public abstract class PriorityQueue<T> {
private int size;
private final int maxSize;
private final T[] heap;
public PriorityQueue(int maxSize) {
this(maxSize, true);
public PriorityQueue(int maxSize, boolean prepopulate) {
size = 0;
int heapSize;
if (0 == maxSize) {
// We allocate 1 extra to avoid if statement in top()
heapSize = 2;
} else {
if (maxSize > ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("maxSize must be <= " + ArrayUtil.MAX_ARRAY_LENGTH + "; got: " + maxSize);
} else {
// NOTE: we add +1 because all access to heap is
// 1-based not 0-based. heap[0] is unused.
heapSize = maxSize + 1;
heap = (T[]) new Object[heapSize]; // T is unbounded type, so this unchecked cast works always
this.maxSize = maxSize;
if (prepopulate) {
// If sentinel objects are supported, populate the queue with them
T sentinel = getSentinelObject();
if (sentinel != null) {
heap[1] = sentinel;
for (int i = 2; i < heap.length; i++) {
heap[i] = getSentinelObject();
size = maxSize;
/** Determines the ordering of objects in this priority queue. Subclasses
* must define this one method.
* @return <code>true</code> iff parameter <tt>a</tt> is less than parameter <tt>b</tt>.
protected abstract boolean lessThan(T a, T b);
* This method can be overridden by extending classes to return a sentinel
* object which will be used by the {@link PriorityQueue#PriorityQueue(int,boolean)}
* constructor to fill the queue, so that the code which uses that queue can always
* assume it's full and only change the top without attempting to insert any new
* object.<br>
* Those sentinel values should always compare worse than any non-sentinel
* value (i.e., {@link #lessThan} should always favor the
* non-sentinel values).<br>
* By default, this method returns false, which means the queue will not be
* filled with sentinel values. Otherwise, the value returned will be used to
* pre-populate the queue. Adds sentinel values to the queue.<br>
* If this method is extended to return a non-null value, then the following
* usage pattern is recommended:
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* // extends getSentinelObject() to return a non-null value.
* PriorityQueue<MyObject> pq = new MyQueue<MyObject>(numHits);
* // save the 'top' element, which is guaranteed to not be null.
* MyObject pqTop =;
* <...>
* // now in order to add a new element, which is 'better' than top (after
* // you've verified it is better), it is as simple as:
* pqTop.change().
* pqTop = pq.updateTop();
* </pre>
* <b>NOTE:</b> if this method returns a non-null value, it will be called by
* the {@link PriorityQueue#PriorityQueue(int,boolean)} constructor
* {@link #size()} times, relying on a new object to be returned and will not
* check if it's null again. Therefore you should ensure any call to this
* method creates a new instance and behaves consistently, e.g., it cannot
* return null if it previously returned non-null.
* @return the sentinel object to use to pre-populate the queue, or null if
* sentinel objects are not supported.
protected T getSentinelObject() {
return null;
* Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time. If one tries to add
* more objects than maxSize from initialize an
* {@link ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException} is thrown.
* @return the new 'top' element in the queue.
public final T add(T element) {
heap[size] = element;
return heap[1];
* Adds an Object to a PriorityQueue in log(size) time.
* It returns the object (if any) that was
* dropped off the heap because it was full. This can be
* the given parameter (in case it is smaller than the
* full heap's minimum, and couldn't be added), or another
* object that was previously the smallest value in the
* heap and now has been replaced by a larger one, or null
* if the queue wasn't yet full with maxSize elements.
public T insertWithOverflow(T element) {
if (size < maxSize) {
return null;
} else if (size > 0 && !lessThan(element, heap[1])) {
T ret = heap[1];
heap[1] = element;
return ret;
} else {
return element;
/** Returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in constant time. */
public final T top() {
// We don't need to check size here: if maxSize is 0,
// then heap is length 2 array with both entries null.
// If size is 0 then heap[1] is already null.
return heap[1];
/** Removes and returns the least element of the PriorityQueue in log(size)
time. */
public final T pop() {
if (size > 0) {
T result = heap[1]; // save first value
heap[1] = heap[size]; // move last to first
heap[size] = null; // permit GC of objects
downHeap(); // adjust heap
return result;
} else {
return null;
* Should be called when the Object at top changes values. Still log(n) worst
* case, but it's at least twice as fast to
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* pq.updateTop();
* </pre>
* instead of
* <pre class="prettyprint">
* o = pq.pop();
* o.change();
* pq.push(o);
* </pre>
* @return the new 'top' element.
public final T updateTop() {
return heap[1];
/** Returns the number of elements currently stored in the PriorityQueue. */
public final int size() {
return size;
/** Removes all entries from the PriorityQueue. */
public final void clear() {
for (int i = 0; i <= size; i++) {
heap[i] = null;
size = 0;
private final void upHeap() {
int i = size;
T node = heap[i]; // save bottom node
int j = i >>> 1;
while (j > 0 && lessThan(node, heap[j])) {
heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift parents down
i = j;
j = j >>> 1;
heap[i] = node; // install saved node
private final void downHeap() {
int i = 1;
T node = heap[i]; // save top node
int j = i << 1; // find smaller child
int k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && lessThan(heap[k], heap[j])) {
j = k;
while (j <= size && lessThan(heap[j], node)) {
heap[i] = heap[j]; // shift up child
i = j;
j = i << 1;
k = j + 1;
if (k <= size && lessThan(heap[k], heap[j])) {
j = k;
heap[i] = node; // install saved node
/** This method returns the internal heap array as Object[].
* @lucene.internal
protected final Object[] getHeapArray() {
return (Object[]) heap;
T[] heap 数组的每个元素(除第一个元素外)赋上了非NULL值,且size赋值为maxSize的值,代表数组中已经有maxSize个元素;
final T updateTop()方法来将根元素调整到适当位置。
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在Java中,最大堆通常用于优先队列的实现,比如在解决Top K问题、排序等问题时非常有效。 在Java中,我们可以通过自定义类来实现最大堆。下面将详细解释最大堆的实现过程,包括数据结构设计、插入、删除和筛选建立...
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标题《Top-10-Java-Performance-Problems》和描述《专家总结》指出,文章将讨论Java性能问题中最常见的十个问题。这篇文章主要面向Java开发者,旨在帮助他们识别和解决影响Java应用性能的关键问题。 内容概要如下:...
TopK问题常见于数据分析中,它要求找到数据集中最大的K个元素。 例如,如果我们有一个销售记录表,可能需要找出销售额最高的前10个产品。这将涉及对所有产品销售额的排序,然后选取排名前10的项。在实际操作中,这...
### TopK 问题的五种解决方案 在计算机科学与数据处理领域中,TopK 问题是一种常见的需求场景,其核心任务是从一个数组或列表中找到最大的 K 个元素。这类问题广泛应用于各种场合,比如搜索引擎返回最相关的 K 条...
在这个场景中,我们讨论的是一个用Java实现的简单Top-K算法。这个算法的目标是高效地找到一个数据集合中的前K个最大(或最小)的元素,而不需要对整个集合进行完整的排序。 在传统的排序方法中,如快速排序或归并...
这通常通过优先队列(如最小堆)实现,它能保持K个最大元素,并在新元素到来时自动更新。 3. **结果聚合**:节点间的局部结果需要聚合到一个中心节点,以得到全局的TOPK。有两种常见的聚合策略:一是采用网络传输,...
此外,堆也是解决Top-K问题和近似中位数查找的有效工具。通过理解和熟练运用堆的操作,可以显著提升算法的效率。 总的来说,``和``的代码可能包含了堆数据结构的创建、插入、删除以及...
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标题中的“TOPK算法的Hash实现”指的是使用哈希数据结构来解决找出数据集中最大或最小的K个元素的问题。这种算法通常用于大数据处理和实时分析中,因为哈希表可以提供快速的查找和更新操作。 TOPK算法的核心是通过...
在解决TOP-K问题时,我们通常会用到最大堆或最小堆。 首先,让我们了解堆的基本操作: 1. **插入元素 (Heapify Up)**:当新元素插入堆时,需要确保它与它的父节点保持堆属性。如果新元素比父节点大(大顶堆)或小...
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