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Oracle BIEE 11g – Migrating Security – Identity Stores – Part 1

April 4, 2011 Oracle BI Suite EE

One of the most important tasks while moving environments, say from Dev to Test or to Prod is in migrating the security objects. In 10g, it was a lot easier to move security as everything was embedded within the repository. But in the case of 11g, with the introduction of a lot of security related stores, the migration is not so straight-forward. In this blog post & the next, we shall be looking at the process of security migration in 2 areas

1. Full Migration
2. Incremental Migration

In BI EE 11g, as we have covered in detail before here and here, there are some new security related stores. They are

1. Identity Store
2. Policy Store
3. Credential Store
4. Key Store

So migration of security in BI EE 11g entails moving all the above stores from one environment to the other. Its not necessary that we have to migrate all the stores. BI EE 11g, provides that flexibility where we can pick and choose which stores that we want to migrate and which ones we can keep as constant across environments. This blog post will cover only the file based security migration (assuming no LDAP is used for any of the above stores)

Identity Store:

Identity store migration basically entails migrating Weblogic Embedded LDAP server Users and Groups from one environment to the other. To draw a parallel with 10g, whenever we move RPD from one environment to the other, the users stored within the RPD(in 10g) get migrated automatically. But in BI EE 11g, since an embedded LDAP server is used for storing the users, we will have to migrate the users & groups manually from one environment to the other.

Full Migration on a brand new Realm:

In many cases, we might want to move all the users/groups defined in one environment to the other. This is called as the Full Migration. Weblogic supports export of the entire LDAP directory. So, to do an export, we log on to the Weblogic Console and navigate to the Migration tab within the default security realm (myrealm).


Under the Export tab, specify the directory where you want the users/groups to be exported to and click on Save.


As soon as you save, you should see .dat files created under the directory.


You will notice that it not only exports the users and groups but also the roles and policies. But be aware that the roles and policies are not BI EE roles and policies. Instead they are the policies specific Admin Server.

Now to test the import process, lets create a new security realm called newrealm.


Within this realm, lets create the 2 providers that we get by default whenever we install BI EE i.e. DefaultAuthenticator and DefaultIdentityAsserter(we need to have the existing providers that were present during the export).




Activate the changes and restart the Admin Server. After the restart, lets navigate to the Migration Section of the newrealm and specify the directory of the exported files.


You should get a warning stating that CredentialMapper, XACMLRoleMapper & XACMLAuthorizer providers are missing. For now we can neglect this error as ideally when you do the migration, it will be on a realm where BI EE will have all these providers configured by default. So, you should not be getting these warnings when doing an actual migration into an existing BI EE realm.


But you will notice that users and groups have been imported successfully as we have created the DefaultAuthenticator provider. So, lets go to the Users and Groups tab of the DefaultAuthenticator provider in the newrealm.


As you see, we now have the users that were there in the DefaultAuthenticator of the default realm myrealm migrated to the newrealm.

Full Migration on an existing BI EE Realm:

We saw some warnings when we imported the security into a new realm above. Also, we haven’t covered what exactly the import export process does. To understand, lets take 2 BI EE instances with the defaultrealm pre-configured. One is a dev instance and the other is a Prod instance. To understand what exactly happens during the import export process lets take the example of 3 users.

1. User1 – Exists in Dev instance alone.
2. User2 – Exists in Dev and Prod instance. But the passwords, descriptions are different in both the instances.
3. User3 – Exists in Prod instance alone

So, this is what we have in the Dev instance.




This is what we have in the Prod instance





Lets now take an export of the Dev instance and then import into the Prod instance. The steps are exactly the same as above. We need to move the exported files manually on to the Prod server.


As you see now, there are no warnings during the import. Lets now take a look at the users in the Prod instance.


If you notice, we now have the User1 imported into the authenticator. But the attributes of the Prod instance user User2 has not be overwritten by the Dev instance. This makes sense as generally during the import process we do not want existing artifacts in Prod to be overwritten by the ones in Dev.

Incremental Migration – Automating User Creation & Group Assignments using WLST:

So far what we saw above was a means of manually migrating the complete provider from one instance to the other. In many cases, we might want to migrate users and groups incrementally and automatically. To do that weblogic supports a scripting methodology called as WLST which can be used to automate just about every aspect of weblogic. I will be covering the use cases of WLST in more detail in the coming weeks. But for now, lets see how to use WLST to automatically create users and groups(all in interactive mode – we can automate this but that is something i will cover in future). Also, if you would like to use Java API instead of WLST that is also possible using JMX bean scripting interface. I have covered that already here.

There are multiple entry points into WLST in BI EE 11g. The recommended binary to startup the WLST in BI EE 11g resides under the {Oracle_BI1}\common\bin directory. This sets up all the necessary jars in the classpath. So start up the wlst.cmd/wlst.sh from command line.

Enter the command




Get the DefaultAuthenticator MBean using the following command.


Now create a new user using the command shown below

atnr.createUser(‘wlstuser’,’welcome1′,’WLST User’)



This should create the user automatically.



In the same way we can automate the user-group assignment and everything else. All the front-end tasks that are done from the EM or the CONSOLE can be automated completely. In the next blog post, lets look at how to go about migrating the policy store and the credential store





Oracle BI EE 11g – Migrating Security – Policy Store – Part 2

April 5, 2011 Oracle BI Suite EE

In the last post, we saw how to go about doing a security migration of the Identity Stores. Today we shall look at the migration process of the Policy Stores. Just to give a brief background, Policy Store is nothing but a physical file that contains the Application Role, Applications Policies and their corresponding mapping to the Weblogic Users and Groups. So, anything that is accessible from within the EM Security Page (shown below) will be present within the Policy Store. In BI EE 11g, the entire Policy Store exists as a single file called as the system-jazn-data.xml. This file generally exists under {Middleware_Home}/user_projects/domains/bifoundation_domain/config/fmwconfig directory.

To illustrate, shown below are a couple of screenshots. The first screenshot contains the actual EM UI where Application Roles are created or modified. The second screenshot shows how the roles that are created in the EM UI are stored within the system-jazn-data.xml file.



Migrating application roles from one environment to another is even more important as generally the Application Roles will more or less be the same across environments. In BI EE 10g, as the GROUPs were maintained within the RPD, there was no additional need to move the GROUPs separately. But in BI EE 11g, the Application Roles will have to be moved separately. Lets look at the possible ways of migrating the application roles from one environment to the other

Full Migration of Application Roles using WLST:

Unlike Identity Stores where we had an option to export the entire embedded LDAP provider, there is no such option for application roles. So, to move application roles we will have to use Weblogic Scripting (WLST). Let’s again take the example of 2 environments Dev and Prod. In Production we have the following Application Roles.

1. BISystem
2. BIAdministrator
3. BIAuthor
4. BIConsumer
5. ReportAuthor
6. ReportDeveloper


In the Dev environment,  we have the following Application Roles.

1. BISystem
2. BIAdministrator
3. BIAuthor
4. BIConsumer
5. ReportAuthor
6. ReportConsumer


Basically there are 3 main differences between the Dev and Prod environments.

1. ReportAuthor role exists in both environments. But weblogic user is assigned to this role in Prod but not in Dev.
2. ReportConsumer role exists only in Dev.
3. ReportDeveloper role exists only in Prod.

To migrate security there is a WLST method called as MigrateSecurityStore which can move the roles from one system-jazn-data.xml to the other. To do that, we need to first copy the system-jazn-data.xml from Dev instance to the Prod instance (to a temporary directory). In the same way copy the system-jazn-data.xml from the Prod instance to the temporary directory as shown below.


Also, take a backup of all these files before doing the migration. Now, copy the jps-config.xml from any one of the instances (Dev or Prod) to the temporary Directory as shown below. And rename the file to jps-config-policy.xml.


Open up the jps-config-policy.xml. You will notice that this file contains all the details about all the stores in the environment. Now, for policy migration, we need to basically use this file to point to the locations of the Dev and Prod (source & target) system-jazn-data.xml files. Also, since we are doing only policy migration, we do not need the other store related tags within this file. Remember that we are modifying only a copy of the jps-config.xml. This copy file will be used only for migration. The modified file is given below






Now that we have our jps-config file ready, navigate to the temporary directory from command prompt and initialize the WLST using the following command.


In WLST, application role migration can be done even in offline mode. So, effectively there is no need for us to connect to the weblogic admin server. In offline interactive mode, fire the following command

migrateSecurityStore(type=”appPolicies”, srcApp=”obi”, configFile=”C:/SecurityMigration/jps-config-policy.xml”, src=”sourceFileStore”, dst=”targetFileStore”, overWrite=”false”)


You will see a lot of warnings like Identity Store not found etc. These can be safely neglected as we are only moving the policy store. If you now open up the Prod system-jazn-data.xml (under the temporary directory), you will see that the application role which existed only in Dev (ReportConsumer) would now exist in this file as well.



To understand what exactly happened, lets stop the Prod BI EE instance and overwrite the existing system-jazn-data.xml file with the migrated one. If we now look at the list of roles in the EM, you will notice that a merge has happened (with no overwrites on existing roles in Prod).


But if you notice, the weblogic user which was assigned to the ReportConsumer role in Dev has not been migrated. Let’s find out why. Maybe it’s because our jps-config-policy.xml did not have the connectivity to identity stores, it was not able to migrate the weblogic user. To validate this, lets go back to the dev environment and assign the BIConsumer role to the ReportConsumer role. Also, lets add ReportDeveloper role as well but with BIAuthor role assigned as shown below.


Let’s now run the Migration again. Again neglect the warnings and restart the BI Services with the migrated security-jazn-data.xml file.


Even now its the same. The member assignments are not carried over during the migration. I am not sure whether it is a bug or an intended behaviour. But be aware of the fact that while doing the app role migration, the member assignments are not carried over. We will have to reapply the assignments post migration.

Incremental Migration of Application Roles using WLST:

As shown above, full migration cannot migrate the member assignments of an application role. Also, full migration does not allow us to pick and choose the roles that we would like to move. To do an incremental Role by Role migration (and to automate it), there are a separate set of WLST commands that can be put to use. We will start off with some simple ones and then move on to the actual incremental migration.

Listing Application Roles using WLST:

The first command we will see is used for listing the complete application roles that we have as part of BI EE. This command is what is used internally by the EM to display the list of Application Roles. The command for that is given below



Listing Application Role Members using WLST:

To list all the members that are present within a role, there is a command called as listAppRoleMembers which can give us the complete listing. Again, this is what is used by EM internally to extract all the member related information of a specific Application role.



Creating Application Roles using WLST:

To create a new role using WLST, there is a command called as createAppRole which can create roles automatically. For example, lets create a new Role called as ReportWLSTRole from the command line and see whether that appears within the EM.




Assigning Members to an Application Role using WLST:

And finally to automatically assign members to an application role, we can use the grantAppRole command. An example of the command is given below. Here a weblogic user, weblogic group and an App Role are assigned to the newly created Application Role.



To do an incremental migration will be using a mix of all the commands above to automate the entire process. During my WLST automation blog post later this month, i will upload a script that will automatically do all the above processes in the backend (not interactive)


Oracle BI EE 11g – Migrating Security – Credential Store – Part 3

April 6, 2011 Oracle BI Suite EE

In the last 2 posts we saw the process involved in migrating the Identity as well as the Policy Stores. In today’s post we shall see the process involved in migrating Credential Stores from one environment to the other. To recap, Credential Stores are nothing but a physical file that holds the credential details of other systems in an encrypted format. The credential store can be SSL enabled where in to even get inside the store will require a SSL certficate. Basically all the credentials are stored inside a file called as cwallet.sso. This is the file that holds all the credential entries. This file will be present under {Middleware_Home}\user_projects\domains\bifoundation_domain\config\fmwconfig. We will again explore the 2 different types of migration for credential stores.

Full Migration:

In the case of Credential Stores its not recommended to do full migration. The main reason for this is, there are certain Credential Maps like oracle.bi.system and oracle.bi.enterprise which contain instance specific usernames and passwords. So, migrating these from one environment to the other will overwrite these keys which might even render the instance unusable. But if at all the intention is to just clone the environment then we can use the migrateSecurityStore method that i wrote on the PolicyStore to do a full migration. The syntax is exactly similar to what we did during the full migration policy store.


Given below is the sample jps-config-cred.xml that you can use for the migration.


Incremental Migration using WLST:

We can do incremental Credential Store migration using wlst methods like createCred(). To illustrate lets consider a scenario that is very similar to what we had in the last 2 blog posts i.e. we have 2 environments Dev and Prod. Development environment has the following Credentials Stored.


In Production environment, the following are the list of credentials.


So basically we have a new Credential Map called as DevMap which needs to be migrated to the production environment. Even though there are differences in the keys within oracle.bi.enterprise map, we would not like to migrate them as they are environment specific.

Listing the Credential in Dev Environment:

All the Credential Keys are generally stored in an encrypted format (the passwords). So, to migrate we will need to first extract these passwords and then do the migration to Production. The passwords can be extracted through the listCred() method of WLST. We need to be connected to the Admin Server for this method to work. The exact command is given below


This will show the encrypted password entered inside the key as shown below


And this is what we see in the enterprise manager.




As you see, with listCred we are able to extract the full credentials. Now, lets try to see what is the default password for the BISystemUser.



In the same way lets extract the passwords of the SampleAppLite repository.



With this we can even extract the lost Repository passwords.

Creating a new Credential in the Prod Environment:

Now that we have extracted the key details from Dev, using wlst we can create these directly into Production using the createCred method.



If we now login to EM, we should see the Credential created in Prod environment.


This concludes my series on the security migration for BI EE 11g




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