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/* * author:prk * date:2008-08-03 * comment:analyse for Ext.DomQuery * */ /* * Ext JS Library 2.0.2 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC. * licensing@extjs.com * * http://extjs.com/license */ /* * This is code is also distributed under MIT license for use * with jQuery and prototype JavaScript libraries. */ /** * @class Ext.DomQuery Provides high performance selector/xpath processing by compiling queries into reusable functions. New pseudo classes and matchers can be plugged. It works on HTML and XML documents (if a content node is passed in). <p> DomQuery supports most of the <a href="http://www.w3.org/TR/2005/WD-css3-selectors-20051215/#selectors">CSS3 selectors spec</a>, along with some custom selectors and basic XPath.</p> <p> All selectors, attribute filters and pseudos below can be combined infinitely in any order. For example "div.foo:nth-child(odd)[@foo=bar].bar:first" would be a perfectly valid selector. Node filters are processed in the order in which they appear, which allows you to optimize your queries for your document structure. </p> <h4>Element Selectors:</h4> <ul class="list"> <li> <b>*</b> any element</li> <li> <b>E</b> an element with the tag E</li> <li> <b>E F</b> All descendent elements of E that have the tag F</li> <li> <b>E > F</b> or <b>E/F</b> all direct children elements of E that have the tag F</li> <li> <b>E + F</b> all elements with the tag F that are immediately preceded by an element with the tag E</li> <li> <b>E ~ F</b> all elements with the tag F that are preceded by a sibling element with the tag E</li> </ul> <h4>Attribute Selectors:</h4> <p>The use of @ and quotes are optional. For example, div[@foo='bar'] is also a valid attribute selector.</p> <ul class="list"> <li> <b>E[foo]</b> has an attribute "foo"</li> <li> <b>E[foo=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that equals "bar"</li> <li> <b>E[foo^=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that starts with "bar"</li> <li> <b>E[foo$=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that ends with "bar"</li> <li> <b>E[foo*=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that contains the substring "bar"</li> <li> <b>E[foo%=2]</b> has an attribute "foo" that is evenly divisible by 2</li> <li> <b>E[foo!=bar]</b> has an attribute "foo" that does not equal "bar"</li> </ul> <h4>Pseudo Classes:</h4> <ul class="list"> <li> <b>E:first-child</b> E is the first child of its parent</li> <li> <b>E:last-child</b> E is the last child of its parent</li> <li> <b>E:nth-child(<i>n</i>)</b> E is the <i>n</i>th child of its parent (1 based as per the spec)</li> <li> <b>E:nth-child(odd)</b> E is an odd child of its parent</li> <li> <b>E:nth-child(even)</b> E is an even child of its parent</li> <li> <b>E:only-child</b> E is the only child of its parent</li> <li> <b>E:checked</b> E is an element that is has a checked attribute that is true (e.g. a radio or checkbox) </li> <li> <b>E:first</b> the first E in the resultset</li> <li> <b>E:last</b> the last E in the resultset</li> <li> <b>E:nth(<i>n</i>)</b> the <i>n</i>th E in the resultset (1 based)</li> <li> <b>E:odd</b> shortcut for :nth-child(odd)</li> <li> <b>E:even</b> shortcut for :nth-child(even)</li> <li> <b>E:contains(foo)</b> E's innerHTML contains the substring "foo"</li> <li> <b>E:nodeValue(foo)</b> E contains a textNode with a nodeValue that equals "foo"</li> <li> <b>E:not(S)</b> an E element that does not match simple selector S</li> <li> <b>E:has(S)</b> an E element that has a descendent that matches simple selector S</li> <li> <b>E:next(S)</b> an E element whose next sibling matches simple selector S</li> <li> <b>E:prev(S)</b> an E element whose previous sibling matches simple selector S</li> </ul> <h4>CSS Value Selectors:</h4> <ul class="list"> <li> <b>E{display=none}</b> css value "display" that equals "none"</li> <li> <b>E{display^=none}</b> css value "display" that starts with "none"</li> <li> <b>E{display$=none}</b> css value "display" that ends with "none"</li> <li> <b>E{display*=none}</b> css value "display" that contains the substring "none"</li> <li> <b>E{display%=2}</b> css value "display" that is evenly divisible by 2</li> <li> <b>E{display!=none}</b> css value "display" that does not equal "none"</li> </ul> * @singleton */ /* Element Node.ELEMENT_NODE 1 Text Node.TEXT_NODE 3 Document Node.DOCUMENT_NODE 9 Comment Node.COMMENT_NODE 8 DocumentFragment Node.DOCUMENT_FRAGMENT_NODE 11 Attr Node.ATTRIBUTE_NODE 2 */ Ext.DomQuery = function(){ var cache = {}, simpleCache = {}, valueCache = {}; var nonSpace = /\S/; var trimRe = /^\s+|\s+$/g; //{2} var tplRe = /\{(\d+)\}/g; //' [/>+~] ' | ' ' | '' var modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/; // '#xxx'|'*'|p|a var tagTokenRe = /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/; //3 n+ 3 not digit var nthRe = /(\d*)n\+?(\d*)/, nthRe2 = /\D/; //E:nth-child(n) 找到p的第index个孩子节点(element) function child(p, index){ var i = 0; var n = p.firstChild; while(n){ //nodeType == 1:Element if(n.nodeType == 1){ if(++i == index){ return n; } } n = n.nextSibling; } return null; }; //E:next(S) 找到n的下一个节点(element) function next(n){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; //E:prev(S) 找到n的前一个节点(element) function prev(n){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); return n; }; //为节点的子节点标上顺序号,同时删除空白字符的节点 function children(d){ var n = d.firstChild, ni = -1; while(n){ var nx = n.nextSibling; //Text 类型同时文本为空 if(n.nodeType == 3 && !nonSpace.test(n.nodeValue)){ //删除空白字符的节点。FF,IE兼容 d.removeChild(n); }else{ //为节点加上index n.nodeIndex = ++ni; } n = nx; } return this; }; //c:element, v:value=class a:attr没用到 byClassName(n,null,"foo") //通过class名字在C中找class相同或相容的所有元素 function byClassName(c, a, v){ //value is not exist if(!v){ return c; } var r = [], ri = -1, cn; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ //v在不在ci.className中? if((' '+ci.className+' ').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; // n: [{tagName:div,htmlFor:xxx,className:xxx}] node //从n[0]中元素找到attr的属性值 function attrValue(n, attr){ if(!n.tagName && typeof n.length != "undefined"){ n = n[0]; } if(!n){ return null; } if(attr == "for"){ return n.htmlFor; } if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ return n.className; } //n可以是Element,也可以是{} return n.getAttribute(attr) || n[attr]; }; //ns ;nodes Element Selectors //通过tagName在ns中找tagName与之相同且符合mode运算条件的所有元素 function getNodes(ns, mode, tagName){ var result = [], ri = -1, cs; if(!ns){ return result; } tagName = tagName || "*"; //支持单个元素,转换成统一的数组形式,便于操作 if(typeof ns.getElementsByTagName != "undefined"){ ns = [ns];//转换成数组 } //mode不存在或为空等,返回其下所有的与tagName相同的元素 if(!mode){ for(var i = 0, ni; ni = ns[i]; i++){ //找到ni下面所有tagName的子标签 cs = ni.getElementsByTagName(tagName); //把找到的所有cs的Element存在result for(var j = 0, ci; ci = cs[j]; j++){ result[++ri] = ci; } } } // E > F or E/F 返回e所有tagName相同的直接子节点或全部子节点 else if(mode == "/" || mode == ">"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, ni, cn; ni = ns[i]; i++){ //ni的所有直接子节点,IE/FF兼容, cn = ni.children || ni.childNodes; for(var j = 0, cj; cj = cn[j]; j++){ //tagName相等或tagName == '*' if(cj.nodeName == utag || cj.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*'){ //把找到的所有cs的Element存在result result[++ri] = cj; } } } } // E + F 返回e的第一个后续兄弟节点(element)。其tagName必须等于F或*。 else if(mode == "+"){ var utag = tagName.toUpperCase(); for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ //n的下一个兄弟不是element的, while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); //找到n的下一个兄弟是Element的。 if(n && (n.nodeName == utag || n.nodeName == tagName || tagName == '*')){ result[++ri] = n; } } } //E ~ F 返回e的所有后续兄弟节点(element),其tagName必须等于F或*。 ///E节点后面的所有兄弟节点F else if(mode == "~"){ for(var i = 0, n; n = ns[i]; i++){ //下一个兄弟存在,同时不是元素或tagName == '*'或tagName不相同 while((n = n.nextSibling) && (n.nodeType != 1 || (tagName == '*' || n.tagName.toLowerCase()!=tagName))); //下一个兄弟存在,是元素同时(tagName != '*'或tagName相同) if(n){ result[++ri] = n; } } } return result; }; function concat(a, b){ //有可能是节点集合,node Collection(getElementsByTagName), arguments is array-like . if(b.slice){ return a.concat(b); } //把b中所有元素追加到a中。 for(var i = 0, l = b.length; i < l; i++){ a[a.length] = b[i]; } return a; } //通过tagName在cs中找到与之相同tagName的所有元素 function byTag(cs, tagName){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!tagName){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; tagName = tagName.toLowerCase(); for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci.nodeType == 1 && ci.tagName.toLowerCase()==tagName){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; //通过id在cs中找到与之相同的id的所有元素 function byId(cs, attr, id){ if(cs.tagName || cs == document){ cs = [cs]; } if(!id){ return cs; } var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0,ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ if(ci && ci.id == id){ r[++ri] = ci; return r; } } return r; }; //CSS selector,and attribute Selector //通过CSS属性或自身的属性找到value相同且符合op操作关系的所有CS中元素 function byAttribute(cs, attr, value, op, custom){ var r = [], ri = -1, st = custom=="{";//表示从style中取属性做比较,CSS Value Selectors var f = Ext.DomQuery.operators[op];//Dom的操作符 for(var i = 0, ci; ci = cs[i]; i++){ var a; //找到attr的属性值 if(st){//CSS Value Selectors a = Ext.DomQuery.getStyle(ci, attr); } //纯的Attribute Selectors, else if(attr == "class" || attr == "className"){ a = ci.className; }else if(attr == "for"){ a = ci.htmlFor; }else if(attr == "href"){ a = ci.getAttribute("href", 2); }else{ a = ci.getAttribute(attr); } //如果能找到操作符,说明不是单一属性,不能彩采用找到attr的属性值来做比较 //如果能找到操作符,运算看看是否满足条件,满足的话,就表明当前的ci是要寻找的。 //如果不能找到操作符,说明采用attr的属性名来做比较 if((f && f(a, value)) || (!f && a)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }; function byPseudo(cs, name, value){ return Ext.DomQuery.pseudos[name](cs, value); }; // This is for IE MSXML which does not support expandos. // IE runs the same speed using setAttribute, however FF slows way down // and Safari completely fails so they need to continue to use expandos. var isIE = window.ActiveXObject ? true : false; // this eval is stop the compressor from // renaming the variable to something shorter eval("var batch = 30803;"); var key = 30803; //找到不重复的元素,重新组成数组返回,IE为元素加属性只能通过setAttribute function nodupIEXml(cs){ var d = ++key; cs[0].setAttribute("_nodup", d); var r = [cs[0]]; for(var i = 1, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ var c = cs[i]; if(!c.getAttribute("_nodup") != d){ c.setAttribute("_nodup", d); r[r.length] = c; } } //去掉已经加上的属性 for(var i = 0, len = cs.length; i < len; i++){ cs[i].removeAttribute("_nodup"); } return r; } //在数组中取不重复的元素的集合 function nodup(cs){ if(!cs){ return []; } var len = cs.length, c, i, r = cs, cj, ri = -1; //elements no length or length==1 if(!len || typeof cs.nodeType != "undefined" || len == 1){ return cs; } if(isIE && typeof cs[0].selectSingleNode != "undefined"){ return nodupIEXml(cs); } var d = ++key; //cs[0]的元素有可能在Cs中多处出现,也就是说数组中不是唯一的元素。 cs[0]._nodup = d; for(i = 1; c = cs[i]; i++){ if(c._nodup != d){ c._nodup = d; }else{ r = []; //找到c._nodup = d的元素前面的所有元素,存起来 for(var j = 0; j < i; j++){ r[++ri] = cs[j]; } //跳过c._nodup==d的元素 //找到c._nodup = d的元素后面的所有元素,如果其_nodup != d,设定为d,存起来 for(j = i+1; cj = cs[j]; j++){ if(cj._nodup != d){ cj._nodup = d; r[++ri] = cj; } } return r; } } return r; } //针对IE的操作 function quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2){ var d = ++key; for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].setAttribute("_qdiff", d); } var r = []; for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i].getAttribute("_qdiff") != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } for(var i = 0, len = c1.length; i < len; i++){ c1[i].removeAttribute("_qdiff"); } return r; } //返回C2中不在C1中出现过的元素 function quickDiff(c1, c2){ var len1 = c1.length; if(!len1){ return c2; } if(isIE && c1[0].selectSingleNode){ return quickDiffIEXml(c1, c2); } var d = ++key; for(var i = 0; i < len1; i++){ //因为c1[i]是元素,也就是为元素设值 c1[i]._qdiff = d; } //如果c2中元素在c1中出现过,那么值就会相等 var r = []; for(var i = 0, len = c2.length; i < len; i++){ if(c2[i]._qdiff != d){ r[r.length] = c2[i]; } } return r; } //快速通过Id找到elements function quickId(ns, mode, root, id){ if(ns == root){ var d = root.ownerDocument || root; return d.getElementById(id); } //从ns找到所有符合mode关系的元素 ns = getNodes(ns, mode, "*"); return byId(ns, null, id); } return { //获得el的style中为name的属性值 getStyle : function(el, name){ return Ext.fly(el).getStyle(name); }, /** * Compiles a selector/xpath query into a reusable function. The returned function * takes one parameter "root" (optional), which is the context node from where the query should start. * @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query * @param {String} type (optional) Either "select" (the default) or "simple" for a simple selector match * @return {Function} */ /** * div.foo:nth-child(odd)[@foo=bar]#aId{display=none} > a * * fn's content: * var f = function(root){ * var mode; ++batch; * var n = root || document; * n = getNodes(n, mode, "div"); * n = byClassName(n, null, "foo"); * n = byPseudo(n, "nth-child", "odd"); * n = byAttribute(n, "foo", "bar", "=", "["); * n = quickId(n, mode, root, "aId"); * n = byAttribute(n, "display", "none", "=", "{"); * mode=">"; * n = getNodes(n, mode, "a"); * return nodup(n); * } */ compile : function(path, type){ //默认是select type = type || "select"; var fn = ["var f = function(root){\n var mode; ++batch; var n = root || document;\n"]; var q = path, mode, lq; var tk = Ext.DomQuery.matchers; var tklen = tk.length; var mm; // accept leading mode switch //var modeRe = /^(\s?[\/>+~]\s?|\s|$)/; element selector var lmode = q.match(modeRe); if(lmode && lmode[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+lmode[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(lmode[1], ""); } // strip leading slashes while(path.substr(0, 1)=="/"){ path = path.substr(1); } //q存在,且q发生变化 while(q && lq != q){ lq = q; // /^(#)?([\w-\*]+)/; var tm = q.match(tagTokenRe); if(type == "select"){ if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ fn[fn.length] = 'n = quickId(n, mode, root, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); } else if(q.substr(0, 1) != '@'){ //会处理到分隔开来的特殊字符开头的,如. :一些不是字符或数字的。 .xxx,或其它的。 fn[fn.length] = 'n = getNodes(n, mode, "*");'; } }else{//simple if(tm){ if(tm[1] == "#"){ //n = byId(n, null, "userNameId"); fn[fn.length] = 'n = byId(n, null, "'+tm[2]+'");'; }else{ //n = byTag(n, "p"); fn[fn.length] = 'n = byTag(n, "'+tm[2]+'");'; } q = q.replace(tm[0], ""); } } //不是结束,也不是空格,也不是mode的符号 与主标识连在一起的。如div.foo,div:first-child while(!(mm = q.match(modeRe))){ var matched = false; /** * 这里就是实现用regexp找到符合的子项去填充生成调用的函数的参数。如下例: * 原正则表达式: re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/ * 其对应的select为:'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' * 它的 四个子项 {"([\[\{])" "([\w-]+)" "(=|.=)" "(.*?)"} * 可以把 E[foo$=bar] 分成 {"[" "foo" "$=" "bar"} 四部分 * var m = q.match(t.re)可以得出 m=['[','foo','$','bar']; * 接下来t.select.replace可以把'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' * 分成四次调用function(x, i){},其参数为{ x: 1:{2},2:{4},3:{3},4:{1} i: 1:2,2:4,3:3,4:1 } * 得出的结果:n = byAttribute(n, "foo", "bar", "$=", "["); */ for(var j = 0; j < tklen; j++){ var t = tk[j]; var m = q.match(t.re); if(m){ fn[fn.length] = t.select.replace(tplRe, function(x, i){ return m[i]; }); q = q.replace(m[0], ""); matched = true; break; } } // prevent infinite loop on bad selector if(!matched){ throw 'Error parsing selector, parsing failed at "' + q + '"'; } } //如果mode能找到值 加上:mode="~"同时remove q中找到的字符串。 if(mm[1]){ fn[fn.length] = 'mode="'+mm[1].replace(trimRe, "")+'";'; q = q.replace(mm[1], ""); } } fn[fn.length] = "return nodup(n);\n}"; eval(fn.join("")); return f; }, /** * Selects a group of elements. * @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query (can be a comma separated list of selectors) * @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document). * @return {Array} */ select : function(path, root, type){ //默认把document当做root if(!root || root == document){ root = document; } //支持root采用string id的形式 if(typeof root == "string"){ root = document.getElementById(root); } //支持多个path var paths = path.split(","); var results = []; for(var i = 0, len = paths.length; i < len; i++){ //去string前后的空格 var p = paths[i].replace(trimRe, ""); //cache 已经编译的select if(!cache[p]){ //编译 cache[p] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(p); if(!cache[p]){ throw p + " is not a valid selector"; } } //运行编译的函数 var result = cache[p](root); if(result && result != document){ results = results.concat(result); } } //去掉重复的元素 if(paths.length > 1){ return nodup(results); } return results; }, /** * Selects a single element. * @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query * @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document). * @return {Element} */ //返回查询结果中的第一个。 selectNode : function(path, root){ return Ext.DomQuery.select(path, root)[0]; }, /** * Selects the value of a node, optionally replacing null with the defaultValue. * @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query * @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document). * @param {String} defaultValue */ selectValue : function(path, root, defaultValue){ //trim(path) path = path.replace(trimRe, ""); //编译path if(!valueCache[path]){ valueCache[path] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(path, "select"); } //运行编译的函数 var n = valueCache[path](root); n = n[0] ? n[0] : n; //返回节点第一个孩子的节点值。 var v = (n && n.firstChild ? n.firstChild.nodeValue : null); return ((v === null||v === undefined||v==='') ? defaultValue : v); }, /** * Selects the value of a node, parsing integers and floats. * @param {String} selector The selector/xpath query * @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document). * @param {Number} defaultValue * @return {Number} */ selectNumber : function(path, root, defaultValue){ var v = Ext.DomQuery.selectValue(path, root, defaultValue || 0); return parseFloat(v); }, /** * Returns true if the passed element(s) match the passed simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) * @param {String/HTMLElement/Array} el An element id, element or array of elements * @param {String} selector The simple selector to test * @return {Boolean} */ is : function(el, ss){ if(typeof el == "string"){ el = document.getElementById(el); } //支持el参数为非数组的元素 var isArray = Ext.isArray(el); var result = Ext.DomQuery.filter(isArray ? el : [el], ss); return isArray ? (result.length == el.length) : (result.length > 0); }, /** * Filters an array of elements to only include matches of a simple selector (e.g. div.some-class or span:first-child) * @param {Array} el An array of elements to filter * @param {String} selector The simple selector to test * @param {Boolean} nonMatches If true, it returns the elements that DON'T match * the selector instead of the ones that match * @return {Array} */ //找到els中与ss找到els中相配或不相配的元素集合 filter : function(els, ss, nonMatches){ ss = ss.replace(trimRe, ""); if(!simpleCache[ss]){ simpleCache[ss] = Ext.DomQuery.compile(ss, "simple"); } var result = simpleCache[ss](els); return nonMatches ? quickDiff(result, els) : result; }, /** * Collection of matching regular expressions and code snippets. */ matchers : [{ re: /^\.([\w-]+)/, //div.foo select: 'n = byClassName(n, null, " {1} ");' }, { re: /^\:([\w-]+)(?:\(((?:[^\s>\/]*|.*?))\))?/, select: 'n = byPseudo(n, "{1}", "{2}");' },{ //支持CSS,属性两种形式的selector re: /^(?:([\[\{])(?:@)?([\w-]+)\s?(?:(=|.=)\s?['"]?(.*?)["']?)?[\]\}])/, select: 'n = byAttribute(n, "{2}", "{4}", "{3}", "{1}");' }, { re: /^#([\w-]+)/,//#aid select: 'n = byId(n, null, "{1}");' },{ re: /^@([\w-]+)/,//div@xxx select: 'return {firstChild:{nodeValue:attrValue(n, "{1}")}};' } ], /** * Collection of operator comparison functions. The default operators are =, !=, ^=, $=, *=, %=, |= and ~=. * New operators can be added as long as the match the format <i>c</i>= where <i>c</i> is any character other than space, > <. */ operators : { "=" : function(a, v){ return a == v; }, "!=" : function(a, v){ return a != v; }, "^=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(0, v.length) == v; }, "$=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.substr(a.length-v.length) == v; }, "*=" : function(a, v){ return a && a.indexOf(v) !== -1; }, "%=" : function(a, v){ return (a % v) == 0; }, "|=" : function(a, v){ return a && (a == v || a.substr(0, v.length+1) == v+'-'); }, "~=" : function(a, v){ return a && (' '+a+' ').indexOf(' '+v+' ') != -1; } }, /** * Collection of "pseudo class" processors. Each processor is passed the current nodeset (array) * and the argument (if any) supplied in the selector. */ pseudos : { "first-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.previousSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "last-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1, n; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = n = c[i]; i++){ while((n = n.nextSibling) && n.nodeType != 1); if(!n){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nth-child" : function(c, a) { var r = [], ri = -1; var m = nthRe.exec(a == "even" && "2n" || a == "odd" && "2n+1" || !nthRe2.test(a) && "n+" + a || a); var f = (m[1] || 1) - 0, l = m[2] - 0; for(var i = 0, n; n = c[i]; i++){ var pn = n.parentNode; if (batch != pn._batch) { var j = 0; for(var cn = pn.firstChild; cn; cn = cn.nextSibling){ if(cn.nodeType == 1){ cn.nodeIndex = ++j; } } pn._batch = batch; } if (f == 1) { if (l == 0 || n.nodeIndex == l){ r[++ri] = n; } } else if ((n.nodeIndex + l) % f == 0){ r[++ri] = n; } } return r; }, "only-child" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1;; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(!prev(ci) && !next(ci)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "empty" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var cns = ci.childNodes, j = 0, cn, empty = true; while(cn = cns[j]){ ++j; if(cn.nodeType == 1 || cn.nodeType == 3){ empty = false; break; } } if(empty){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "contains" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if((ci.textContent||ci.innerText||'').indexOf(v) != -1){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "nodeValue" : function(c, v){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.firstChild && ci.firstChild.nodeValue == v){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "checked" : function(c){ var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(ci.checked == true){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "not" : function(c, ss){ return Ext.DomQuery.filter(c, ss, true); }, "any" : function(c, selectors){ var ss = selectors.split('|'); var r = [], ri = -1, s; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ for(var j = 0; s = ss[j]; j++){ if(Ext.DomQuery.is(ci, s)){ r[++ri] = ci; break; } } } return r; }, "odd" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "odd"); }, "even" : function(c){ return this["nth-child"](c, "even"); }, "nth" : function(c, a){ return c[a-1] || []; }, "first" : function(c){ return c[0] || []; }, "last" : function(c){ return c[c.length-1] || []; }, "has" : function(c, ss){ var s = Ext.DomQuery.select; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ if(s(ss, ci).length > 0){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "next" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = next(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; }, "prev" : function(c, ss){ var is = Ext.DomQuery.is; var r = [], ri = -1; for(var i = 0, ci; ci = c[i]; i++){ var n = prev(ci); if(n && is(n, ss)){ r[++ri] = ci; } } return r; } } }; }(); /** * Selects an array of DOM nodes by CSS/XPath selector. Shorthand of {@link Ext.DomQuery#select} * @param {String} path The selector/xpath query * @param {Node} root (optional) The start of the query (defaults to document). * @return {Array} * @member Ext * @method query */ Ext.query = Ext.DomQuery.select;
2 楼
呃,,,不过我有2个问题,一个是var key = 30803; 另一个是eval("var batch = 30803;");
为什么key一定是从30803开始?而batch 这个东东在后面也没用上啊?求大师解答。
为什么key一定是从30803开始?而batch 这个东东在后面也没用上啊?求大师解答。
1 楼
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通过这种方式,ExtJS确保了像`Ext.DomHelper`和`Ext.DomQuery`这样的工具类在整个应用中只被初始化一次,从而提高了性能并减少了内存消耗。 #### 四、单例模式的优点 - **唯一性**:确保在整个应用中只有一个实例...
**EXT源码概述** - **源代码结构**: ExtJS的源代码组织清晰,易于理解和扩展。 - **发布细节**: 在发布源码时,会包含必要的文档和示例代码,方便开发者快速上手。 #### 9. **EXT程序规划入门** - **准备工作**:...
#### EXT源码概述 深入了解ExtJS的源码可以帮助开发者更好地掌握其工作原理。ExtJS的源码组织结构清晰,分为多个模块,如`core`(核心)、`adapter`(适配器)等。通过研究源码,可以学习到如何扩展和自定义组件。 ...
- **源码结构**:EXT的源码组织清晰,分为多个模块,便于理解和维护。 - **核心部分**:包括核心库(Core)、适配器(Adapters)等。其中,核心库包含了Element等基础组件,而适配器则用于支持不同类型的服务器端脚本。 ...
- **源码结构**:Ext 框架的源码分为多个模块,每个模块负责特定的功能,例如 Core 模块包含了基础的 JavaScript 功能。 - **作用域管理**:JavaScript 中的作用域决定了变量的可见性。在 Ext 中,正确管理作用域...
- **源码结构**:详细介绍了 Ext 的源码组织结构,帮助开发者理解其内部架构。 - **源码阅读技巧**:提供了如何阅读源码的建议,帮助开发者更好地理解和使用框架。 - **源码调试**:介绍了如何进行源码级别的调试,...
- **发布Ext源码时的一些细节**: 讨论了发布EXT源码时需要注意的事项。 - **我应该从哪里开始?**: 给出了新手入门的建议。 - **适配器Adapters**: 介绍了适配器模式在EXT中的应用。 - **核心Core**: 探讨了EXT的...
EXT源码概述 ......................................................................................................... 13 揭示源代码 .......................................................................
Ext源码概述 Ext与RESTful Web Services 程序设计: 如何合理地规划一个应用程序 如何本地化ext的教程 xtype的含义 扩展Ext中的组件 扩展与插件之间的区别 扩展Ext的新手教程 Ext的类继承 从源码生成Ext 基础用法...
- **源代码结构**: 介绍了EXT源码的基本结构,包括核心模块、适配器等。 - **核心模块**: - **适配器(Adapters)**: 提供不同平台的支持。 - **核心(Core)**: 包含基本的DOM操作和事件处理等功能。 - **作用域...
手册覆盖了Ext的核心概念、组件使用、源码分析、布局设计、数据处理等方面,为开发者提供了丰富的实践案例和理论指导。 #### EXT简介 Ext是一个强大的JavaScript库,用于构建交互式的Web应用程序。它简化了DOM操作...
源码概述章节通常会介绍EXT的架构设计、关键模块的功能及其实现方式,以及在发布源码时需要注意的细节,如依赖管理、代码结构和最佳实践等。 #### 6. EXT程序规划入门 规划一个EXT程序需要考虑多个方面,包括项目...
- **DomQuery基础**:DomQuery是EXT中用于选择DOM元素的一个强大工具。了解其基础用法可以帮助更高效地操作页面元素。 - **扩展EXT组件**:介绍如何根据实际需求定制和扩展EXT自带的组件。 - **EXT的布局(Layout...
- **源码分析**:深入分析EXT的源码结构,帮助开发者理解其内部机制。 - **细节讲解**:特别关注了在发布EXT源码过程中需要注意的细节问题,如兼容性考虑、性能优化等。 #### 10. EXT程序规划入门 - **准备工作**:...
发布Ext源码时的一些细节 12 我应该从哪里开始? 13 适配器Adapters 13 核心Core 13 Javascript中的作用域(scope) 13 事前准备 13 定义 13 正式开始 14 window对象 14 理解作用域 15 变量的可见度 15 EXT程序规划...
发布Ext源码时的一些细节 12 我应该从哪里开始? 13 适配器Adapters 13 核心Core 13 Javascript中的作用域(scope) 13 事前准备 13 定义 13 正式开始 14 window对象 14 理解作用域 15 变量的可见度 15 EXT程序规划...
- **知识点**: 对Ext源码结构进行了全面分析。 - **内容摘要**: 帮助开发者理解Ext框架内部架构、组件实现机制以及如何进行二次开发或调试。 #### 11B Manual: Ext与RESTful Web Services - **知识点**: 探讨了Ext...
- **发布Ext源码时的一些细节**:EXT 在发布时会对源码进行压缩和优化,以减少文件大小,提高加载速度。 - **我应该从哪里开始**:初学者可以从研究核心组件和常用 API 开始,逐步深入理解框架的设计理念。 #### 八...