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Dynamic class loading


The dynamic class loading system is another new feature for Ext JS 4. It also provides an integrated

dependency management system.


This new feature is optional and you should avoid using it in production,though it is very useful for the

development environment. We are going to learn why it is so useful:


In previous versions of Ext JS, if you wanted to use the following code, you had to wait until the entire

framework was loaded,correct? If you tried to use it before the framework was loaded, you would

probably get an error:

var win = new Ext.Window({

    title: 'Hello!',

    width: 100,

    height: 50




This behavior changes in Ext JS 4. We can ask Ext JS to load the classes that we need to use and then

call a function when it is finished loading. For example:

Ext.require('Ext.Window', function() {

// 之前的代码放这里



When we use Ext.require, we are telling Ext JS we need Ext.Window before calling a function.The framework will also resolve any dependencies that the loaded class has.


To use this feature, you have to use Ext.define and define the dependencies in the code using two

new class properties:

(1)requires: This declares the class dependencies required for a class to work.These classes are going

to be loaded before the current class gets instantiated.

(2)uses: This declares the optional class dependencies, but is not required. These classes do not have

to be availabel before the current class gets instantiated.


The Loader is recursive. If any class has dependencies that are not yet loaded, it will keep loading all

the required classes until all of them are ready. All these dependencies are managed internally. This

means you do not need to manage all those script tags in the HTML page,because the class loader

will to it for you. This kind of flexibility is very useful in the development environment, when this is

more important than page speed.






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    Dynamic Class Loading in the JavaTM Virtual Machin

    Dynamic Class Loading in the JavaTM Virtual Machin

    Dynamic loading class in the java virtual machine

    Dynamic loading class in the java virtual machine

    Dynamic Class Loading in the Java Virtual Machine

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    4. **Dynamic Class Loading**: OSGi supports dynamic class loading, which means that classes can be loaded, unloaded, and updated while the system is running. 5. **Declarative Services**: This is a ...


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    Java ClassLoader原理

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    4. **动态加载类(Dynamic Class Loading)**:Runtime允许在程序运行时加载或卸载类,增强了代码的可扩展性。 5. **KVC(Key-Value Coding)和KVO(Key-Value Observing)**:Runtime提供了键值编码和键值观察机制...


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    3. **JVM ClassLoading机制**: 要实现热加载,必须理解JVM的类加载机制。Java程序中的类由类加载器负责加载,加载过程包括加载、验证、准备、解析和初始化五个阶段。热加载技术通常会干预这个过程,使得已经加载的类...

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