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I ported the php code for open flash chart to ruby and so far it has worked quite well with Rails.
Just ported the latest 1.9.7 version - see the many graph examples below.
To install and use the open flash chart plugin for Rails do the following:
* script/plugin install http://svn.pullmonkey.com/plugins/trunk/open_flash_chart/
* Move the open_flash_chart.swf file into your RAILS_ROOT/public directory
* Move the swfobject.js file into your RAILS_ROOT/public/javascripts directory
* Create a controller and a view as in my examples below.
Visit the Open Flash Chart Project for more details.
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Open Flash Chart是一个采用flash和应用程序交互的一个图表类展示工具,看了下其官方的一些例子,发现效果相当不错。与前些日子google chart相比毫不逊色。
And it’s really free?!
Yes. Once upon a time I had to deal with a company who sell flash charting components, their component had a bug that I needed fixing, so I emailed them about it asking when it’d be fixed. (Remember that I had paid real money for this software.) They were so incompetent, rude and obnoxious that after three or four weeks of emails I thought to myself “I could learn Flash and Actionscript and write my own charting component, release it as Open Source, host it on sourceforge and build up a community of helpful coders faster than they can fix a single bug.” And that is what I did. And that is why it is free. I guess the moral of the lesson is: don’t piss off your customers.
I ported the php code for open flash chart to ruby and so far it has worked quite well with Rails.
Just ported the latest 1.9.7 version - see the many graph examples below.
To install and use the open flash chart plugin for Rails do the following:
* script/plugin install http://svn.pullmonkey.com/plugins/trunk/open_flash_chart/
* Move the open_flash_chart.swf file into your RAILS_ROOT/public directory
* Move the swfobject.js file into your RAILS_ROOT/public/javascripts directory
* Create a controller and a view as in my examples below.
Visit the Open Flash Chart Project for more details.
Have a comment? - leave it here.
Open Flash Chart是一个采用flash和应用程序交互的一个图表类展示工具,看了下其官方的一些例子,发现效果相当不错。与前些日子google chart相比毫不逊色。
And it’s really free?!
Yes. Once upon a time I had to deal with a company who sell flash charting components, their component had a bug that I needed fixing, so I emailed them about it asking when it’d be fixed. (Remember that I had paid real money for this software.) They were so incompetent, rude and obnoxious that after three or four weeks of emails I thought to myself “I could learn Flash and Actionscript and write my own charting component, release it as Open Source, host it on sourceforge and build up a community of helpful coders faster than they can fix a single bug.” And that is what I did. And that is why it is free. I guess the moral of the lesson is: don’t piss off your customers.
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def chart_data chart = OpenFlashChart::Chart.new(500, 300, "图表标题") chart.x_axis = OpenFlashChart::X_Axis.new("X轴标签") chart.y_axis = OpenFlashChart::Y_Axis.new("Y轴标签") bar1 = ...
**open_flash_chart** 是一个基于Flash的开源图表库,专为.NET开发者设计,提供免费的图表绘制功能。这个控件允许程序员创建丰富的、交互式的图表,适用于数据可视化的需求,如统计报告、数据分析或者Web应用程序中...
Open Flash Chart是一款强大的图表工具,尤其适用于Java开发者。它是一个基于Flash的图形库,能够创建出美观、流畅的图表,支持多种图表类型,包括条形图、饼图、线图等,总计11种基本图形,能满足大多数数据分析和...
"chart" 指的是图表功能,"flash_chart" 明确了它是基于Flash的图表库,"open" 和 "open_flash_chart" 强调其开源性质,而 "openflash_chart" 是项目名称的另一种拼写方式。 【压缩包子文件】: 1. "open-flash-...
- 创建SWFObject实例,指定Flash文件路径、ID、尺寸、最低Flash版本以及背景色等参数。 - 可设置额外参数如质量、模式等。 - 使用`write`方法将Flash内容插入到指定的HTML元素中。 #### 四、如何使用...
《Open Flash Chart:一款强大的Flash图表库》 Open Flash Chart是一款功能强大的开源Flash图表库,其在IT领域中被广泛用于生成美观且交互性强的数据可视化图表。与JFreeChart等Java图表库相比,Open Flash Chart...
my_chart.render("chart_div"); ``` **四、进阶使用** Open Flash Chart还提供了许多高级特性,如动画效果、数据动态更新、图表组件(如工具提示、图例、轴标签)等。通过学习和实践,开发者可以充分利用这些...
**Open Flash Chart库详解** Open Flash Chart是一款强大的开源图表库,专为PHP开发者设计,用于创建各种美观且交互性强的数据可视化图表。它以其出色的视觉效果和丰富的自定义选项,在Web应用中广泛使用,尤其适用...
在网页中使用Open Flash Chart展示图表是一项常见的数据可视化任务,尤其在那些需要动态、交互式图形的Web应用中。Open Flash Chart是一款开源的Flash图表库,它允许开发者使用简单的JavaScript和服务器端语言(如...
通过继承`open_flash_chart_object`类,你可以定义自己的图形样式和行为。 **8. 集成服务器端数据** 通常,我们会从服务器获取数据。你可以使用AJAX请求获取JSON数据,然后解析并添加到图表中: ```javascript $....
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《Open Flash Chart 1.9:打造动态图表的利器》 Open Flash Chart 是一款开源的Flash图表库,专为创建高质量、交互式的图表而设计。本文将深入探讨Open Flash Chart 1.9版本,包括其核心特性、使用方法以及如何通过...
**Open-Flash-Chart简介** Open-Flash-Chart(OFC)是一款强大的开源图表库,它使用Flash技术来创建各种动态、美观的图表。这款组件主要用于Web开发,可以帮助开发者轻松地在网页上生成数据可视化效果,使数据更加...
Open Flash Chart是一款基于JavaScript的开源图表库,它允许开发者通过简单的JSON数据来创建高质量的Flash图形,包括曲线图、柱状图、饼图等多种图表类型。这个库在Web开发中被广泛使用,尤其是在数据分析和可视化...
标题 "Rails 集成Open Flash Charts" 涉及的是在Ruby on Rails框架中集成Open Flash Chart这一图表库的技术细节。Open Flash Chart是一个开源的Flash图表生成器,它允许开发者通过简单的API创建各种复杂的图表,包括...