实例一:var r = angular.copy(a, b);将对象a中的属性深度拷贝给b对象,并返回b对象,即b、r引用的是同一个对象
var a = { name : 'bijian', address : 'shenzhen', family : { num : 6, amount : '80W' } }; var b = {}; var r = angular.copy(a, b); console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('b:' + JSON.stringify(b)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r)); b.address = 'hanzhou'; = '180W'; console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('b:' + JSON.stringify(b)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r));
a:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} b:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} a:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} b:{"name":"bijian","address":"hanzhou","family":{"num":6,"amount":"180W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"hanzhou","family":{"num":6,"amount":"180W"}}
实例二:var r = angular.copy(a, b);将对象a中的属性深度拷贝给b对象,b与a不会相互依赖(a,b完全脱离关联)
var a = { name : 'bijian', address : 'shenzhen', family : { num : 6, amount : '80W' } }; var b = {}; var r = angular.copy(a, b); console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('b:' + JSON.stringify(b)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r)); a.address = 'hanzhou'; = '180W'; console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('b:' + JSON.stringify(b)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r));
a:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} b:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} a:{"name":"bijian","address":"hanzhou","family":{"num":6,"amount":"180W"}} b:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}}
实例三:var r = angular.copy(a);将对象a对象的属性深度拷贝给对象r
var a = { name : 'bijian', address : 'shenzhen', family : { num : 6, amount : '80W' } }; var r = angular.copy(a); console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r)); a.address = 'hanzhou'; = '180W'; console.log('a:' + JSON.stringify(a)); console.log('r:' + JSON.stringify(r));
a:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}} a:{"name":"bijian","address":"hanzhou","family":{"num":6,"amount":"180W"}} r:{"name":"bijian","address":"shenzhen","family":{"num":6,"amount":"80W"}}
/** * @ngdoc function * @name angular.copy * @function * * @description * Creates a deep copy of `source`, which should be an object or an array. * * * If no destination is supplied, a copy of the object or array is created. * * If a destination is provided, all of its elements (for array) or properties (for objects) * are deleted and then all elements/properties from the source are copied to it. * * If `source` is not an object or array, `source` is returned. * * Note: this function is used to augment the Object type in Angular expressions. See * {@link ng.$filter} for more information about Angular arrays. * * @param {*} source The source that will be used to make a copy. * Can be any type, including primitives, `null`, and `undefined`. * @param {(Object|Array)=} destination Destination into which the source is copied. If * provided, must be of the same type as `source`. * @returns {*} The copy or updated `destination`, if `destination` was specified. */ function copy(source, destination){ if (isWindow(source) || isScope(source)) { throw ngMinErr('cpws', "Can't copy! Making copies of Window or Scope instances is not supported."); } if (!destination) { destination = source; if (source) { if (isArray(source)) { destination = copy(source, []); } else if (isDate(source)) { destination = new Date(source.getTime()); } else if (isRegExp(source)) { destination = new RegExp(source.source); } else if (isObject(source)) { destination = copy(source, {}); } } } else { if (source === destination) throw ngMinErr('cpi', "Can't copy! Source and destination are identical."); if (isArray(source)) { destination.length = 0; for ( var i = 0; i < source.length; i++) { destination.push(copy(source[i])); } } else { var h = destination.$$hashKey; forEach(destination, function(value, key){ delete destination[key]; }); for ( var key in source) { destination[key] = copy(source[key]); } setHashKey(destination,h); } } return destination; }
angular.copy 的使用方法 `angular.copy(source, [destination])` - `source`:要复制的对象或数组。 - `[destination]`:可选参数,如果提供,则将 `source` 复制到 `destination` 对象,否则创建新的对象。 ...
then copy all files downloaded here into /wechat_restaurant 找到刚刚安在本地的项目wechat_restaurant文件夹,删除除了node_modules文件夹以外的所有文件,复制从这里下载的所有文件到项目wechat_restaurant中 ...
e.copy().convertTo('angular') e_angular_sa = e_angular.solidAngles() envmap.EnvironmentMap环境地图类。 在这些格式之间轻松转换: latlong(矩形) 角度的 领域 立方体 空中的 Skylatlong 可用方法: .copy() ...
下面给大家说下$modal拥有一个方法:open,该方法的...resolve:定义一个成员并将他传递给$modal指定的控制器,相当于routes的一个reslove属性,如果需要传递一个objec对象,需要使用angular.copy() backdrop:控制背
45.新增图层的方法有: A. 选择Insert菜单下的Layer命令 B. 按下图层编辑区左下方的钮 C. 按下图层编辑区左下方的钮 D. 选择File菜单下的Layer命令 FLASH 样题参考答案 1.D 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A 7.D 8.B 9.D ...
3. 初始化实例:使用JavaScript创建`Clipboard`实例,并将触发复制操作的元素作为参数传入。 4. 添加事件监听器:绑定复制事件,如点击事件,调用`copy()`方法执行复制操作。 例如: ```html 这是要复制的文本">...
$scope.user = angular.copy($scope.master); }; $scope.reset(); }); ``` 在这里,`$scope.master`对象存储了表单的初始值,`$scope.reset()`方法负责在点击重置按钮时将`$scope.user`恢复为初始状态。 **表单...
如果传递的是对象,应该使用angular.copy()来避免引用传递带来的问题。 - backdrop: 控制模态窗口背景的行为。可以设置为true(默认值,点击背景关闭模态框)、false(无背景)、或"static"(背景存在,但点击不会...
4. **尺寸标注**:AutoCAD提供了多种尺寸样式和类型,如线性(Linear)、对齐(Aligned)、角度(Angular)等,通过实例,你可以学会如何正确标注图形尺寸。 5. **图块和外部参照**:图块(Block)是将常用图形保存...
8. **图形对象选择与操作**:包括窗口选择(Window)、交叉选择(Crossing)和圈选(Lasso)等方法,以及对象选择过滤器的使用。 9. **视图控制**:掌握平移(Pan)和缩放(Zoom)命令,了解鸟瞰视图(Viewcube)和...
本教程聚焦于AutoCAD 2015版本在机械设计中的应用,通过228个实例详细讲解了二维图形的快速编辑技巧。在“第02章 二维图形快速编辑”中,我们将深入学习如何高效地操作和修改AutoCAD的二维图纸。 1. 基本绘图工具:...
本教程以侯老师的AutoCAD为例,讲解其功能和使用方法,AutoCAD是业界标准的2D和3D设计软件,适用于各种专业领域。 三、界面与工作空间 AutoCAD的用户界面包括菜单栏、工具栏、命令行、绘图区等元素。用户可以根据...
`Copy_of_guagedemo`可能是一个包含示例代码的文件,用于演示如何使用Gauge(仪表盘)组件来创建进度条效果。Gauge组件常见于各种UI库,如Angular Material、Bootstrap、ECharts等,可以轻松定制样式和动画效果。 ...
此外,教程也会涵盖修改工具,如移动(Move)、旋转(Rotate)、复制(Copy)和修剪(Trim)等,这些工具使用户能够精确地调整图形元素。 在深入学习过程中,AutoCAD 2007的尺寸标注功能将被详细介绍,包括线性...