Clone user / Dump views in MySQL
1. 数据库搬迁或复制的时候,需要同步MySQL user 及其权限,创建了脚本操作,如下:
#!/bin/bash -l if [ $# -lt 1 ]; then echo "usage: $0 [MySQLHost]" exit 1 fi MySQLHost=${1} MySQLbin="`which mysql`" if [ ! -f "${MySQLbin}" ]; then MySQLbin="/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql" fi if [ ! -f "${MySQLbin}" ]; then echo "can't find the mysql command,please check" exit 1 fi echo "SELECT DISTINCT CONCAT (\"show grants for '\", user, \"'@'\", host, \"';\") AS query FROM mysql.user where user not in ('root','mysql') and trim(ifnull(user,''))!=''; " > script.sql read -s -p "Enter the mysql password: " if [ "$REPLY" == "" ]; then echo "no password typed, the program will exit" exit 1 fi "${MySQLbin}" -h"${MySQLHost}" -umysql -p"${REPLY}" < script.sql > output.sql ; cat output.sql | grep show > output1.sql ; rm output.sql -f ; output_file="grants_for_mysql_account_on_${1}.sql" "${MySQLbin}" -h"${MySQLHost}" -umysql -p"${REPLY}" < output1.sql > ${output_file} ; clear echo "-----Exported Grants-----" sed -i 's/\(GRANT .*\)/\1;/;s/^\(Grants for .*\)/## \1 ##/;/##/{x;p;x;}' "${output_file}" cat "${output_file}" ; rm output1.sql -f echo "-------------------------" echo "generated ${output_file}" rm script.sql -f
2. 有时候,只需要备份或导出并搬迁一个数据库的所有 View,
mysql INFORMATION_SCHEMA --skip-column-names --batch -e "select table_name from tables where table_type = 'VIEW' and table_schema = 'db'" | xargs mysqldump db > /tmp/views_db.sql
git clone git:// That will get you the very latest code. If you're looking for a specific older release you can look under: svn:// The latest ...
mkdir /home/theuser/Templatious-Clone cd /home/theuser/Templatious-Clone git clone 然后,在您最喜欢的C ++构建系统上,添加include目录(例如cmake) ...
# (downloads the default branch of user/repo from GitHub) $ npx gitget user/repo # clone to /folder $ npx gitget user/repo folder # clone subfolder to /folder $ npx gitget user/repo/subfolder folder #...
git clone 的Zip版
快速开始(1)克隆仿真及其依赖项: git clone clone clone clone ...
[root@master ~]# xtrabackup --defaults-file=/u01/mysql3308/my.cnf --user=xtrabk --password=xtrabk --socket=/u01/mysql3308/data/mysql.sock --backup --target-dir=/u01/mysql3308/backup/full/ ``` 然后,...
彻底解决Mac端git clone/push速度太慢的问题,详情请参阅文档。
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sudo /usr/local/mysql/bin/mysqld_install_db --user=mysql ``` **六、配置系统服务** 配置MySQL为系统服务,使其在启动时自动启动。编辑`/etc/rc.conf`文件,添加以下行: ``` mysql_enable="YES" ``` **七、...
git clone ``` 进入源代码目录后,创建一个构建目录,并进入该目录: ```bash cd mysql-server mkdir build cd build ``` 然后使用CMake配置编译过程。这里我们可以...
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从您的命令行: # Clone this repository$ git clone Go into the repository$ cd tiktok-clone# Install dependencies$ yarn install# Run
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安装git clone git:// ~/mysql-buildexport PATH="$HOME/mysql-build/bin:$PATH"用法mkdir -p ~/opt/mysqlmysql-build -v 5.7.10 ~/opt/mysql/mysql-5.7.10cd ~/opt/mysql/mysql-...
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MySQL Clone Plugin是一款强大的数据库备份和同步工具,尤其适用于MySQL环境中的快速复制和集群构建。它提供了高效、便捷的节点同步方案,避免了传统备份恢复过程中的一些繁琐步骤,减少了对业务的影响。 1. **...
tdriver git clone的文件,具体文件如下: git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone git:// git clone ...
clonedAccount.user = (User) this.user.clone(); // 假设User类也实现了Cloneable接口 return clonedAccount; } ``` #### 七、何时选择深拷贝 并非所有的引用类型都需要进行深拷贝。如果引用的对象是不可变的...
在本文中,我们将深入探讨如何在Qt环境中编译MySQL驱动,以便在Qt应用程序中与MySQL数据库进行交互。首先,我们要明确的是,这个过程通常适用于Qt 5.2及其更高版本,因为这是支持编译MySQL驱动的最低要求。在这个...
mysql -urecipient_clone_user -ppassword -h -P3311 \ CLONE INSTANCE FROM 'donor_clone_user'@'':3311 IDENTIFIED BY 'password'; ``` 克隆完成后,重启MySQL服务,并启动Group ...