The number of seconds that the mysqld server waits for a connect packet before responding with Bad handshake. The default value is 10 seconds as of MySQL 5.1.23 and 5 seconds before that.
Increasing the connect_timeout value might help if clients frequently encounter errors of the form Lost connection to MySQL server at ‘XXX’, system error: errno.
How many seconds an INSERT DELAYED handler thread should wait for INSERT statements before terminating.
The timeout in seconds an InnoDB transaction may wait for a row lock before giving up. The default value is 50 seconds. A transaction that tries to access a row that is locked by another InnoDB transaction will hang for at most this many seconds before issuing the following error:
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction |
When a lock wait timeout occurs, the current statement is not executed. The current transaction is not rolled back. (To have the entire transaction roll back, start the server with the –innodb_rollback_on_timeout option, available as of MySQL 5.1.15. See also Section 13.6.12, “InnoDB Error Handling”.)
innodb_lock_wait_timeout applies to InnoDB row locks only. A MySQL table lock does not happen inside InnoDB and this timeout does not apply to waits for table locks.
InnoDB does detect transaction deadlocks in its own lock table immediately and rolls back one transaction. The lock wait timeout value does not apply to such a wait.
For the built-in InnoDB, this variable can be set only at server startup. For InnoDB Plugin, it can be set at startup or changed at runtime, and has both global and session values.
In MySQL 5.1, InnoDB rolls back only the last statement on a transaction timeout by default. If –innodb_rollback_on_timeout is specified, a transaction timeout causes InnoDB to abort and roll back the entire transaction (the same behavior as in MySQL 4.1). This variable was added in MySQL 5.1.15.
The number of seconds the server waits for activity on an interactive connection before closing it. An interactive client is defined as a client that uses the CLIENT_INTERACTIVE option to mysql_real_connect(). See also
net_read_timeout / net_write_timeout
The number of seconds to wait for more data from a connection before aborting the read. Before MySQL 5.1.41, this timeout applies only to TCP/IP connections, not to connections made through Unix socket files, named pipes, or shared memory. When the server is reading from the client, net_read_timeout is the timeout value controlling when to abort. When the server is writing to the client, net_write_timeout is the timeout value controlling when to abort. See also slave_net_timeout.
On Linux, the NO_ALARM build flag affects timeout behavior as indicated in the description of the net_retry_count system variable.
The number of seconds to wait for more data from the master before the slave considers the connection broken, aborts the read, and tries to reconnect. The first retry occurs immediately after the timeout. The interval between retries is controlled by the MASTER_CONNECT_RETRY option for the CHANGE MASTER TO statement or –master-connect-retry option, and the number of reconnection attempts is limited by the –master-retry-count option. The default is 3600 seconds (one hour).
mysql>show gloable variables like “%timeout%”; 进行查看 interactive_timeout 的黓认值为28800 wait_timeout 的默认值这:120 根据情况增加吧. 这两个值是一个全局变量,可以动态增加,如: mysql> set ...
为了解决这个问题,我们需要深入理解`wait_timeout`参数以及如何处理相关的连接超时问题。 `wait_timeout`是MySQL服务器中的一个系统变量,它定义了在交互式会话(即没有显式启动事务的会话)中,如果客户端在指定...
MySQL 性能优化是一种重要的数据库优化技术,通过合理地配置 MySQL 参数,可以最大程度地提高 MySQL 的性能。本文将介绍如何通过修改 MySQL 参数来提高 MySQL 的性能。 修改 back_log 参数 back_log 参数控制着 ...
在MySQL中,`interactive_timeout` 和 `wait_timeout` 是两个重要的配置参数,它们与客户端连接到服务器的超时设置紧密相关。理解这两个参数的区别对于优化数据库性能和避免不必要的连接断开至关重要。 `...
MySQL数据库在处理客户端连接时,提供了多种与超时相关的配置参数,这些参数有助于管理和优化数据库的性能及稳定性。以下是对这些timeout参数的详细解析: 1. `slave_net_timeout`: 这个参数主要应用于主从复制场景...
2. 查看 wait_timeout 参数的值:可以通过 SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES 命令来查看 wait_timeout 参数的值,例如:mysql> show global variables like 'wait_timeout'; 这将显示当前的 wait_timeout 值。 3. 避免使用 ...
在MySQL数据库集群中,`slave_net_timeout`是一个至关重要的参数,它直接影响到主从复制的稳定性与效率。这个参数定义了从库在等待主库发送新的二进制日志事件(binlog events)时的最大等待时间。如果超过这个时间...
本文将深入解析如何有效解决MySQL出现大量TIME_WAIT状态的问题,通过调整系统内核参数、优化数据库配置以及合理管理连接池策略,确保服务器性能的稳定与高效。 ### 一、理解TIME_WAIT TIME_WAIT是TCP协议中的一个...
这是因为 Hibernate 框架在执行数据库操作时,可能会长时间保持连接,而 MySQL 的 wait_timeout 参数设置的太小,导致连接超时。 error 信息分析 在出现连接超时问题时,错误信息可能如下所示: ERROR [org....
2. Innodb_lock_wait_timeout:这个参数确定 Innodb 事务在被回滚之前可以等待一个锁定的超时秒数,默认是 50 秒。 3. Innodb_max_dirty_pages_pct:这个参数确定 Innodb 主线程刷新缓存池中的数据,使脏数据比例...
MySQL5.7 免安装版配置 MySQL5.7 免安装版配置是指在 Windows 平台下,使用免安装的方式来配置 MySQL5.7 数据库管理系统。...MySQL5.7 免安装版配置需要遵循正确的安装步骤,配置好相关的参数,避免一些常见的错误。
MySQL 5.1 启动选项是 MySQL 的一个重要组件,了解这些选项可以帮助 DBA 和开发者更好地配置和优化 MySQL 服务器。本文将详细介绍 MySQL 5.1 的启动选项,包括配置参数、启动选项、 MySQL 选项等。 一、配置参数 ...
MySQL配置文件解析主要涉及到MySQL服务器的参数调整,这些参数直接影响数据库的性能和稳定性。配置文件通常命名为`my.cnf`或`my.ini`,在不同的操作系统路径可能不同。以下是几个关键参数的解释: 1. `port`:指定...
8. **连接参数**:如`max_connections`定义了最大并发连接数,`wait_timeout`定义了无操作后自动断开连接的时间。 9. **性能优化**:例如`innodb_buffer_pool_size`,决定了InnoDB引擎缓存数据和索引的内存大小,...
mysql 作为一个流行的开源关系数据库管理系统,提供了许多配置参数和状态变量,以便用户根据实际情况进行调整和优化。下面我们将详细介绍一些常用的 mysql 配置参数和状态变量。 一、常用参数优化 1. Binlog_cache...