所以最终翻译为:“That's excellent. ”,excellent可以替换为下面31个词中的任何一个。
1. excellent: Something that is excellent is very good indeed.
2. marvellous: If you describe someone or something as marvellous, you are emphasizing that they are very good.
3. superb: If something is superb, its quality is very good indeed.
4. first-rate: If you say that something or someone is first-rate, you mean that they are extremely good and of the highest quality.
5. first-class: If you describe something or someone as first-class, you mean that they are extremely good and of the highest quality.
6. wonderful: If you describe something or someone as wonderful, you think they are extremely good.
7. outstanding: If you describe someone or something as outstanding, you think that they are very remarkable and impressive.
8. exceptional: You use exceptional to describe someone or something that has a particular quality, usually a good quality, to an unusually high degree.
9. magnificent: If you say that something or someone is magnificent, you mean that you think they are extremely good, beautiful, or impressive.
10. splendid: If you say that something is splendid, you mean that it is very good.
11.superlative: If you describe something as superlative, you mean that it is extremely good.
12.matchless: You can use matchless to emphasize that you think something is extremely good.
13.peerless: Something that is peerless is so beautiful or wonderful that you feel that nothing can equal it.
14.great: If you describe someone or something as great, you approve of them or admire them.
15.super: Some people use super to mean very nice or very good.
16.terrific: If you describe something or someone as terrific, you are very pleased with them or very impressed by them.
17.tremendous: You can describe someone or something as tremendous when you think they are very good or very impressive.
18.smashing: If you describe something or someone as smashing, you mean that you like them very much.
19.fantastic: If you say that something is fantastic, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good or that you like it a lot.
20.sensational: You can describe something as sensational when you think that it is extremely good.
21.stellar: A stellar person or thing is considered to be very good.
22.ace: If you say that something is ace, you think that it is good and you like it a lot.
23.fab: If you say that something is fab, you are emphasizing that you think it is very good.
24.cool: If you say that something is cool, you think it is very good.
25.awesome: An awesome person or thing is very good.
26.magic: If you say that something is magic, you think it is very good or enjoyable.
27.wicked: An wicked person or thing is very good.
28.tip-top: You can use tip-top to indicate that something is extremely good.
29.top-notch: If you describe someone or something as top-notch, you mean that they are of a very high standard or quality.
30.capital: An capital person or thing is excellent.
31.fabulous: If you describe something as fabulous, you are emphasizing that you like it a lot or think that it is very good.
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