The managed ABAP systems should be updated in the SLD. This can be done via rz70 transaction. The rz70 transaction automatically creates the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC RFC destinations.
You get during the test of the SLD_UC RFC connection in sm59 "ERROR: Error (Msg DGW 748 not found".
This indicates, that the registartion of the TP program is not allowed on the gateway, where the SLD is registered.
1. Check, that you mainained a correct hostname for SLD gateway in rz70.
Go to the SLD ->Administartion->Details->Data Suppliers tab
In some cases you can see as well, that the RFC server threads are in [DOWN] state. In that case for the RFC server threads are not allowed to register on the gateway. This may happen, when the SLD gateway runs on a different host from the SLD host.
2. Go to the managed system, and check the rz70 settings. Here the hostname must be equal with the hostname of the gateway hostname (or IP name)
3. Go to the SLD gateway file.
Check the reginfo file:
go to transaction ==>smgw
===> Goto
===>Expert Functions
===> External Security
Here can you find the reg_info file.
The content of the reg_info file must be corrected or enhanced with the host of the managed system hostname.
Here is important, if you add a new managed system's host name (or IP name) to reg_info, you should add this new rule on the top of the reg_ino file. The reg_info file is evaluated top-down, and the most specific rules should be always on the topmost place.
When you modify the reg_info file, you must reread this, in order it contains the new changes.
smgw->Goto->Expert function-> External security->reread
6. Sometimes it is useful, that you deregister the existing registered SLD_UC and SLD_NUC TP progams.
SMGW > Goto > Logged on Clients > Delete Client
7. Test again SLD_UC connection from managed system
ArcMap2SLD Code 1.4.0是这个工具的一个版本,可以从官方或第三方网站下载。这个压缩包文件包含该工具的源代码,对于开发者来说,这意味着他们可以查看、修改和扩展工具的功能。在下载并解压文件后,开发人员可以...
ArcMap将配置的地图样式导出成sld文件的插件,解压后运行Adjust_for_ArcGIS-version.bat (机器中得先安装了arcgis),添加中文支持 打开LUT_sld_mapping_file.xml文件(上传文件中已经修改) 修改文件——>——><...
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本篇教程主要聚焦于使用Geoserver进行地图发布的样式配置,特别是通过Styled Layer Descriptor (SLD) 来控制地理空间数据的展示样式。 Styled Layer Descriptor(SLD)是OGC(Open Geospatial Consortium)定义的一...
sld_中文教程 SLD是风格化图层描述器(Styled Layer Descriptor)的简称,是2005年OGC提出的一个标准,这个标准在一定条件下允许WMS服务器对地图可视化的表现形式进行扩展。在没有SLD之前,只能使用一些已经在服务器...
工具是从开源网站直接下载的,里面包括源码和一个...工具说明参看我的博客:ArcMap2Sld:一个将MXD中图层配图样式转换为OGC的SLD文件的开源工具 原始代码下载地址:
【标题】"OPENice_SLD_v2.6"是一个针对三星单片机的编译工具包,主要用于开发和调试基于OPENice平台的应用程序。这个版本是2.6版,可能包含了一系列的性能优化和功能增强。 【描述】"三星单片机编译OPENice_SLD_v...
内容概要:本文详细描述了在SAP系统的连接测试(Transaction SM59)过程中出现的RFC错误'program SLD_UC not registered'的具体症状、环境、重现步骤、原因以及解决办法。文章指出错误主要由于配置问题导致SLD和...
sld的中文教程,SLD是风格化图层描述器(Styled Layer Descriptor)的简称,是2005年OGC提出的一个标准,这个标准在一定条件下允许WMS服务器对地图可视化的表现形式进行扩展。在没有SLD之前,只能使用一些已经在...
通过学习这份英文版的SLD详细教程,读者将能够深入理解如何利用SLD提升地图发布的质量和用户体验,同时增强对地理空间数据的控制力,实现更加精细化的Web GIS服务。对于GIS开发者、地理信息专业人员以及需要自定义...
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一个小工具,用于ArcMap,将本机arcmap中配置的地图样式导出成sld文件,用于其他gis工平台使用。操作步骤:1、解压后运行Adjust_for_ArcGIS-version.bat (机器中得先安装了arcgis),添加中文支持2、打开LUT_sld_...
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在提供的压缩包中,有三个示例SLD文件:`polygon.sld`, `point.sld`, `line.sld`,分别代表对多边形、点和线的样式配置。这些文件可以作为模板,根据实际需求进行修改和应用。 6. 动态SLD 除了静态SLD,GeoServer还...
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