Default Character encoding in Javaor charset is the character encoding used by JVM to convert bytes into Strings or characters when youdon't define java system property "file.encoding". Java gets character encoding by calling System.getProperty("file.encoding","UTF-8") at the time of JVM start-up. So if Java doesn't get any file.encoding attribute it uses "UTF-8" character encoding for all practical purpose e.g. on String.getBytes() or Charset.defaultCharSet().
Most important pointto remember is that Java caches character encoding or value of system property "file.encoding" in most of its core classes like InputStreamReader which needs character encoding after JVM started. so if you change system property "file.encoding" programatically you don't see desired effect and that's why you should always work with your own character encoding provided to your application and if its need to be set than set character encoding or charset while you start JVM.In this Java tutorial we will see couple of different way by which we can set default character encoding or charset of Java and how toretrieve value of charset inside java program.
Default Character encoding or Charset in Java
This article is in continuation of my post on Java String like Why String is immutable in Java or How SubString method works in java. If you haven’t read those you may find interesting.
What is character encoding in Java

How to get Default character encoding in Java ?
There are multiple ways to get default character encoding in Java like by using system property “file.encoding” or by using java.nio.CharSet class. You can choose whatever suits your need. Let’s see them in detail.
1) "file.encoding" system property
Easiest way to get default character encoding in Java is to call System.getProperty("file.encoding"), which will returndefault character encoding if JVM started with -Dfile.encoding property or program has not called System.setProperty("file.encoding, encoding). in later case it may just give value of that system property while various
2) java.nio.Charset
java.nio.Charset provides a convenient static method Charset.defaultCharset() which returns default character encoding in Java. Check example of getting default char encoding in java using Charset in code section.
3) by using Code InputStreamReader.getEncoding()
This is kind of shortcut where you use default constructor of InputStreamReader and than later gets which character encoding ithas used by calling reader.getEncoding() . See the code example of how to get default character encoding using InputStreamReader.getEncoding() method in code section.
How to set Default character encoding in Java ?
Just like different ways of getting default character encoding or charset in Java there are many ways to set default charset in Java. Here are some of the way:
1. Using System property "file.encoding"
by providing file.encoding system property when JVM starts e.g. java -Dfile.encoding="UTF-8" HelloWorld.
2. Using Environment variable "JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS"
If by anyway you don't have control how JVM starts up may be JVM is starting through some scripts which doesn't provide anyway to accept system properties. you can set environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS to -Dfile.encoding="UTF-16" or any othercharacter encoding and it will picked up any JVM starts in your windows machine. JVM will also print "Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF16" on console to indicate that it has picked JAVA_TOOS_OPTIONS. here is example of setting default characterencoding using JAVA_TOOLS_OPTIONS
test@system:~/java java HelloWorld
þÿExecuting HelloWorld
Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS: -Dfile.encoding=UTF16
Code Example to Get and Set Default Character Encoding Java
Here is code example of getting and setting default character encoding in Java:
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
publicclass CharacterEncodingExample {
publicstaticvoid main(String args[]) throws FileNotFoundException, UnsupportedEncodingException, IOException {
String defaultCharacterEncoding = System.getProperty("file.encoding");
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by property: " + defaultCharacterEncoding);
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by code: " + getDefaultCharEncoding());
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by charSet: " + Charset.defaultCharset());
System.setProperty("file.encoding", "UTF-16");
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by property after updating file.encoding : " + System.getProperty("file.encoding"));
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by code after updating file.encoding : " + getDefaultCharEncoding());
System.out.println("defaultCharacterEncoding by java.nio.Charset after updating file.encoding : " + Charset.defaultCharset());
publicstatic String getDefaultCharEncoding(){
byte [] bArray = {'w'};
InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bArray);
InputStreamReader reader = new InputStreamReader(is);
String defaultCharacterEncoding = reader.getEncoding();
return defaultCharacterEncoding;
defaultCharacterEncoding by property: UTF-8
defaultCharacterEncoding by code: UTF8
defaultCharacterEncoding by charSet: UTF-8
defaultCharacterEncoding by property after updating file.encoding : UTF-16
defaultCharacterEncoding by code after updating file.encoding : UTF8
defaultCharacterEncoding by java.nio.Charset after updating file.encoding : UTF-8
Important points to note:
1) JVM caches value of default character encoding once JVM starts and so is the case for default constructors of InputStreamReader and other core Java classes. So calling System.setProperty("file.encoding" , "UTF-16") may not have desire effect.
2) Always work with your own character encoding if you can, that is more accurate and precise way of converting bytes to Strings.
That’s all on how to get default character encoding in Java and how to set it. This becomes more important when you are
writing international application which supports multiple languages. I indeed come across character encoding issues while
writing reports in kanji (Japanese) language which I plan to share in another post, but good knowledge of Character
encoding like UTF-8, UTF-16 or ISO-8859-5 and how Java supports Character Encoding in
String will certainly help.
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