraint fk_idc foreign key(courseid) references course1(id)
alter table book_loaned add constraint fk_idstu foreign key(stuid) references student3(id)
alter table book_loaned add constraint fk_idbook foreign key(bookid) references book(id)
alter table student3 modify sex char(2)---发现student3的sex字段char(1)太小,修改成char(2)
insert into student3 values(110,'admin',to_date('1999-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'男',1);
insert into student3 values(111,'李明浩',to_date('1970-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'男',2);
insert into student3 values(112,'杨志猛',to_date('1980-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'男',1);
insert into student3 values(113,'宋悦',to_date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),'女',1)
insert into course1 values(1110,'数学',34);
insert into course1 values(1111,'语文',21);
insert into course1 values(1112,'英语',65)
insert into score4 values(1,110,1110,85.5);
insert into score4 values(2,110,1111,65);
insert into score4 values(3,111,1111,56);
insert into score4 values(4,111,1112,44);
insert into score4 values(5,112,1110,98)
insert into book values(1001,'十万个为什么','描述描述描述描述');
insert into book values(1002,'疯狂java','描述描述描述描述');
insert into book values(1003,'中国近代史','描述描的淡淡的述描述');
insert into book values(1004,'十万个为什么','描述描任溶溶述描述')
insert into book_loaned values(1,110,1001,to_date('2003-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),60);
insert into book_loaned values(2,110,1003,to_date('2014-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),800);
insert into book_loaned values(3,111,1001,to_date('2009-01-01','yyyy-mm-dd'),600)
insert into score_grade values(1,'A',100,90);
insert into score_grade values(2,'B',89,80);
insert into score_grade values(3,'C',79,60);
insert into score_grade values(4,'D',59,0)
delete from score_grade where id=4
select * from student3;
select * from course1;
select * from score4
select * from book
select * from book_loaned
select * from score_grade
select,bl.stuid,bl.load_date from book_loaned bl left join book b on
select book_loaned.bookid,,book_loaned.load_date from book_loaned left join book on
left join student3 on
select,score4.score from score4 left join course1 on left join student3 on
from score4 left join course1 on left join student3 on
select, ,score4.score from score4 left join course1 on left join student3 on
create table stu(
sno varchar2(10) not null,
name varchar2(20) not null,
sex varchar2(8) not null,
age number(3) not null,
bir date,
shen varchar2(18) not null,
school varchar(20),
primary key(sno)
create table cou
( cid varchar2(6) not null,
cname varchar2(50) not null,
xf number(3) not null ,
primary key (cid)
create table student_course
(sno varchar2(10) not null,
cid varchar2(6) not null,
cj numeric(4,1) not null,
--primary key (sno,cid)
alter table student_course add constraint fk_sno1 foreign key(sno) references stu(sno)
alter table student_course add constraint fk_cid1 foreign key(cid) references cou(cid)
insert into stu values('1','zhangsan','男',32,to_date('1970-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120224','北京理工');
insert into stu values('2','zhangsan','男',32,to_date('1970-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120224','北京理工');
insert into stu values('3','zhangsan','男',32,to_date('1970-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120224','北京理工');
insert into stu values('4','李四','女',32,to_date('2000-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120224','北京理工');
insert into stu values('5','王伟','女',32,to_date('2000-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120255','北京师范')
insert into stu values('6','nans','女',32,to_date('2000-11-14','yyyy-mm-dd'),'120255','北京大学')
insert into cou values('100','疯狂java',6);
insert into cou values('110','html',4);
insert into cou values('130','jsp',6);
insert into cou values('140','sping',8);
insert into cou values('120','oracle',9)
insert into student_course values('2','100',50);
insert into student_course values('3','130',89);
insert into student_course values('4','130',65);
insert into student_course values('5','140',46);
insert into student_course values('2','110',54);
insert into student_course values('1','110',38)
insert into student_course values('5','130',98);
select * from stu;
select * from cou;
select * from student_course;
delete from student_course
delete from stu
delete from cou
drop table student_course
select distinct sno, cid from student_course where (cj <60)---错了
select distinct sno, cid from student left join student_course on
where sno not in(select distinct sno, cid from student_course where cj >=60 and
student_course.cj is not null)
select name,sex from stu where school in('北京理工','北京大学')
select cj,xf from cou,stu,student_course where stu.sno=student_course.sno and student_course.cid=cou.cid and'王伟'
select distinct sno from student_course where cj is not null---1.列出所有人
select count(*) from (select distinct sno from student_course where cj is not null)--2.统计
select distinct sno from student_course --参加过考试的学生
select sno from stu where sno not in(select distinct sno from student_course)
select sno,count(sno) from student_course group by sno;---统计学生考试门数
select sno,count(sno) from student_course group by sno having count(student_course.sno)>1---过滤出2门以上(包括两门)
select stu.sno, from student_course,stu where student_course.sno=stu.sno group by stu.sno, having count(student_course.sno)>1
select cid ,count(sno) from student_course group by cid
select count(sno) from student_course where cid=130 and cj>80
----select sno ,sum(cj),count(cid) from student_course group by sno算出了学号,课程号,总成绩,但是还没加限制条件
----由于限制条件是个聚合函数,根据查询语句执行的先后顺序(where-->group by-->having),因此这个限制条件不能是where,只能是having
select sno ,sum(cj),count(cid) from student_course group by sno having avg(cj)>60
select name as 姓名,cname as 课程名,decode(sign(cj-90),
-1,'差' )))
from student_course,stu,cou
where student_course.sno=stu.sno
and student_course.cid=cou.cid
create table Employees(---职工表
EmpID Number(5),
Name VarChar2(10),
Sex Char(2) ,
Birthdate Date,
Address Varchar2(50),
Phone Char(13)
create table wage( ---工资表
EmpID Number(5),
Name VarChar2(10),
Wage Number(5),
Putdate Date
create table tax( ---税收表
EmpID Number(5),
Name VarChar2(10) ,
Tax Number(5,2) ,
Paydate Date
alter table employees add constraint pk_empid1 primary key(empid) ---主键约束
alter table wage add constraint fk_empid1 foreign key(empid) references employees(empid)--外检约束
alter table tax add constraint fk_empid2 foreign key(empid) references employees(empid)--外检约束
alter table employees add constraint un_phone unique(phone)----唯一约束
insert into employees values(110,'周建安',23,to_date('1980,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111110');
insert into employees values(111,'华藏寺',23,to_date('1980,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111111');
insert into employees values(112,'展示柜',23,to_date('2009,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111112');
insert into employees values(113,'张三',23,to_date('1934,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111113');
insert into employees values(114,'展示',23,to_date('1985,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111114');
insert into employees values(115,'张珊',23,to_date('1980,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111115');
insert into employees values(116,'小米',23,to_date('1980,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111116');
insert into employees values(117,'熊爱明',23,to_date('1984,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111117');
insert into employees values(118,'小明',23,to_date('1998,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111118');
insert into employees values(119,'旺财',23,to_date('1980,02-05','yyyy-mm-dd'),'大胡同','1111111119')
insert into wage values(110,'周建安',3000,sysdate);
insert into wage values(111,'华藏寺',8000,sysdate);
insert into wage values(112,'展示柜',5400,sysdate);
insert into wage values(113,'张三',4400,sysdate);
insert into wage values(114,'展示',7600,sysdate)
insert into tax values(110,'周建安',10,sysdate);
insert into tax values(111,'华藏寺',23.6,sysdate);
insert into tax values(112,'展示柜',27.4,sysdate);
insert into tax values(113,'张三',45.48,sysdate);
insert into tax values(114,'展示',11.2,sysdate)
delete from tax--删除所有内容
drop table tax--删除表
select * from employees
select * from wage
select * from tax
alter table tax add ceshi varchar2(20)---在表tax中添加字段
alter table tax add ceshi111 varchar2(20)---在表tax中添加字段
select empid,name,tax,paydate,nvl(ceshi,'添加新字段的缺省值') from tax---nvl添加缺省值,在添加记录的时候就会显示这个了
insert into tax(EmpID,Name,Tax) values(115,'展示',11.2)
alter table tax modify name char(20) ---修改字段的属性,将name字段的类型改成char(20)
alter table tax drop column ceshi111----删除列
alter table wage rename to xiugai_wage----修改表名字
select * from wage
select * from xiugai_wage
select * from Employees
select * from wage
select * from tax;
create or replace view empInfo
select Employees.Empid,Employees.Name,wage.wage, from Employees
left join wage on Employees.Empid= wage.empid left join tax on Employees.Empid=tax.empid
select * from empInfo
create or replace view empInfo
select Employees.Empid,Employees.Name,wage.wage, from Employees
inner join wage on Employees.Empid= wage.empid inner join tax on Employees.Empid=tax.empid
select * from empInfo
type number_table_type is table of number(2) index by varchar2(4);
v_n number_table_type;
type number_table_type is table of number(5) index by number(5);
v_n number_table_type;
create table blob_test
id number(4) primary key ,
phote blob
insert into blob_test values(1,'scr/abc.jpg');
insert into blob_test values(1,empty_blob());
drop table blob_test
select * from blob_test
create table clob_test
id number(4) primary key ,
phote clob
insert into clob_test values(1,'scr/abc.jpg');
insert into blob_test values(1,empty_clob());
select * from clob_test
drop table clob_test
----(1) 定义一个record变量存放第二条记录, 并输出结果
type v_record is record
v_sid s.sid%type,
v_r v_record;
select sid,sn ,sd,sa into v_r.v_sid,v_r.v_sn,v_r.v_sd,v_r.v_sa from s where sid='1001';
---定义一个table 类型变量存放3条记录, 并输出结果
type v_table is table of varchar2(20) index by varchar2(4);----索引不能是number,因为可能出现小数
v_t v_table;
select sid,sn ,sd,sa into v_t(1),v_t(2),v_t(3),v_t('4') from s where sid ='1002';---自动转化成字符串
select sid,sn ,sd,sa into v_t('a'),v_t('b'),v_t('c'),v_t('d') from s where sid ='1003';
type v_table is table of s%rowtype index by varchar2(4);
v_t v_table;
select sid,sn ,sd,sa into v_t('1').sid,v_t('1').sn,v_t('1').sd,v_t('1').sa from s where sid ='1002';
select sid,sn ,sd,sa into v_t('2').sid,v_t('2').sn,v_t('2').sd,v_t('2').sa from s where sid ='1003';
--for v_x in 1..2 loop---int自动转化字符串
for v_x in '1'..'2' loop
dbms_output.put_line(v_t(v_x).sid || ' ' || v_t(v_x).sn|| ' ' || v_t(v_x).sd ||' ' || v_t(v_x).sa );
end loop;
v_sno student.sno%type;
v_sname student.sname%type;
select sno,sname into v_sno,v_sname from student where sno='112';
dbms_output.put_line(v_sno||' '||v_sname);
create table wage1( ---工资表
id number(3),
EmpID Number(5),
Name VarChar2(10),
Wage varchar2(11),
Putdate Date
insert into wage1 values(1,110,'周建安','3000',sysdate);
insert into wage1 values(2,111,'华藏寺','1000',sysdate);
insert into wage1 values(3,112,'展示柜','5400',sysdate);
insert into wage1 values(4,113,'张三','4400',sysdate);
insert into wage1 values(5,114,'展示','7600',sysdate)
select * from wage1
drop table wage1
---求所得税,普通select查询 收入1500 以下税率 0%,1500 ~ 3000 3%,3000 以上 5%
select Wage as "收入", decode(sign(wage-1500),-1,'0%',
1,'5%' )) as "税率"
from wage1
create or replace function wage_tax(v_wage number) return varchar2
v_return varchar2(11);
if v_wage<'1500' then
elsif v_wage<'3000' then
end if;
return v_return;
select wage,wage_tax(wage) from wage1 ;
--如果该员工职位是CLERK,并且在NEW YORK工作那么就给他薪金扣除5%;其他情况不作处理。要求:使用游标或函数编程实现。
create table dept( ---创建部门表(工作表)
did varchar2(6),
dname varchar2(20)
create table zhiwei(---职位表
zid varchar2(6),
zname varchar2(20)
create table emp( ---创建员工表
eid varchar2(6),
did varchar2(6),
zid varchar2(6),
ename varchar2(20),
money number(5,2)
alter table dept add constraint pk_did primary key(did)
alter table zhiwei add constraint pk_zid primary key(zid)
alter table emp add constraint pk_eid primary key(eid)
alter table emp add constraint fk_zid foreign key(zid) references zhiwei(zid)
alter table emp add constraint fk_did foreign key(did) references dept(did)
insert into dept values('d1','研发部');
insert into dept values('d2','测试部');
insert into dept values('d3','实施部');
insert into dept values('4','产品部');
insert into dept values('d5','人事部');
insert into dept values('d6','财务部');
insert into dept values('d7','法律部')
insert into zhiwei values('z1','总经理');
insert into zhiwei values('z2','部门经理');
insert into zhiwei values('z3','部门组长');
insert into zhiwei values('z4','职员')
alter table emp modify money number(5)
insert into emp values('1','d1','z2','张三',50000);
insert into emp values('2','d1','z3','小米',8000);
insert into emp values('3','d1','z3','小星',5000);
insert into emp values('5','d1','z4','小明',3000);
insert into emp values('6','d1','z4','小三',6000);
insert into emp values('4','d3','z3','王五',7000);
insert into emp values('7','4','z2','额昂藏',9000);
insert into emp values('8','d5','z4','旺财',4000);
insert into emp values('9','d6','z4','小红',8000)
select * from dept;
select * from zhiwei;
select * from emp;
create or replace function a(v_dept in varchar2,v_zhiwei in varchar2,v_money in number)
return number
v_return number;
if v_dept='d1' and v_zhiwei='z3' then
-- update emp set money=v_money*1.15 ;----注释:
elsif v_dept='d3' and v_zhiwei='z3' then
-- update emp set money=v_money*0.97 ;
-- update emp set money=v_money ;
end if;
return v_return;
select money from emp;
select ename,a(did,zid,money) from emp
current a is select did,zid,money, eid from emp;
for x in a loop
if xv_dept='d1' and x. v_zhiwei='z3' then
update emp set sal=x.sal*1.15 where empid=x.empid;----注释:
end if;
select dname,zname from emp inner join zhiwei on emp.zid=zhiwei.zid
inner join dept on emp.did=dept.did;
create table s(
sid varchar2(4),---学号
sn varchar2(8),---姓名
sd varchar2(20),---单位
sa number(3)---年龄
drop table s
alter table s add constraint pk_sid primary key(sid)
insert into s values('1001','琳琳','中国汽车',34);
insert into s values('1002','cioao','中国汽车',51);
insert into s values('1003','张三','中软国籍',37);
insert into s values('1004','白羊','星火',89);
insert into s values('1005','水平','摩卡',32);
insert into s values('1006','双子','软通动力',66);
insert into s values('1007','默写','小蜜蜂',12)
select * from s
create table c(
cid varchar2(8),--课程编号
cn varchar(10)---课程名称
alter table c add constraint cid primary key(cid)
insert into c values('s001','java基础');
insert into c values('s002','Ajax');
insert into c values('s003','javascript');
insert into c values('s004','javabean');
insert into c values('s005','jdbc');
insert into c values('s006','struts');
insert into c values('s007','hibernate');
insert into c values('s008','spring')
select * from c
create table sc(
sid varchar2(4),---学号
cid varchar2(8),--课程编号
g number(3)
alter table sc add constraint fk_sid foreign key(sid) references s(sid);
alter table sc add constraint fk_kechengid foreign key(cid) references c(cid)
insert into sc values('1002','s001',99);
insert into sc values('1001','s001',66);
insert into sc values('1001','s001',44);
insert into sc values('1005','s004',78);
insert into sc values('1004','s005',38);
insert into sc values('1002','s008',96)
select * from sc
根据提供的Oracle数据库练习题及其描述,我们可以逐一解析并总结出其中涉及的重要知识点: ### 一、多表查询 1. **子查询与多表连接**: - 练习题目中涉及到了`emp`表与`dept`表的关联查询。 - 例如:“获取在同...
根据提供的Oracle上机练习题的信息,我们可以从中提炼出多个重要的知识点。这些知识点涵盖了数据库的基本操作,包括表的创建、数据的插入以及基本的数据查询等。接下来将对这些知识点进行详细的阐述。 ### 1. 创建...
1. **基本查询操作**:练习题中包含了查询员工表(emp)和部门表(dept)的基础信息,例如查询所有员工的详细信息。这涉及到SELECT语句的基本用法,包括选择列(如`SELECT * FROM emp`)和指定表(如`FROM emp`)。 ...
"oracle基础练习题及答案" Oracle 是一种关系数据库管理系统,它提供了强大的数据存储和管理功能。在实际应用中,Oracle 数据库管理员需要具备一定的 SQL 语句编写能力和数据库管理知识。下面是 Oracle 基础练习题...
Oracle 基础查询关联查询练习题 Oracle 基础查询关联查询练习题中涉及到多种查询类型,包括基础查询、关联查询、分组查询等。下面我们将对每个练习题的知识点进行详细解释。 1. 基础查询 基础查询是指从数据库中...
这个“适合新手的Oracle练习题集合”旨在帮助初学者巩固理论知识,提高实践技能,同时通过解决实际问题,如安全认证和转账问题,加深对Oracle数据库的理解。 1. **SQL基础**:在Oracle中,SQL(结构化查询语言)是...
"Oracle培训练习题和相关环境"这个资源显然是为那些希望深入学习Oracle技术,尤其是初学者设计的。在这个压缩包中,有两个子文件夹:"fundationII"和"fundationI",它们可能包含了逐步学习Oracle的基础内容。 ...
在"oracle练习题关于触发器的作业"中,你可能需要设计和实现各种类型的触发器来解决实际问题。例如,你可能需要创建一个触发器来确保表中的某个字段始终具有唯一的值,或者在更新记录时自动更新另一相关表的数据。 ...
这份"Oracle练习题初学者适用"的压缩包提供了一系列的DOC文件,旨在帮助初学者系统地学习和巩固Oracle的相关知识。 首先,我们可以从“Oracle习题”这个文件名推测,这些文档可能包含了各种类型的题目,如选择题、...
在这个Oracle基础练习题中,主要涉及的是多表查询,这是数据库操作中的重要技能,它可以帮助我们从多个相关的表中获取所需信息。以下是对每个练习题的详细解释: 1. 该查询通过JOIN连接`emp`和`dept`表,找出至少有...
本文档“Oracle数据库练习题”显然旨在帮助用户深入理解和掌握Oracle数据库的相关知识。通过解决这些练习题,你可以提升你在SQL查询、表管理、索引优化、存储过程、触发器以及数据库安全性等方面的能力。 1. **SQL...
本资料包含“Oracle数据库基础练习题”,旨在帮助初学者和进阶者巩固对Oracle基础知识的理解,同时也适合正在准备Oracle相关认证考试的人群。 练习题可能涵盖了以下几个核心领域: 1. **SQL语言基础**:这部分可能...
本文档中提供的五个Oracle存储过程练习题,正好能帮助开发者加深对Oracle存储过程应用的理解和实践。 首先,创建用户和分配权限是Oracle数据库管理中的基础工作。通过创建特定的用户并为其分配适当的权限,可以确保...
### Oracle 认证介绍 Oracle认证是Oracle公司推出的一系列技术认证项目,旨在评估和确认IT专业人士在...以上是对Oracle认证介绍及其相关练习题的详细解释,希望能帮助到正在备考或有兴趣深入了解Oracle认证的读者。