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Mail Solution with Content.IO
1. Introduction
The develop console is here
The API key and secret are here
Lite API will be more powerful for web hook. 2.0 API will be more powerful to filter lists of historical messages.
2. Start from 2.0 API
Here is the clients.
I directly go to there console and try the “explore”. This should work for me.
subject = /sillycat post ([0-9]*): (.*)$/
email = gmail.com
filename = /(.*?)\.(pdf|doc|docx|DOC|DOCX|PDF)$/
I will go on trying the nodeJS client library.
Based on the nodeJS API, here are some codes
fetchAccountInfoByEmail : function(email, callback) {
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - email = " + email);
cxtioClient.accounts().get({ "email": email}, function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch the account info.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get the account info with key = " + email);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0){
var account = _.first(msgBody);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get account = " + JSON.stringify(account));
callback(null, { id: account.id } );
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch any account info with key = " + email);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch any account info with key = " + email);
return ;
Scan the emails with some filters
fetchSillycatJobsByAccountId : function(accountId, pager, callback) {
var sillycatFilter = {
subject: ‘/sillycat post ([0-9]*): (.*)$/',
from: ‘robot@sillycat.ddns.org'
} ;
var filter = _.merge(sillycatFilter, pager);
this.fetchEmailsWithFilter(accountId, filter, callback);
Scan the emails with attachment
fetchSillycatResumesByAccountId : function(accountId, pager, callback) {
var sillycatFilter = {
file_name: '/(.*?)\.(pdf|doc|docx|DOC|DOCX|PDF)$/',
email: ’sillycat.org'
} ;
var filter = _.merge(sillycatFilter, pager);
this.fetchEmailsWithFilter(accountId, filter, callback);
Private Method provide here for previous methods.
fetchEmailsWithFilter : function(accountId, filter, callback){
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).messages().get(filter, function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch the messages.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get the messages info with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0 ){
callback(null, msgBody);
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch any messages with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch any messages with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
return ;
Fetch the Email Content
fetchMailContent: function(accountId, messageId, callback) {
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - messageId = " + messageId);
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).messages(messageId).body().get(function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - fail to fetch the mail content.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0){
var contents = _.filter(msgBody, function(item){
return (item.type==='text/plain');
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get any plain result = " + JSON.stringify(contents));
if(contents.length > 0){
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - return the text content.");
callback(null, _.first(contents));
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - return the html content or etc.");
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - fail to fetch any email content.");
return ;
Fetch the Attachment Link
fetchAttachmentLink: function(accountId, fileId, callback){
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - fileId = " + fileId);
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).files(fileId).content().get({ as_link: 1 },function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - fail to fetch the file link.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var link = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - get link = " + link);
callback(null, link);
return ;
1. Introduction
The develop console is here
The API key and secret are here
Lite API will be more powerful for web hook. 2.0 API will be more powerful to filter lists of historical messages.
2. Start from 2.0 API
Here is the clients.
I directly go to there console and try the “explore”. This should work for me.
subject = /sillycat post ([0-9]*): (.*)$/
email = gmail.com
filename = /(.*?)\.(pdf|doc|docx|DOC|DOCX|PDF)$/
I will go on trying the nodeJS client library.
Based on the nodeJS API, here are some codes
fetchAccountInfoByEmail : function(email, callback) {
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - email = " + email);
cxtioClient.accounts().get({ "email": email}, function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch the account info.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get the account info with key = " + email);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0){
var account = _.first(msgBody);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - get account = " + JSON.stringify(account));
callback(null, { id: account.id } );
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch any account info with key = " + email);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAccountInfoByEmail - fail to fetch any account info with key = " + email);
return ;
Scan the emails with some filters
fetchSillycatJobsByAccountId : function(accountId, pager, callback) {
var sillycatFilter = {
subject: ‘/sillycat post ([0-9]*): (.*)$/',
from: ‘robot@sillycat.ddns.org'
} ;
var filter = _.merge(sillycatFilter, pager);
this.fetchEmailsWithFilter(accountId, filter, callback);
Scan the emails with attachment
fetchSillycatResumesByAccountId : function(accountId, pager, callback) {
var sillycatFilter = {
file_name: '/(.*?)\.(pdf|doc|docx|DOC|DOCX|PDF)$/',
email: ’sillycat.org'
} ;
var filter = _.merge(sillycatFilter, pager);
this.fetchEmailsWithFilter(accountId, filter, callback);
Private Method provide here for previous methods.
fetchEmailsWithFilter : function(accountId, filter, callback){
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).messages().get(filter, function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch the messages.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get the messages info with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0 ){
callback(null, msgBody);
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch any messages with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchEmailsWithFilter - fail to fetch any messages with filter = " + JSON.stringify(filter));
return ;
Fetch the Email Content
fetchMailContent: function(accountId, messageId, callback) {
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - messageId = " + messageId);
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).messages(messageId).body().get(function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - fail to fetch the mail content.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var msgBody = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get message body = " + JSON.stringify(msgBody));
if(msgBody.length > 0){
var contents = _.filter(msgBody, function(item){
return (item.type==='text/plain');
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - get any plain result = " + JSON.stringify(contents));
if(contents.length > 0){
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - return the text content.");
callback(null, _.first(contents));
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - return the html content or etc.");
return ;
logger.warn("EmailScan - fetchMailContent - fail to fetch any email content.");
return ;
Fetch the Attachment Link
fetchAttachmentLink: function(accountId, fileId, callback){
var logger = services.get('logger');
var cxtioClient = this.cxtioClient;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - accountId = " + accountId);
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - fileId = " + fileId);
cxtioClient.accounts(accountId).files(fileId).content().get({ as_link: 1 },function(err, data){
logger.error("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - fail to fetch the file link.");
callback(err, null);
return ;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - get response info = " + JSON.stringify(data));
var link = data.body;
logger.trace("EmailScan - fetchAttachmentLink - get link = " + link);
callback(null, link);
return ;
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