转载自: https://help.github.com/articles/caching-your-github-password-in-git/
If you're cloning GitHub repositories using HTTPS, you can use a credential helper to tell Git to remember your GitHub username and password every time it talks to GitHub.
If you clone GitHub repositories using SSH, then you authenticate using SSH keys instead of a username and password. For help setting up an SSH connection, see Generating SSH Keys.
- You need Git 1.7.10 or newer to use the credential helper.
- If you installed Git using Homebrew, the osxkeychain helper may already be installed.
Install the osxkeychain credential helper and tell Git to use it.
Find out if the osxkeychain credential helper is already installed by trying to run it:
git credential-osxkeychain # Test for the cred helper Usage: git credential-osxkeychain <get|store|erase>
If the osxkeychain helper isn't installed, download it with curl:
git credential-osxkeychain # Test for the cred helper git: 'credential-osxkeychain' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. curl -s -O \ https://github-media-downloads.s3.amazonaws.com/osx/git-credential-osxkeychain # Download the helper chmod u+x git-credential-osxkeychain # Fix the permissions on the file so it can be run
Install the helper into the same directory where Git itself is installed:
sudo mv git-credential-osxkeychain \ "$(dirname $(which git))/git-credential-osxkeychain" # Move the helper to the path where git is installed Password: [enter your password]
Tell Git to use osxkeychain using the global
config:git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain # Set git to use the osxkeychain credential helper
The next time you clone an HTTPS URL that requires a password, you'll be prompted for your username and password, and to grant access to the OSX keychain. After you've done this, the username and password are stored in your keychain and you won't be required to type them in to Git again.
Caching your GitHub password in Git 保存你的 Github 密码如果是 使用 HTTPS 来复制 github 项目库, 可
具体操作可以参考Caching your GitHub password in Git-User Documentation的说明,配置后,首次push时输入的用户名和密码会被缓存下来,之后就无需再次输入了。另外,为了使commit历史记录中的用户名字显示正确,...
- **凭据助手(Credential Helper)**:参考[缓存GitHub密码](https://help.github.com/articles/caching-your-github-password-in-git/)。 #### 六、工作区设置(Work Area Setup) 为了方便后续的操作,需要为项目...
C#连接MYSQL8.0的版本老是提示[Authentication method 'caching_sha2_password' not supported by any of the available plugins.] 这个错误,换低版本的MYSQL连接又没有问题,现在把我的经验分享一下,解决这个连接...
Demo of ehCache distributed caching with terracotta in glassFish v3 可以参考:http://blog.csdn.net/guobin0719/archive/2011/04/25/6361940.aspx
Enyim.Caching.dll 32位 Enyim.Caching.dll 32位 Enyim.Caching.dll 32位
《Enyim.Caching 2.4:Memcached 客户端详解》 Enyim.Caching 是一个针对 .NET Framework 开发的高效 Memcached 客户端库,其版本 2.4 提供了对 Memcached 服务的全面支持和优化。Memcached 是一款广泛使用的分布式...
这个问题的根源在于MySQL 8.0及以上版本更改了默认的身份验证插件,从`mysql_native_password`变为了`caching_sha2_password`。这种改变可能导致旧版本的Navicat或不兼容的应用程序无法识别新的加密方式。 为了解决...
In Chapter 10, I'll walk you through some of the decisions you'll face in procuring and building a caching service for your organization. Following that, Chapter 11 offers advice on monitoring the ...
Issues in Cooperative Proxy Caching Section 9.3. Location Management Section 9.4. Caching on a Global Scale: Proxy Pruning Section 9.5. An Overview of Existing Platforms Section 9.6. Summary ...
Edge Caching in Blockchain Empowered 6G
本文将详细介绍ASP.NET 2.0中的几种缓存技术,包括输出缓存(Output Caching)、片段缓存(Fragment Caching)、数据缓存(Data Caching)以及SQL缓存(SQL Caching),并探讨它们的应用场景和技术细节。 #### 二、输出缓存...
Edge Caching in Blockchain Empowered 6G.pdf
这个问题主要源于 MySQL 8 默认使用了 `caching_sha2_password` 身份验证插件,而早期版本(MySQL 5.x)则使用的是 `mysql_native_password` 插件。由于客户端和服务器端使用的加密方式不匹配,导致连接失败。 ####...