package com.cxz.currency.test;
public class Testee implements Runnable {
Object lock = null;
public boolean runFlag = false;
public Testee(Object lock) {
this.lock = lock;
public void run() {
synchronized (lock) {
try {
if (!runFlag) {
System.out.println("Hello" + Thread.currentThread().getName());
} catch (InterruptedException ex) {
public void start() {
Thread thread = new Thread(this);
package com.cxz.currency.test;
public class Main {
public void test() throws InterruptedException{
Object lock = new Object();
Testee[] ts = new Testee[2];
ts[0] = new Testee(lock);
ts[1] = new Testee(lock);
synchronized (lock) {
public static void main(String[] args) throws InterruptedException{
new Main().test();
In the Main::test() I created 2 threads which were block at the lock.wait and after the main thread sleeped 100 milliseconds call the lock.notify and the lock.notifyAll you could see the differences.
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